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Along Came A Spider  by Jay of Lasgalen 10 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2005
Ah, yay! I was only thinking about this yesterday and hoping that your muse hadn’t wandered off and abandoned you. But here you are!

I really liked the opening scene between the two brothers. Only with each other could they really be so unafraid to say what they’re thinking. I really feel for Elrohir’s frustration, especially as a lot of it stems from knowing that he’s irritable but being unable to pull himself out of it. But it must be just as frustrating for Elladan to watch him wear himself out just because he doesn’t want to feel like an invalid. Oh well, Elrohir is just trapped in a vicious circle at the moment and needs something to pull him out of it – luckily there’s a race on the horizon!

Yeah, poor Thalion. It was actually good to see Elrohir feel a little guilty about it because it shows that, as Elladan says, frightening off young healers just isn’t like him. If it had been Calmacil it would probably have barely registered with him because I imagine he’s seen it all before but I’d hate to think Thalion might be reconsidering his calling in life!

“Of course I will. You are too impetuous; you do not think through your moves. Besides, I am simply better than you.” Uh-huh. He was asking for trouble with that statement. The only thing is, losing to Elladan was probably more effective than anything else in persuading Elrohir that he was weary enough to rest. *sigh* Stubborn, stubborn males.

I loved the banter between Elladan and Legolas and you created a wonderful sense of the excitement and amusement in the air. I just adore how you bring the horses to life too and give them very distinct characters!

LOL at the tree practically handing Legolas the cloth! The next time Elladan might consider racing against him in a big field…

I’m still smiling at Thranduil, Elrond and even Celebrían all taking part in the wagering and particularly at poor Legolas, who could be walking funny for a while!

“Forgive me, your majesty, for besmirching the honour of Lasgalen and the House of Oropher. The Noldor used a fiendish torture device known as a saddle to defeat me. I throw myself on your mercy.” LOL. Well said. Actually, what I like most about that is that it really shows how friendly the relations are between everyone present or there is no way he’d have said that.

And what joy to see Elrohir so relaxed and free of pain and exhaustion. You’ve brought him a long way in this story and I’m so happy to see him recovered, and to see Elladan able to release his worry. “Remember today, little brother. Today is a good day.” That’s familiar ;-) Very fitting, though.

What a wonderful story. I’m looking forward to the epilogue. Where’s Arwen again? Sorry, I’ve forgotten if I know where she is… She could probably do with some reassurance. I bet the twins will be glad to get home too and hopefully we get to see more interaction between them ;-) You write everything incredibly well but I think capturing the relationship between Elladan and Elrohir is your forte. I really enjoyed this :-)

Author Reply: I'm glad that you think that the relationship between the twins is a strength. It's what I like writing most of all. They know each other so well, they don't need to pretend - and they know prety much what the other's thinking, anyway.

Elrohir is still a little snappy and impatient (and distracted) but he is gttign beter quickly. The race was just what he needed to take his mind off things, and to get him out into the forest.

The 'Today is a good day,' quote was perfect. I just had to work it into this chapter somehow!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2005
“Say nothing,” he warned.

Elladan spread his hands defensively. “I was not going to!” he protested. “I was not going to query the wisdom of venturing to the stables. I was not going to mention that you were only allowed out of bed for the first time yesterday, or that the meal last night was the first time you had eaten in days. I was not going to say –”

How not to say anything!!!

Well - losing at chess. That's enough to convince Elrohir that he hasn't quite recovered yet.

I would have thought that if the horse's spine hasn't interfered with reproductive function, then a saddle wouldn't. On the other hand the calves would find those stirrup leathers pinch rather.

The trees might co-operate more with Legolas, but I would think that Elrohir's horse might be more willing to run for his twin than Elladan's for Legolas. But competitiveness comes into it, I suppose.

I'm amused that Elladan didn't think his naneth would bet on him!

Author Reply: Elladan knows very well how *not* to say things, doesn't he? But poor Elrohir, he still isn't right, and he knows it :(

I confess to knowing little about horses, especially the pros and cons of riding with or without a saddle. I just thought that riding with a saddle for the first time would be rather painful for a male, especially the pommel.

