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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 8 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/30/2006
Well, that went far better than I expected - apart from the last words! I would definitely count that as a cliffie, too! Oh dear, I hope poor Aravir hasn't fallen prey to the sea-longing as well, but it really sounds like it. I absolutely refuse to let him sail! *grabs elf and ties him to Middle-earth*

I liked Thalion's agitation on behalf of the mare! In the beginning of the chapter I was quite worried about Legolas, and I guess I wasn't the only one. ;-) It was so sweet that Legolas was able to think of Raen and Calen and let them ride Arod in spite of his problems. I loved that Aragorn and Aravir were not fooled by Legolas' behaviour at all. "his expression an interesting combination of irritated exasperation and fond worry" - *grins* If you don't mind me running around in your story with a camera I think I'll have to take another snapshot. I liked Aravir sharing that detail about Legolas' hands, though he will probably end up being thrown into a lake because of it. *g*

I really would like to go to Linhir on vacation. *SIGH* Poor Arador, I don't think he would survive having Thoron as a neighbour! Your description of the meal really made me HUNGRY! LOL, I loved the "sudden attack of pipe-longing" - comment.

I think I have sea-longing now, too. I'd LOVE to be there, it seems to be a wonderful place! And it seems Legolas has finally found his peace. It would be quite reassuring, if I would not have to worry about Aravir now. *grumbles* WOnderful chapter, as usual! :)

Author Reply: Hey Tinu! Our poor Legolas! He may be learning to deal with the sea's call, but I think it will plague him til he sails...just not to the point of fading if he DOESN'T heed the call. Aravir and he will make an interesting pair - but at least neither of them will suffer alone. Aravir and Aragorn - the elf really wants the man to understand Legolas and his attempts to hide his difficulties. Of course, Aragorn knows the elf does this, but Aravir wanted to give him more clues to help him read Legolas even more accurately. (Give up, O Prince, your friends are on to you! LOL) I'm glad you liked Linhir - I wanted it pretty, altho someone pointed out you can't beat the fishy smell in a place like that! *g* Yes, we'll both worry about Aravir...and when he gets back to Ithilien, well, there will be others to give him heck about taking the chance of going near the sea! *vbg* Thank you, my friend, for taking the time again to review. It is very much appreciated!


WindSingerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/27/2005
Oh, another wonderful chapter! It takes me forever to carve out the time to send even a brief review but I really wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this chapter. Although, I think I want to be a member of Luinaelin and Arador's family so I, too, can rub elbows with Legolas, Aragorn, Aravir and the Gondorian guard -- lucky them! You have done a great job of developing each family members character. I just love their spunk, honesty and love of life!

And the sea! The way various members of the group (especially Legolas) respond to their first glimpse of the sea are very -- understandable and believeable. Wonderfully done!

And now, don't tell me that Aravir is taken also? Well, maybe he and Legolas can work out how to live with it together. And poor Aragorn! He knows Legolas agreed to stay as long as he lives but it must be VERY hard for him to watch his friend suffer. I am sure Aragorn is anxious for some kind of resolution, or at the very least a truce between Legolas and the sea longing.

Loving this story and anxiously waiting for more!


Author Reply: Oh the utter embarressment of it all! I finally updated with Ch.l7 and discovered I had never replied to your wonderful review for 16! My only excuse is I cannot reply on the computer I have the most access to, and I'll leave it at that! But what a wonderful review and I so appreciate that you took the time to send it! I know well the feeling about being able to 'carve out the time' to not only send reviews, but to update, as well!

I'm so glad you are enjoying the characters - they have taken on lives and personalities of their own...I just operate the keyboard and follow instructions! LOL

I must admit I struggled a bit with Legolas' first physical glimpse of the wide open ocean - after all he had it in his mind that he had found a way to deal with the call (though there were still twinges). But facing the open sea and merely being somewhat aware of it on the Anduin are two different things. I would think the sheer scope of the ocean would be breath-stealing, particularly for two sensitive elves like Legolas and Aravir.

Yes, Aravir has now awakened to the call of Elvenhome! As to whether he and Legolas can help each other deal with it, well, one can only hope! And Legolas does have the knowledge imparted to him by Nienna earlier...that should help, especially if passed along to Aravir! We'll see... As for Aragorn, he is completely torn...he hates, in the worst possible way, seeing his friend suffer and yet he absolutely dreads the thought of Legolas sailing...It is a dilemma that will haunt him until the end, I fear...(sniff!)

Thank you again for such a wonderful review, and again, I apologize for the tardiness in replying!


eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/13/2005
Hi lwarren,
What a great chapter, I was waiting patiently (ok maybe not so patiently) for the next adventure. Oh poor Aravir, I think he's been bitten. I'm starting to take a dislike to the sea, (not a good thing for a gal who lives on the eastern seaboard) its taking all my favorite elves! I hope he doesn't leave Legolas, he's good for him. I really enjoy how all your characters care for one another.

Until next time, I remain
Your fan


Author Reply: Thank you so much for the encouraging review, Eliza! I'm sorry to take so long to respond...Rita has taken a great deal away from everyone where I live lately! (I'm thinking a storm moving inland from the sea should be experienced by our elves in the next chapter..Lord knows I've seen enough of them lately! LOL) The sea awakens that intense longing to 'go home' is not to be ignored, and one can only hope it can be dealt with. With Legolas, we know he's been given a tool to help him live with the call. Aravir? Well, we will have to are so right, too - he is good for Legolas and it would be a terrible shame if he ended up having to sail. I hope to update more quickly this time, Eliza, if the weather will stop messing around! :-) Thank you so much for your review!


Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/12/2005
Shees baaack! Goody, and so polished, throughout the good nature and relaxation of this chapter there was this continuing threat, the sea the sea, and now it has struck - again.
Great stuff, greatly enjoyed.

Author Reply: Hello, Rose! Yes, finally! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter (I thought it would never get done!). I'm afraid that the sea will continue to be a problem for Legolas, although he will learn to deal with it (as has been decreed...his time to leave has not yet come. He is still too important to the reign of a certain King.) As for Aravir, yes I'm afraid the sea-longing has struck again. As to the intensity of it, well...we'll just have to see, won't we? Thanks for reviewing, Rose


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/12/2005
I'm so happy to see this back. I've been thinking about Legolas and his horses. What a good read it is, too. I had forgotten just how delightful Erelas's family is. I love the picture of Laurelin shaking her head at the innocence of the king's guards - as she threatens them with a small blond boy.

And the first sentence is lovely. Sets the tone for the rest - which is also chockful of terrific images. The town. The sea. The night. Wonderful mind-pictures.

So Legolas is busily trying to hide his feelings, is he? Surely he doesn't think he's going to get away with that, not with even the horses prepared to watch him. His greed for the peach was such a lovely contrast to his usual etherealness - and brought him back a bit, too. Perhaps a sample of the strawberry crop might have an effect as well.

Love the town - trees? Shrubs? Boxes of flowers? Only one incurable downside as far as I can see. The smell of fish.

I like Thoron's family - and anyone who cooks well enough to encourage elves to over-eat must cook exceptionally well. And I can see Legolas's reasoning - too much time in Thoron's company and Arador would have cracked ribs for sure.

As soon as Aravir said - 'don't worry about me, I'm fine' - the 'oh-oh' button was pressed. I hope he doesn't descend into irreversible sea-longing. Although it would give Legolas someone in sympathy with his plight. But, on the other hand, Aravir would have less reason to struggle against it and stay and then Legolas would get more depressed and then . . .

I hope you are feeling inspired to continue. I enjoyed the feast.

Author Reply: Hello Bodkin! Not half as happy as I am to finally have finished and posted it! :-) I'm so glad you enjoyed it...that it read well and kept your attention. Erelas' family is a lot of fun to write, and Laurelin threatening the two guards with a certain blond youngling, I thought, was very much in keeping with Brethilas, the resident terror! (He's much more, of course, but at his age, the 'terror' side just seems stand out, for some strange reason! LOL

I hope I didn't overdo the mind pictures - you know how wordy I get *sigh*, but once I started describing those places, it was hard to quit. I was assured that it was ok - not repetitive or awkward, etc., so I left them in.

Wasn't that peach scene funny? Sometimes I get tired of the Prince being all ethereal and 'princely', so I have him do something somewhat out of character. I always hope it's not too much. But Legolas was trying, at the time, to draw his friends' attention away from him. I suppose he really does think he can get away with it. He forgets that Aravir was around to watch him grow up, practically...and of course, there's Arod!

Yeah, the town was pretty...and fishy. I'll bet when the wind is just right...

Thoron was one of those "let me have my say" characters that just insisted on his place. Big and boisterous, poor old Arador didn't stand a chance! :-) I suppose even an elf would appreciate a finely prepared meal, and I thought the menu sounded quite gluttony-inspiring! ;-)

Yes, things might get a little sticky for Legolas AND Aravir for awhile. I'm so glad you found the 'feast' enjoyable, Bodkin! Thank YOU!


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/12/2005
Ooops, I think I screwed up with the review the first time I sent it. Obviously my mind wasn't fully functional at the time. Please go ahead and delete it so I am not reminded of my senility.

Anyway, I am so glad to see this story again! And such a long chapter! Thank you! I really hope that Aravir isn't succummbing to the call of the sea as well, but it doesn't look too well right now. And I am holding my breath to see how it's going to affect Legolas when he at last comes face to face with the sea.

It still gives me a little jolt each time the horses "speak". I'm beginning to see them as real live characters now.

Hope you will update soon!

Author Reply: Manderly, you are not senile! Consider that review gone! I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter (it was almost novel length, wasn't it?). It took forever to finish, it seemed like. As for the sea-longing, it doesn't look too good for Aravir, does it? We'll just have to see how strongly it's going to affect him. Legolas, meanwhile, must reconcile the song of the sea in Arda Marred with the song of Aman. Once he succeeds with that, he'll be much more in control, tho' it will still entrance him, I fear.

I love the horses, too. Especially my Arod. He's just such a good and loyal friend to his elf.

I actually have started the next chapter...let's hope it (and RL) won't be so cantankerous this time! Thank you again for the wonderful review, Manderly.


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/12/2005
Well, yes. Aravir. And he hasn't had Legolas's years to learn to deal with it. Will that make it worse, I wonder? Or does the longing grow worse with time? Legolas seems to be living with it now. He's not over it, of course, but he seems to have fitted it into his life.

Author Reply: Hello daw! You are so right - Aravir hasn't had Legolas' years or experience in dealing with the sea-longing. You asked some very pertinent questions, too. (Questions I've been thinking are there degrees of the sea-longing? It would seem that some elves might be more strongly affected than others...I've always wondered how Cirdan was able to stay for so long. It is 'a puzzlement'!) I guess we'll have to see just how strongly the sea has affected Aravir. Legolas should be able to help him - I hope! Thank you for the review, daw!



BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 9/12/2005
What beautiful descriptions - and lovely interactions between the characters. I shall have to go and read it again.

I'll get back to you later.

Author Reply: Goody, I'll be waiting to hear from you! (What was appetizer?)
And the first review,'ll have me holding my breath, Bodkin! :-)


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