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Dear Diary  by Lily Dragonquill 7 Review(s)
BudgieloverReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/30/2005
How wonderful that you brought Bilbo in! I loved the comment that Bilbo wanted to go on adventures with the child, and what his (the baby's) mother thought about that. The comment about screaming at the sight of a ball of wool was hysterical, true, and just the right note.

Author Reply: I doubt that Frodo would have gone on any adventure further than the next town if Primula could have prevented it.

DesideraReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/8/2005
I'm going to review chapter 9 and 10 together because they are somewhat similar in plot. I like how you describe the long waiting and how everyone cares for Primula. Knitting scarves was a good idea and how she said she'd scream if she saw another ball of wool. I can understand her impatience and worry. But I'm sure she'll be a great mother.

RosieGardenerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/24/2005
I came upon Primula's Diary only now, but my own pregnancy hasn't been too long ago, so this is very interesting. Everything is just as it should be, it's unbelievable how much insight you have. Well done and well written !

Author Reply: Thanks a lot! To be honest, at times I am surprised at how well this story works - still, I am very glad to have my beta if any mistakes occur :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/23/2005
Ah, it is VERY soon now, although of course I speak from "hindsight."

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/23/2005
"Adventures! Not with my child, dear Bilbo! Not until my baby is a lot older anyhow."
That's Primula! Always wanting to protect her little one, but she's not strictly against adventures. Well, when Frodo is "a lot" older, he will have his own adventure. I wonder, how things would have been, if Primula had been there to see him off!

Author Reply: I often wonder that too - especially when writing down memories of her in Schicksalsjahre eines Hobbits. I'm sure things would have been a lot different if Drogo and Primula hadn't had that accident. Maybe Frodo would never have gone on an adventure.

Starfire_MoonlightReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/23/2005
Another great chapter! So, I guess the baby won't come until the 22, right? Ya, thats right. Can't wait to read the next chapter! :D

Author Reply: Yep, the 22 will be the day when the child will be born.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/23/2005
Eeeee, I can't wait until Primula finally sees her precious baby! And I love this:

"Still, I am pleased that Bilbo came over to Buckland to have a look at the new Baggins. And two days before his birthday at that - a fact he keeps joking about saying that my child is waiting until that date to be born."


Author Reply: Believe me, I am as nervous as you are - and Primula for that matter :)

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