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A Gift From Oromë  by Still Anonymous 6 Review(s)
Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/3/2004
Hmm, now that I think about it, I'm not sure a bloodhound would have strong enough jaws to take on Carcharoth, and I'm pretty sure a bloodhound wouldn't have the necessary speed or flexibility. But sighthounds don't drool and are more aloof in character. Maybe Orome's hounds are a sort of super-Coonhound type, much bigger and with stronger jaws than your average Black and Tan Coonhound of today (or Blue Tick Coonhound). Coonhounds are more passionately high-energy than Bloodhounds, though Bloodhounds have great stamina. Neither Bloodhounds or Coonhounds are aggressive towards people.

Sighthounds have a legendary stubbornness that is actually single-minded focus on whatever they're tracking or smelling.

Another possibility would be something that looks like a drop-earred Great Dane (Great Danes only have prick ears because ear cropping is allowed and encouraged in the U.S.; it's illegal in Europe and the U.K.). Though Great Danes are no longer hounds, they may have originally been bred to hunt bears and wild boar. Today, Great Danes don't live too long; but I'm sure the Valar came up with healthy versions. Great Danes probably have a slight tendancy to slobber; they are Mastiff-descended and Mastiff breeds (i.e. Mastiffs, Bullmastiffs, Newfies, Rottweilers) often have the slobber problem because of their heads and jaws and heavy flews. Huan just might have been an individual who had a greater tendancy to slobber...Hmm; I'm envisioning Huan as a gorgeous blue or black Great Dane with floppy ears; he could also be fawn-colored or brindle.

Of course, I'm not sure how good Great Danes were at tracking. And I can't remember if Huan did any extraordinary tracking feats; if he did, go with a Coonhound type (a very large one)...The destructive capacity for a giant, rambunctious Coonhound or Great Dane pup would be huge..He is obviously a dominant little fellow, that's what the shoe-attacking (by now he's out of the teething phase) is all about. And a good-natured dog; he didn't bite stupid Carnastir, he just tried to lick him in the face...

Feel free to email me for further advice/talk on dogs/breeds/etc. Whatever breed your Huan resembles, he's an original (as you've written him) and delightful character...

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/2/2004

Some observations from a dogwise person - not all dogs slobber, at least not in the same amounts. Mastiffs, Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, Bloodhounds slobber a lot. Among my three spaniels, two drool when they see me eating hamburger, otherwise no drool or slobber.

It sounds like Huan is a giant scenthound type. Scenthounds (bloodhounds, coonhounds, bassets, etc., as opposed to the lean and elegant greyhound types who are Sighthounds) hunt by scent; they put their nose to the ground and go until they find what they've smelled. Bloodhounds are the best trackers. I would imagine that Huan is a very large Bloodhound type. Wolfhounds, i.e. Irish Wolfhounds and Borzoi (Russian Wolfhounds) are Sighthounds, and don't slobber...

RAKSHA, who adores Huan in this story and wants to see more of his adventures!

Author Reply: Ah! ::jumps up:: Your observations are quite welcome! At least I didn't get my types mixed up, even though I didn't know there *were* types to mix up, as in scenthounds versus sighthounds. ::shakes head:: I didn't know that about hounds. My knowledge tends to be more about dogs in general (which is a face-saving way of saying I know next to nothing). ;) I'm probably going to write more Huan, and I've been thinking of incorporating dogs into some of my other stories as well, so this information is very welcome. Thank you! :D

Still Anonymous, who is very pleased that Raksha adores her version of Puppy!Huan, and is probably going to write more of his adventures, in part because there seems to be a little more demand than she had expected for them. :D And yes, the plotbunny has bitten, by the way. Luthien and Huan have taken up residence in my head. :D

NoldoReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/2/2004
A nice tail - oops, I meant 'tale'. :D

Wonder what Huan saw in Beren. Perhaps Beren gave him all his dinner or something. That'd be just like him.

