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Jewels  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
curiouswombatReviewed Chapter: 22 on 6/4/2013
I've been dreading these past few chapters, whilst being sure they must come, and you have written them so well that this one, in particular, brought tears to my eyes.

Author Reply: Yes, it was difficult to write, knowing that Merry does not end up married to Ruby and there had to be a plausible reason for it. I think, though, that when Merry-and-Estella finally comes about, he'll treasure Estella all the more for knowing how unpredictable life can be.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 22 on 8/9/2007
I've played catch-up and not left reviews at every chapter.

Well, well written. You did a wonderful job of enough sorrow to hurt the heart but not so much as to have us feel crushed by it. It is sad that such things do happen, we never know what plans that we've made will be missed.

MEWD on all of these chapters!

Author Reply: Hullo, Pearl! The little ones are sleeping in this a.m., and so I am stealing some time from the needs of the day to answer reviews, and hopefully leave a few! (Read the latest chapter of your and Golden's story yesterday but got interrupted in reviewing.)

It is always nice to hear from you, even if you are playing catch-up! I used to try to leave a review after every chapter I read, but lately I only do that when reading each-chapter-as-it's-posted, and on stories with lots of chapters already posted when I start my reading, it's a little more hit-or-miss. (It used to be much easier when the little ones took a daily nap and I had more time for reading and writing!)

There is sorrow in life, but there is also joy, and the two tend to alternate... I have tried to write "real" as much as possible, over the years, and while sometimes I have to contrive a bit to get a satisfying ending, I still hope that the stories reflect real life, and real issues.

It is always an honour to receive one of your MEWD pats on the back.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 8/8/2007
The healing is begun, and Diamond and Pippin prepare for the day they will themselves marry.

The poor North-Tooks; and love Saradoc's intent to do what he can, even if it is but to comfort--although that was needed most!

Author Reply: Yes, or at least Pippin does. Diamond is not yet old enough for more than sisterly love... but Pippin is willing to wait. I don't remember where that idea came from, originally, but it was some novel or other. Little Women, perhaps? Or maybe Anne of Green Gables? Not sure.

Sometimes comfort is all we can offer, and it never seems enough, even then.


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