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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 8 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 17 on 12/30/2006
""Ye’ve been the magic in this world. When ye finally leave us completely, we’ll be hard put to preserve the memory of that magic.”
He bowed his white head, the sadness apparent. “It is my prayer and hope that we’ll be able to keep a measure of it alive…and my fear that several generations from now, it will be lost.” "
*sniff* So very true! I wish I wouldn't be part of one of those "several generations from now"! A world without elves can be a sad thing indeed. Not that they would fit in with the modern world at all. *sigh* Living in Middle-earth, I'd have done everything to convince the elves to stay, too.

It seems Legolas and Aravir's roles have been reversed. *g* Now Legolas is the one who copes better with the longing - and of course he immediately had to blame himself for Aravir's plight. *groans* Good that Aragorn was there to talk him out of it! I loved Legolas' realization that the Song is not limited to the blessed Realm and that he is a part of that song whereever he is. I liked him joining into Aravir's song with his own joyful one, and it was sweet to see him take care of Aravir.

I also loved Aragorn having to take care of three worried horses. *g* Poor Thalion, now he finally has something to worry about, too. The elves and the horses playing together must have been a sight to behold. *sigh*

There was a lot of depth and thoughtfulness in this chapter - I loved it! :)

Author Reply: Hello Tinu! Well, I didn't mean for this chapter to be deep - but...I'm kinda pleased it came out that way! ;-) I was looking for a way for Arador to get his point across that the elves may have kept themselves apart from men, but they had a lot of influence and were still needed. The tidal pool led into his musings on elves and their leaving, so I guess it worked. Legolas, of course, blamed himself for Aravir (he's SO responsible!), but I'm of the belief that nothing ever happens by accident and that Aravir is necessary for Legolas over the next years. As for the horses, they had fun in the surf and are glad you appreciated the picture! :-) Thank you for taking the time to read and review, Almut! I do so enjoy each of them!


WindSingerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/23/2005
My goodness! What a nice, well done chapter! I just love how you have brought Legolas through levels of understanding and coping with his sea longing. And how beautifully you have incorporated the concept that we never really lose anyone; they are still part of us -- in our thoughts -- in our soul -- in the on going song that binds all into one glorious, never ending symphony.

And I just love the elves and horses playing! I have a friend who is working with an abused horse and she is teaching him how to play. What a wonderful, joyous way to bond with such magnificant creatures! And introducing the smitten elves to the microcosm found in a tide pool was yet another brilliant stroke! What a wonderful way to help explain/show the interconnectedness of all life. I also love that the elves are/were the 'magic in the world'.

Wonderful stuff!

Thank you for this wonderful, almost joyous, chapter.


Author Reply: Hello, WindSinger! I so enjoyed reading this review, as this particular chapter gave me several fits while I was writing it. That is why I dearly love reviews and appreciate you guys who take the time to send them - they provide the encouragement needed to keep on going with the story...and now I am convicted by my own words for sliding in my own reviews! :-) So thank you, on several levels!!!! And I am so glad that those "levels of understanding" Legolas is going through were apparent - just about the time he thinks he's got it, something new is thrown at him! Poor elf! But he will be stronger for it in the end, and much better able to stay and endure for Aragorn's sake. I especially wanted him to realize that all he loved about Ennor would not be lost when he left finally; he would take the different songs he's learned with him, along with the memories of those he loved.

I had a wonderful time picturing the play of the horses and elves in the surf - and as for your friend's work with that horse, I hope it goes well! You are so right there, what a wonderful way to build a bond with a horse - through the gift of play! :-) I have always found the "interconnection" of creatures living in a tidal pool a fascinating thing, and could not pass up the chance to have Arador use it as an object lesson for our two elven friends. I'm so glad it worked out! And the elves are magic, aren't they? Thank YOU again for a most enjoyable review, Windsinger!


AngelelfReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/14/2005
I had a beautiful day yesterday after reading your story from start to finish. I've been keeping up with your chapter updates but since I had extra time I decided to reread it and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it again. I love how you have captured all of the characters as they help Legolas with his sea longing. I adore all the new characters that you have introduced along his journey, especially the children. Great story. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.

