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Evensong  by Rose Sared 7 Review(s)
meckinockReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/31/2005
Poor Gimli; what a wonderfully revealing description of him trudging along with effort but refusing all aid. And how awful for him to feel that the beauty and life of the forest are mocking him in his decline. The juxtaposition of the beautiful description of the landscape and Gimli's alienation from it is really powerful. This line was wonderful: He hoped for dreams of his youth - this present was not to his taste.

Well, what he got was something else again. I was relieved that he woke up, and even more relieved to find Legolas there. With a horse, yet. I am looking forward to finding out what Gimli's appointed task is, and whether his health has really improved. This is a lovely and beautifully written story!

Author Reply: Poor Gimli indeed, none of us ever expect to get old and most of us seem to resent it no matter how kind life has been to us. Thank you again for the feedback.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/12/2005
I am definitely enjoying the way you write Gimli and Legolas. Each seems true to his heritage and their interaction refreshingly is free of the usual cliches. I think you handled Legolas' distress over Gimli perfectly. And the dialog is excellent--very Tolkienesque, I think. Thanks for a great read. ~TF

Author Reply: Even nicer to get more than one review, you are most welcome to my world. I am glad you like the elf and the dwarf, they might just be my favorite characters (what really Rose? never would have guessed! LOL)
Thanks again

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Ähem, I forgot to mention the hitch: would you mind very much to change Valar to Vala when it's a singular?! Please.

Author Reply: Done, with pleasure. Neither Theresa nor I knew if the gods were plural like sheep or singular like a cat. We figured someone would tell us! Grin - yay for sticklers!

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/12/2004
Beeeaaauuutiful, I just love your dwarves, and you even did a Vala remarkably well, my deepest respect. Next chapter, please.

Author Reply: Thank you very much, next chapter is cooking but it goes off on a bit of a tangent. Hope you enjoy

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/11/2004
OK. Now I am totally wondering what's going on. Gimli apparently needs to go on some sort of mission. I was really feeling for him with his mourning for his lost prime and now he seems to be full of vinegar again. I'm so glad.

Author Reply: Humm, yes well the trouble with plotting is that I know what is going on but I don't want you to. Ahh the power, rubs hands in glee. Beware the gifts of the gods, no such thing as a free lunch.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/11/2004
Well, mellon nin, you had me there...I knew Gimli was dead, and facing Aule, and all I could think of was "send the boy back cos this will be the death of the elf", especially if he got Gleowyn's note and wasn't in time...*sniffsniffsniff* And I was listening to the sound track of RotK, the part right before Pippin sings (where Faramir and others are riding through the streets on the way to certain death) which makes me cry anyway!!!

Now Gimli has a mission given to him by the Vala (that's cool, and I can't imagine what in Arda he wants Gimli to do), and Legolas and the trees are relieved beyond measure. (I liked your take on Legolas losing his composure and giving the dwarf a BIG hug! His relief was palpable there, and you caught it so well!) This story was full of crying places...I almost lost it again when Legolas found him and thought he was gone...which he was...but thank Iluvatar Aule has always liked Gimli best...and he restored Gimli's health, too, at least for a time!! :-) This was hurry and tell us what the request made by Aule was!!


Author Reply: Sorry for the tissue moments, but its a big ask this new mission, and it has some consequences.
Large tangent in the next chapter - which is cooking even as I type.
Thanks for your wonderful reviews

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/11/2004
What a chapter! Fantastic. Good for Aule - Gimli needed rescuing at this point. (Though I suspect it could lead to Other Things.)

I love the way everybody is wanting to help the irascible dwarf - and he doesn't even realise that they all care about him.

More! Soon, please.

Author Reply: Indeed, no free gifts from the gods, I am inspired by Lois Macmaster Bujold's wonderful fics in which those that are touched by the gods are not exactly comfortable to be around. (hey aim high in you influences I say!)
Thanks for the lovely and very prompt review.

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