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Along Came A Spider  by Jay of Lasgalen 10 Review(s)
RhapsodyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/29/2004
I love Celebrían here. I just love her. She is so... well written, exactly how I imagined her.

May I quote?

“But nothing! What would you have done in that situation?” Celebrían stared at him searchingly, for a moment fully her mother’s daughter.
nder that gaze, Elladan answered with complete honesty and without hesitation – he could do nothing else.

At this moment she came very alive to me. I don't see that many stories that she features in, but here I just got the chills.

And yay! Elrohir awoke. Elladan felt a weight leaving his shoulders with this part:
“Tired?” Elladan repeated incredulously. “You have been asleep for the last few days, little brother – how can you be tired?” He could not control his smile, and grinned at Elrohir.

What I like particulary about this chapter is how the family deals with it, Elrohir (although not awake) included. Not to mushy, a very perfect balance and feel.

Author Reply: Because the only time Celebrían appears in LOTR is as a victim - so traumatised by the orc attack that she sails over the sea - it's easy to forget that she is Galadriel's daughter; and I think she'd have inherited much of her forcefulness.

You identified here the moment when Elladan began to heal as well - Elrohir has woken up, and Elladan can tease him a little. I'm glad you don't think this is mushy - it can be a difficult balance to strike.

DotReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Oh, excellent chapter. It’s fascinating to watch Elladan draw away from focusing solely on his twin to take in the fact that there are now others around who want to share him and to slowly relinquish his possessiveness and desperation.

I thought it was really moving the way Elrond and Celebrían seem to just want to touch Elrohir, almost as though they can’t quite believe it. It must have been hard for Elladan when he sees Elrond’s expression. Even though he told himself that his father probably wouldn’t have been able to do anything, having this confirmed can’t have been easy.

Your description of Elrohir was just heart-breaking, especially when contrasted with how brimming with vitality he was a few days earlier. What a shock it must have been for Elrond and Celebrían. I imagine Elladan doesn’t look a whole lot better. Even sadder is the image of the three of them weeping together and the pleas of the parents to their sons. How frightening for Elrond and Celebrían to know that if they lost Elrohir there was every likelihood that they would also lose Elladan.

Ah, the guilt factor. I get the impression that Elrond was giving Elladan a chance to voice the thoughts that would be a plague to him. I really like how firm his parents are with him. Speaking to him in that manner and making him look at what happened more objectively surely goes a longer way to reassuring him than just simply soothing words. Celebrían is very impressive here. This must be a nightmare for her but she still manages to handle Elladan in such a very practical manner. I enjoyed seeing a bit of Galadriel in her! At least the fact that she is Galadriel’s daughter gives her some understanding of how frustrating Elladan’s visions must be.

At last Calmacil can offer a bit of hope. Of course, they all know that there’s still a long way to go yet but at least that awful despair can be eased a little.

I was so glad that Elladan was finally persuaded to sleep – and then you had to go and give him nightmares! I feel so bad for him. What he’s lived through will probably haunt him for a long time yet.

And yay! Yay! Elrohir awoke! I’m SO relieved. Which makes a very nice change from being tense and anxious at the end of one of your chapters! I loved the closing image too of Elrohir asleep in his mother’s arms. It makes him seem so vulnerable in a way but also it’s wonderful to see them both at peace for the first time in days. I think this family really needed to be together during this time and I’m so happy that they are now and can share this burden. Their unquestioning love and support is just beautiful to witness. :-)

Author Reply: You're relieved? How do you think his family feel? I must admit I like people to feel tense and anxious at the end of a chapter, though!

I think elves would be very 'touchy-feely' in the privacy of their immediate family, and that Elrohir would feel their love through that contact. He needs it - he is vulnerable here.

Poor Elladan. At last he can let go a little and talk about his fears, and be made to realise that none of this is his fault. If even Galadriel cannot understand everything she sees, what hope has he got? And he knows as well that of course Elrohir would defend him to the death - just as he would.

I liked making Celebrían so like her mother for a moment!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Thank goodness. Both for the presence of Elrond and Celebrian to give Elladan some support and for Elrohir's awakening. I hope we are out of the woods but I will only trust that when I see it. :) Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Author Reply: I think Elladan, Celebrían and Elrond are also saying 'thank goodness' right now! There'll be one, perhaps two more chapters, and an epilogue.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Oh, I am glad! Now I don't have to wait so anxious for the next chapter, only curious.

I love this chapter - first of all because Elrohir is a little bit better, and then it was so nice how Elladan thought about his parents and their ability to make nearly everything better. It must be very relieving for him to know they are here, even if they actually are not able to do anything to help Elrohir. He ist not longer so alone with his doubts and fears. And I am glad Celebrían doesn't let him take the blame for what has happened. She is very right, he would have acted exactly the same way as Elrohir had.

And thank you for pointing out my mistake with besides/beneath to me! After your answer I did what I should have done before reviewing and looked in the dictionary. Then I had to laugh. You are right, it sounds slashy! Probably I shouldn't read so many slashfics! Now I will remember the difference :-)

Author Reply: Elladan needs someone he can admit his worries to, which is why he's relieved that his parents are there. Only someone like his mother could make him realise that of course Elrohir would protect him.