Author Reply: Angelelf, thank you so much for such an encouraging review! I must say that reviews are the gentle (most times!) prod that keep me going, especially right now! And you reread the whole thing?! Wow! (That is the extent of my vocabulary in the face of that effort! LOL) I am so glad you found it enjoyable and that you see the purpose of those Legolas has met along the journey, which is to comfort him as he learns to understand this longing within himself for the Blessed Realm. At times I think some of these characters appeared merely to help him see his value (to someone other than just Aragorn, although he is still the main reason). And I had great fun with the children, who just seemed to leap out and take over, as children are wont to do! Thank you again for taking the time to share your views of the story with me (and please forgive the delay :-( in this reply).


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/12/2005
The relationship between the elves and horses is wonderful. I especially like the way you show it from both sides. But my favorite part of this was the image of the elves and horses playing on the shore. Aragorn is right. That sight will soon be gone from ME. The analogy of the pool on the shore is an apt one.

Author Reply: I am glad the relationship between elves and horses is still satisfying. I dearly love playing with them! :-)...from both sides! A romp in the waves and sand seemed called for after such a traumatic night - and both horses and elves needed some relief and relaxation! (me, too!) Of course, when Aragorn said it was a sight not often seen and soon to be gone, I was sad all over again. As for the tidal pool, I fought with that - I was going to put it in...then I wasn't...then I was...then not...until I finally just closed my eyes and left it in. I'm glad it worked. Thank you for taking time to send your reviews, daw. I am always so encouraged by them!


AlassielReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/12/2005
The chapter was lovely and moving. The description of Aman was beautiful and made me long to go there. Arador is a very wise being. He almost seems like a Maia in disguise. I am very glad that Legolas is beginning to know the value of his place in Ennor and that the Song of Arda is undivided. I loved the play of the Elves and the horses and the lesson of the tide pool. Thank you for this. I hope real life lets you update soon.



Author Reply: Alassiel, you make me want to cry! Thank you for reviewing, especially after already wading through this a couple of times! Arador is very wise - the idea of him being a Maia in disguise is fascinating...though he's not! I, too, enjoyed the play on the beach, especially after such a tense night and day before. I am also glad the lesson Arador imparted at the tidal pool was apt - he was looking for a way to tell Legolas and Aravir what he thought they needed to realize. Thank YOU for this review, my friend. As for real life and updates - you will be pleased to know that I am well into ch. 18 already! Can you believe it? (I can't!)


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/12/2005
Oh good. Hand-rubbing time. So pleased to see this.

Do you know, I love Arador. He seems to have a remarkably deep understanding of elves and their reactions - and the Song - for one who is only very distantly connected to them. And in Calen and Raen, too. The way they decide to stay with Aravir and offer him their unspoken support is splendid.

Aragorn makes a great horse-minder. (A new role for him, should he get tired of king-ing and ranger-ing.)

Aravir and Legolas have built a whole new relationship of mutual support now - with this twist of events. They will probably be very useful for anchoring each other - I hope Legolas can share his new insights with his friend to see that all is part of the same whole.

“Is it found in the Song, my lord?”

Legolas nodded. “Yes, partly. But perhaps, with your permission, it would be better if I showed you.”

Aravir smiled. “Proceed, hir nin.” As he bowed his dark head, the first lilting notes of a song he had only imagined drifted through his mind, and he willingly gave himself to the beauty and majesty of the music.

What a night this must be, listening to these two sharing their versions of the song - I would think that none of those hearing this will return unchanged.

And the elves and the horses playing in the water - what an image! It is just so beautiful and light-hearted. I'm not surprised they all settled down to watch.

Then again - Arador is just so knowledgeable! And understands better than the elves themselves what they need to understand. By himself he is enough to let the elves know that there is value yet in staying to learn more of Ennor.

I'm so pleased to see this - and look forward to finding out more.

Author Reply: You know, Bodkin, I have the same response when I see one of your reviews! You have no idea how encouraging and timely they are! I appreciate you taking the time to send one!