Anyway, I digress. What I was *going* to say was that enjoyed this story very much, and am now waiting for that next Asfaloth one you promised us. *looks hopeful*

Author Reply: Why, thank you! :D You know, I actually considered calling my other story "Flight to the Ford: Asfaloth's Tail," but decided to spare people my terrible puns, and settled for Plan B: a pun that no one realizes except for myself. :D

Hmmm, we'll have to see, won't we? ::drums fingers on table and assumes knowing expression:: You may as well be made aware that you just threw another plotbunny at me and I will probabl incorporate it, though that will just become a secondary plotline, I think. It will help with the Huan story I'm thinking of, and that might possibly appear someday. :) I have this picture of Beren trying to eat, and Huan sitting there making him feel guilty by looking at him mournfully (and drooling). ::snickers:: Though that is not really very in keeping with the noble and wise dog Huan grew up to be. I'll have to reread that part of "The Silmarillion" and see what I can stick between the lines. ;)

Yes, yes. :) I'm a terribly slow writer, I'm afraid. It's coming, never fear. :) In fact, they're *both* coming, eventually. "Lessons Learned the Hard Way," and "The Next-to-Last Journey of Arwen Undomiel." I'm going to work on "Journey" first, though who knows which one I'm going to *finish* first. One of the reasons I take so long, is that I insist the story is finished when I post it. And for a six chapter story, that takes a while. Oh, well. As soon as possible, I can say that. :)

Still Anonymous

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/1/2004
Oh, that was a very funny chapter. :)

Curufin's narrative was also played out well. It was quite amusing, especially with the little things as his habit of running his hand through his hair.

One almost feels sorry for Curufin. Celegorm will have a fine time with Huan... And since we know he survived puppy hood, we know Huan at least never caused anything *too* horrible.

Great story, Still Anonymous!


Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it. :)

And I'm glad Curufin's narrative worked well. I enjoyed that because I'd already gone to some work to characterize him in "Between Brothers," and though I messed up that story (I *still* can't believe I got their ages wrong), it was useful for this. I had given him that habit before, and merely decided to utilize more fully its comedic potential. ::evil grin:: But I'm pleased you thought all that worked, because to me, much of the character is in the little details like flattening his hair. Just like Huan's character is in the tongue hanging out of his mouth. ;)

I felt a little sorry for Curufin while writing it, but I was having too much fun to really feel sorry. :) Celegorm will indeed have a fine time with Huan. And as you can see, Caranthir absolutely adores him. ;D Maybe Huan never caused anything too horrible, but maybe it depends on how you define *too* horrible. ;) Raksha just threw another Huan plotbunny at me, and the more I think about it, the deeper it secures its hold. :D

Thank you very much, Kitt!

Still Anonymous

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/1/2004
This reminds me so much of when my own dog was a puppy - the slobber (we still get that), the paw prints everywhere (and those), and chewing everything within reach (fortunately, at nine, she's grown out of that.)

A great tail of puppy Huan - thank you!


Author Reply: Mae govannen, Jay.

I love dogs. I think they're adorable. :D Puppy-Huan was taken from my parents descriptions of dogs, and from my own experiences with other animals (I've never had a dog . . . yet), and I'm glad he seemed realistic to you. ::evil grin:: The slobber, the paw prints, the chewing . . . it all seemed properly dog-like to me, and wise dog or not, Huan was still a *dog.* :D Thank you for reviewing!

Still Anonymous

RAKSHA THE DEMONReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/30/2004
Oh boy. You should really have included a beverage warning. This is such a cute, funny story. I can just see this huge and lovable and loving puppy slobbering all over the fastidious elves. Probably has a huge tongue and the stupid elves don't bother to brush his teeth...

I wish you'd write the tale of Luthien, i.e. An Elf-girl and her Faithful Dog.

Wonderful story. What a great dog!

Author Reply: Hello again, Raksha!

Beverage warning? ::grins:: Truth to tell, I didn't even think of it, though I am somewhat flattered that you think it appropriate. :D

Yep! A big, wet tongue is a prerequisite of a hound and Huan is no exception. And I highly doubt the elves brush his teeth. :) My parents had a bunch of dogs before I was born, and Huan's character is partially based on a beagle they had. He always ran off chasing rabbits, and I've heard horror stories about the other dogs chewing things. My last experience with a dog was when a female Rottweiler jumped into the car onto my father's lap and threw spit everywhere. I guess Huan is sort of a conglomeration of huge, lovable and loving dogs. he is special, you know. ;D

Actually, I did write a last-thoughts-of-Huan story, and a Luthien-Thingol story (which isn't posted), but they're both angsty. I used to see Huan as a very angsty character, and he really is, but it's just so much fun to write about him like this. :D Well, now you've thrown the plotbunny, and while I can't swear to it, I bet it's going to sink it's fangs into me and make me write " An Elf-girl and her Faithful Dog." ::laughs:: I don't know what to *do* with all my plotbunnies! When I read that, I actually got a couple ideas about something I could do with that plotbunny, and I'm probably going to write them at some point, after the idea germinates a little. :)

Thanks, Raksha!


Still Anonymous

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