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In the Deep Places  by Lamiel 9 Review(s)
Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/23/2006
Lamiel, thank you for this beautiful story. Words fail me, but I will try: your perception in the description of the frienship of Legolas and Gimli is exactly as I would have imagined it, and, I am sure, that Tolkien slept peacefully in his grave throughout the course of your work. The mutual pain and understanding of both races of the other is very poignant. However, discarding the wonderful canon (that you used so amazingly) this story serves as a touching reminder of the value of friendship, which the Fellowship also represents. I apologize for not leaving a review at the end of each individual chapter, but I could not stop reading. : ) I hope that you continue writing. Once again, thank you.

docmonReviewed Chapter: 17 on 4/3/2005
TERRIFIC story! You mixed suspense and drama with a sure hand, and then such genuine humor would pop up so unexpectedly (Legolas's comment about the healing hands of the King lol! And Aragorn throwing the waterskin while blindfolded and hitting Pippin instead!) I would laugh out loud. I liked the alternating povs of Gimli and Legolas, since I was sure to get the view from the other side of what one character had done or said. The development and evolution in their thinking was fascinating to see.
I fully enjoyed the Moria section of the story - the suspense was knife-sharp and I could barely put the story down - but then I got to Lorien! Your descriptions of Lothlorien were a pleasure to read. And the gesture of Legolas guiding Gimli with his singing was wonderful on many levels: the step toward friendship, even if Legolas didn't see it that way, that it offered Gimli; and it even brought Gimli a further step toward that friendship as well; the ethereal image of Legolas serenely walking through the magical wood singing wordless notes as everyone walked blindfolded behind him was lovely.
The reactions of Aragorn to the Ring were interesting, and I loved the contrast of the intense anger and suspicion in the conversation he and Legolas had on the grass in Lothlorien with the beauty around them: it was a beautiful sunny day, they were lounging in the grass, free for the first time in months from needing to be on constant watch, and they were surrounded by the beauty of the timeless, ageless mallyrn. And the Ring had them. Of course, Legolas was convinced that the Ring did not sway him, although he may have "served Its purpose." But in that seen I became convinced that the Ring was reaching him as well.
You even mixed movieverse and bookverse adeptly as well. I imagine that was a bit harder to do.
Well written, well done!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, docmon! I had a lot of fun writing this story, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed it as well. Well written and thoughtful feedback like yours is everything an author could wish for.

AzulReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/8/2005
I really enjoyed this story, I waited till it was finished before reading & I'm glad I did. I wanted to get to the end but now I'm there I wish I hadn't. I thought you portrayed the differences & prejudices betweens elves and dwarves really well. Tolkien always left me wandering how things had changed between Legolas & Gimli, now I know.

Author Reply: Thank you Azul. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/2/2005
And so it stops. I don't say "ends", because we know there is much more ahead of these two. But you did warn me you weren't taking this beyond Lorien.
I can't say how much I have enjoyed this sojourn inside the heads of two of the Fellowship. A Tolkien fan on a newsgroup told me he did not read most fanfic because it got too much into the minds of the characters. Something JRRT rarely did. I responded that is exactly why I *do* like it. Anything that explores the thoughts and hearts of the characters is exploring new territory. You have been remarkably successful in this fic. I feel almost as though you have written the definitive Legolas-Gimli friendship.

I have suggested it before, and I hope you will consider it--I would love to see your insight applied to the Three Hunters as they pursued the captors of Merry and Pippin.

Author Reply: I feel exactly the same way: I love fanfic because it offers us the opportunity to explore the "hidden" thoughts and motivations of the characters. It is my hope that this gap-filler meshes with what Tolkien might have written about two beloved but sadly neglected (in canon) characters, if only he had had the time. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement, Dreamflower. I looked forward to your reviews, and your feedback means a lot to me.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/26/2005
I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for, Legolas trying to understand Dwarven history or Gimli trying to teach him. *Grin* As a former teacher, I think I'll side with Gimli on this one. Legolas is being a terrible brat! Well done with that. And I loved how you showed them standing up together to the snobby elves and Legolas finding the little cave for Gimli's comfort. This story is simply the best portrayal of Legolas and Gimli's develiping friendship that I have ever read. I loved it and I am sorry to see it end. Great job.

Author Reply: Legolas makes a good brat when he wants to, doesn't he? Thank you so much for all of your reviews and encouragement, elliska. They really mean a lot to me.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/26/2005
I'm a bit sad to see this story end. Two moments struck home for me on this chapter. When Gimli mentioned that men come and go much more often than the elves, the way Legolas paused and his mood abruptly changed. That was a wonderfully subtle way to convey what seemed to be a sudden, uncomfortable revelation--- the first time he really thought of it, perhaps? It was a strong but brief foreshadowing there of future grief. The other was when they were in the "cave" and Legolas was looking up at the light filtering through the leaves. He was willing to endure the relative darkness for Gimli's sake, but still he was looking toward the light. It seemed to fit. It was also interesting that when they teased each other they weren't completely at ease; each scored hits on the other. But their remarkable friendship was on it's way. This was a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it! TF

Author Reply: Yes, as the story summary says, they set the "foundations" for friendship. They still have some bonding to do, but they're on their way now. And I'm delighted that you picked up on that little hesitation of Legolas', TF. Bonding with Gimli means one more tie to a mortal who will eventually die, and Legolas has to accept that grief as a consequence to the friendship. It was a small thing, but I wanted to have some acknowledgement of what he's facing in choosing to befriend Gimli.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/26/2005
How disconcerting, to realise that your friend knew your eight-generations-ago ancestor. One of those things about having elven friends that you probably just have to accept and then ignore.

I love the relationship these two have developed - and seeing Legolas put on his royalty to snub a couple of snotty elves.

And - as Legolas appears and makes Gimli spill his soup - they are behaving in much the same kind of kiddie way as they did before, only now it is in affection. (Males - whatever the species!!)

Great story.

Author Reply: I don't think those two could ever just be "normal" friends. The rivalry is still there, but as you say, now it is in affection. Thank for sticking with me, Bodkin!

LOTR loverReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/25/2005
Terrific story! What a fine examination of how Gimli and Legolas went from bristling adversaries to bantering friends. Everything works. Well done.

Author Reply: It was a great change in their characters, and to my mind one of the most intriguing of Tolkien's "behind the scenes" tales. I'm so glad that you found this exploration believable.

FaithReviewed Chapter: 17 on 2/25/2005
aww soo sweet..those two rock!:D hehehe yes they do preciousssssssssss...yes they do.........yes preciousssssssssssss..:D

Faith, the slightly obssessed fangirl

Author Reply: Thank you Faith. I'm glad that you like it.

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