I'm glad you didn't mind me pointing out the mix up. Not that there's anything wrong with reading slash! :)

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Aww! The last few paragraphs, when Elrohir wakes up, are my favorite of this chapter. This is such a great fic; I've been lax on reviewing it until now, I think. I can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: Yes, he's awake at last! He will recover now, but it take a while. More soon.

DeepBlueSomethingReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Yeah, he's awake! That was a really sweet chapter. I especially liked the bit about Elrohir falling back to sleep leaning against his mother's shoulder. I'm glad they finally got Elladan to get some sleep. He was prpbably about ready to drop from exhaustion. Great chapter. Looking forward to the recovery in the next chapter.

Author Reply: Yes, Elrohir will recover - slowly - in the next chapter. I've written a lot about the bond between the twins, but the bond between mother and son is important too. Elladan will be able to get some more rest now he knows Elrohir has woken up.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Hi! School's been really busy, and I missed reviewing the last chapter, but I certainly haven't forgotten this story.

Funny how just having your parents there makes everything all right. Even if you're all grown up, there are times when you just need to have nana and ada around and let them deal with problems. Nanas in particular have very powerful making-it-better magic, and you can really see why the boys would be so devastated when Celebrian was kidnapped.

Elladan really needed to be taken care of, and it seems like his parents were the only people he would allow to take care of him. Because, to everyone in Mirkwood, he's a grownup, and he has to look responsible. But to Elrond and Celebrian, he's still their little kid, and he can hand the responsibility off to them and allow himself to be frightened.

If he's drawing strength from Elrohir, then it's all for the best that nana and ada got him to rest. I'm sure it was the weight of dealing with his own illness and Elladan's panic that kept Elrohir comatose for so long. Once Elladan relaxed, Elrohir could finally wake up.

And I've been meaning to ask you -- they mention that Legolas got bit and survived. Which story was that in? Perhaps I should go read it.

Author Reply: Although I've referred a couple of times to the fact that Legolas was bitten, I haven't written that story yet. One day ...

There's nothing like family at a time like this. Elladan knows that, and the bond with his parents is helping him. He's helping Elrohir, too, using his healing skills, which is partly why he's so exhausted. He's giving to Elrohir, not taking. The touching is just for comfort.

Thanks for reviewing, especially when you're busy!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Thank the Valar!

Elladan can relax a bit now, and so can your readers.

I must admit that I was very worried about Elrohir when you indicated that his response to the poison was different from what Legolas had experienced and what Calmacil expected. I thought that perhaps Elrohir might have had a different (and perhaps worse) reaction because he's Peredhil rather than full-blooded elf or that he might have had some sort of damage as a result of the near-death experience.

Of course, I realize that you may still have some complications in store for Elrohir. After all, you did that sort of thing to Legolas in another story, where he had some problems for awhile after almost drowning in Imladris.

I like the way you described Elladan's reaction to his parents' arrival in the first paragraph of this chapter. Of course he's old enough to realize that his parents aren't infallible. But there's still a comfort in their presence that nobody else would be able to provide. That rings true.

May I ask -- unless you're deliberately concealing it -- is Calmacil male or female? Somehow, I've never been able to figure it out, and not knowing makes it difficult for me to picture him/her in my mind.

Author Reply: Calmacil is male - it's no secret! ;) I'm sure I've referred to him as 'he' in this story. His assistant Tirana is female though.

Elrohir is still suffering from the effects of the spider venom, and will be for a while, but now he's awake he should be OK. When he's a bit more aware he'll be glad to see his parents as well - Legolas and Thranduil are doing all they can, but there's nothing like family at a time like this.

Elrohir's different reaction to the poison after his near-death experience will be explained later.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Yay, Elrohir opened his eyes and drank! Good - now just to hope there are no relapses!

What a good thing that Elrond and Celebrian arrived to support Elladan through this and convince him that it wasn't his fault. I loved seeing Celebrian being like her mother! She could do it if she wanted to - she just prefers to be milder! And Elladan was in serious need of some sleep.

At last a positive (if guarded) statement from Calmacil.

Foresight doesn't seem to be much of a gift, really.

Author Reply: I tend to see Celebrían just as Elrond's wife, and the twins' mother - but sometimes forget that she is Galadriel's daughter as well. I think she'd have her mother's strength. You're right, Elladan needed their support here.

A lot of the comments about foresight are based on what Galadriel says to Frodo and Sam in FOTR - it's not much help :(

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/24/2004
Well, thank goodness! Elladan is really suffering in this. His parents were very sensible and I'm sure he accepts their arguments with one part of his mind, but it's hard to quiet the other part that feels guilty. It's interesting to see that the physical suffering of Elrohir is not the only kind here.

Author Reply: He feels guilty that Elrohir was hurt defending him, but will get over that - as Celebrían said, what did he expect his brother to do?

Part of this is an exploration of Galadriel's words in FOTR: 'Some [things] never come to be, unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them'.

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