Arador - I have envisioned his character as the white-haired, wiser than usual elder from the beginning. He's just extremely perceptive about people in general, and given his background and knowledge of elves, well, I just figured he would have some words of wisdom to impart to them (if he ever thought they might be needed.) Calen and Raen are grandsons after his own heart, too, and Aravir saved Raen's life. Calen is not likely to forget that. Coupled with Legolas saving their father's life - they have become quite attached to these two fascinating beings. So even when Daeradar frowns mightily on their staying to watch over Aravir, they do it anyway! Loyal young men!

Aragorn minding the horses - he's had a time throughout the story getting Arod to halfway trust him. I think his care here finally proves to Arod he's all right - for a man! I liked the way he kept messing with the mare, though!:-)

Sharing the Song - I only wish I had been there to hear it! *sigh* Mutual support - yes - that is exactly how I see this developing! Aravir had kept himself aloof for the years previous to this little adventure. Now, not only does he have his duty towards the Prince, but friendship has grown as well. They will be good for each other, I think...they understand what's happening.

An elven romp in the surf - everyone sure needed some respite from the pain and drama of the night and day before (me, too!). I'm glad you enjoyed it - I certainly did! ;-)

Arador wants them to understand the elves' value to all of Middle-earth - not just to Aragorn alone. He wants these two to endure and realize that they are appreciated, as well as meant, to stay.

I am so glad you enjoyed this! Thank you again for taking the time to review, Bodkin. I can actually say that more is on the way, maybe sooner than later this time! LOL


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/11/2005
Oh you are writing again! How nice! And a very satisfying chapter! I am so glad that Legolas is now moving closer to a state that he can perhaps live with the sea longing, but now I am worry for Aravir. Hopefully his sense of duty and loyalty to Legolas will help him cope with the longing. The scene of the two of them, and the horses, frolicking on the beach was just wonderful!

I am still amazed at the horses though. When Legolas and Aravir returned to them after the night in the tree, Arod was acting like a neglected wife giving the cold shoulder to the husband who had been out partying all night!

I am beginning to like Arador more and more and I am sure I am not alone in this!

Author Reply: Hello Manderly! I'm so happy to hear from you - thank you for taking the time to review! Yes, Legolas is becoming more and more able to deal with the sea-longing when it really starts tugging at him. Aravir, unfortunately, has also heard the call of Elvenhome now, but I think these two will help each other immensely. They know what is happening to the other and Legolas has been given some insight into coping with the call through the Song. He can share that with Aravir, who, as you say, will stay beside his Prince out of sheer loyalty and friendship.

I'm glad you liked the horses - I had to laugh at the way you saw Arod acting - he did come across as somewhat of a 'nag', didn't he? LOL But you and I know that he has reason to fear for Legolas' health when the sea-longing swamps him - maybe in the future he won't be so freaked out about it! ;-)

Arador is an interesting and lovely old man, isn't he? I'm glad you like him! Thank you again for reviewing - it is so great to hear from you again! :-)


Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/11/2005
Very nice to see you back in print! A chapter full of lovely visions, elves singing in trees and finding truth, horses and elves playing in the sand and surf, the meaning of life in a rock pool.
The mare still has no name, it reminds me of a song - hah!
I hope Aravir manages to keep Legolas company, that last grey ship is growing into a bit of an ocean liner, aye?
Nice pictures of Aragorn caring for his friends and the horses too.
Yum, well done

Author Reply: RS, hello! Yes, shock!, here I am! I think I was more surprised than anyone! :-) I'm so glad you enjoyed the visions in this chapter - it was one of truths being spoken and maybe recognized/embraced for the the first time. (Even a beautiful, immortal elf needs to know he's appreciated!) I had tons of fun envisioning that romp in the surf - tempted even this old mare to go back in the water again! LOL

As for the horse with no name - I suppose it's a good thing this doesn't take place in the *giggle* desert...that would really call for a chorus or two, or three... Now, Rose, I want you to pay particular attention to ch. 18 when it finally gets posted (actually, I'm well into it already *gasp*), ok? All will be revealed, preciousssss, I promissesssss! (She should have been named 6 or 7 chapters ago, ya know, but I got sidetracked! Senior moments strike every 5 minutes, I'm told.) Poor sweet mare - having to put up with Aragorn messin' with her ears, and me messin' with her identity! It's enough to make her apply for early retirement, ya know? It was so nice to hear from you again - thanks for the review (yum!)

(rs, you make me smile...)

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