It's rather touching that the twins didn't think their naneth would gamble, isn't it??

FaithReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2005
Bravo! that was great! love love love it! wonderful fic....absolutly wonderful..i love it...this fic rocks! you rock! rock on sister! :D

Faith, the slightly obssessed Fangirl

FaithReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2005
LOVE IT LOVE IT!! bravo! this fic rocks!:)

Faith the Slightly Obssessed Fangirl

Author Reply: *grin* You like it? I'm glad.

DeepBlueSomethingReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/24/2005
That was SO FUNNY! I laughed so hard when Legolas complained about the possibility that he may be permanently damaged. His apology to his father was also just hilarious. Torture device known as a saddle (LOL).

I loved the way the trees were helping Legolas. That was a nice touch.

I think Elrohir was really shocked when Elladan beat him at chess. It just proved to him that he isn't completely recovered yet.

The fact that the whole kingdom was betting on the outcome of the race just made it even more fun. I'm glad there were no hard feelings afterwards. I had to laugh when Celebrian received the locket for her bet.

I wondered how you were going to decide who were won, but I'm glad Elladan won for Elrohir's benefit. It appears that Alagos is a one-elf horse. He is a really cute character.

Anyway, I will be sad to see this story coming to an end. I have really enjoyed it. Maybe other drabbles will need to be expanded in the future. This was a great story and may the plot bunnies continue to bite.

Author Reply: I imagine that for males, especially if they're not used to a saddle, it could be very uncomfortable indeed! The trees took pity on him, so helped a little. It's not the first time they've sided with Legolas against the twins. Someone had to win the race - a draw would have been too easy a way out - and for me, it had to be Elladan. The race wasn't quite as straightforward as he expected, though.

The betting was fun to write about - and of course Celebrían would bet on her beloved son winning - how could she not? I think Elrohir made a good profit as well (and he deserved it after losing at chess!)

I still have two more unfinished stories which I will get back to next, and there will be more, never fear.

Thanks for the review.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2005
Very cute. It looks like a fun time was had by all except possibly the horses, who both seemed mildly irked.

Author Reply: The horses didn't mind, apart from the fact that they had the 'wrong' riders. Alagos and Gilmith are both competitive as well, so they enjoyed the race - especially Alagos, who won!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2005
I have enjoyed this story and I was sorry to see this was the end--glad there's an epilogue. :) I enjoyed the race and all the banter surrounding it. I couldn't decide who I wanted to win so I'm glad you had to do that. I thought all the betting was quite funny. Good job!

Author Reply: I could have had the result a draw, but thought that would be a cop-out. Elladan deserved to win, especially after all the worry over Elrohir,and the way Legolas humiliated him in their previous race.

There will be an epilogue, and of course more stories to come. Thanks!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2005
"I hope my father never has any desire for grand-elflings – I fear I may be permanently damaged!"

Oh, dear! I hope this is not the reason why Legolas is still single at the time of the War of the Ring! The fangirls would never forgive you.

Author Reply: I don't think the damage was too permanent - I think that in Valinor, Legolas found a nice elf-girl and married her, and did indeed have elflings ;)

Please don't set the fangirls on me!!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2005
Oh, Elrohir has irritability down pat in the begining; recovery is so hard, when you want to do things and find you cannot. You showed it well. My favortie part of the race, though, was knowing that Celebrian bet too!

Author Reply: Poor Elrohir is still very touchy, isn't he? That's why the race was so important - it cheered him up, and chased away the last shadows, even if he does still get tired quickly.

I knew the moment that Elrond said 'your mother wouldn't approve' that of course she'd bet as well!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2005
Well done, Jay! I wondered for a while which one of your well-loved characters you were going to let win. It must have been a hard decision! But I guess sick Elrohir needed his brother's and horse's victory. I laughed at Legolas's discomfort with the saddle and the trees helping him. And elven love of wagering. A good read.

Author Reply: Well, Legolas won when they were riding bareback, so it was Elladan's turn - and as you say, it was partly for Elrohir's benefit too. I wanted to make it fairly close, though.

I wonder if Tolkien's elves gambled? Probably not, but it was fun to write!

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