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Estel's Birthday  by shirebound 19 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/15/2015
There's never any 'normal' trip for them, is there? Something out of the ordinary always happens -- probably because they're Baggins' ... :-P

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/2/2004
Aragorn followed the boy’’s gaze (small typo)

“There’s more?” (You mean, Aragorn doesn't know his hobbits? I mean, the amount they eat?)

Therefore, we are all equally scandalous and without manners
Impeccable logic, Bilbo!

I like your story of Nienna's tears. It sounds very Tolkien-ish.

Ah, ha! (Did one of Nienna's tears land nearby, called by the story?)

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/24/2004
Ahhhhhh! I can't stand the suspense! What's in the woods? And before I tear my hair out, I have to say that imagining Scamp in a sweater was so cute that I now have the urge to dress my cat, Arwen up too.

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/24/2004
Can't wait to hear more from you!

LaughingBrookReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/23/2004
Oh, my! What's happenning?!

I love the ducklings. I've always wanted a baby bird!

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2004
I love this chapter.

“The years tend to pass like water flowing in a river, Sam,” the Ranger said softly.

What a lovely way to show the elvish influence in Aragorn's upbringing.

“Ducks say ‘cheep cheep cheep’,” Pippin informed the Ranger, snuggling into the warm lap, “and Scamp says ‘woof’.”

Ah, the randomness of toddlers. Their conversation flows logically from what is going on in their own heads, but doesn't always make much sense in the outside world.

I'm very curious to see what the noise was (a meteor perhaps?).

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2004
cake, cake, let's eat cake, stuff that ranger full. I think, I have had to much suger myself. anyway loved the story of Nienna's tears. And good thing they did not get hit by whatever fell down.

LinwePReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/22/2004
How absolutely appropriate to read the next installment of your sweet story about Estel's birthday party on Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. What a treat! Thank you and I commend you on your timing.


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/21/2004
That is a very bad place to leave us, isn't it? Feed us cake, dress up the animals, tell us a lovely story and then leave us with a howling pup and a noise in the woods? Wait, come back and finish this! LOL (Huge hint that I can't wait for more.) Loved Pip and the ducks!

ParkerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/21/2004

Another lovely chapter! ::squee:: Pip's antics just get cuter and cuter. I had to laugh at his dressing Scamp--it reminded me so much of a young friend of mine dressing up *my* pup (not Hollyn--this was 28 years ago). Unlike Scamp, Skeeter was *not* a happy camper.

The story of Nienna's tears really sounds as though it could be Tolkien. I like that explanation much better than the scientific one.

I also love that you're showing such a gentle side of Estel. He truly strikes me as a gentle man (and a gentleman) who will become a warrior when necessary, but the heart and soul of him is gentle. (not marvellously put, unfortunately).

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter, when hopefully we'll find out what Scamp was howling about.

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