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Evensong  by Rose Sared 5 Review(s)
ziggyReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/24/2005
Having just reviewed last chapter, am trying to wait until I can give this chapter more time and proper consideration- BUT just have to say - descriptions are magical.' opal mists and twisted trunks' changing under the song- moonlit mists etc. Economical and tells you everything witout enslaving the reader's imagination to your absolute vision.

Author Reply: ziggy,I presume that it was you that wrote the huge review of the previous ch. Thank you- the sentiments are much appreciated and brightened up the sort of day that is full of failed meetings and cups with handles that break off.
I hie me to my keyboard to finish 17

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/23/2005
So Gimli is being drawn to the heart of what is going on here - probably a good thing. I think. But worrying that Legolas and Radagast were so weakened - and that Treebeard was affected. This thing 'drawing on the fabric of the world' sounds seriously dubious. One of these ideas that sounds terrific until you realise the side effects. And the side effects, I think, have the potential for being very dangerous.

Even Narvi isn't totally convinced. It would seem that she will do anything for Celebrimbor - but her agenda is different from his. More to do with personal devotion than saving the world.

'They would need the digging skills of a cave-troll to interrupt them now.'

They've got one, Narvi. Which might end up being the thing that holds the world together. Ironic, that.

Good stuff. But what a place to leave us!

Author Reply: Evil authorial laugh - sorry about the cliffie ( how do you look when you are sorry Rose?)
Thanks for the kind words - I am afraid you are right - they have a cave troll.
More asap

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/22/2005
The stuff about Celebrimbor and Narvi is interesting. I'm still not sure what they're doing. You connect it all nicely through sound though. That seems very Tolkien to me.

Author Reply: Trying daw, really trying, honestly - the song of Arda is sorta what these tales are all about.
Thanks for the kind words - more soon.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/22/2005
As always, there are wonderfully original descriptive phrases like "the animal pleasure of movement", "opened eyes that were all pupil", "gathering Legolas and Gimli with a nod", and this sentence:

"A sparkle ran down the edge of the unsheathed sword in his hand, as if the very air was charged."

I love reading this stuff. Apart from that the chapter was quite intriguing. Whatever caused the air to change on the mountain, it was interesting who was affected most strongly: the elf, the wizard and the ent. I loved the way Radagast again ministered to Legolas though he was himself obviously weakened.
I hope I'm not wrong in assuming that what they experienced was not the blowing of the horn. I'm thinking that will be in the next chapter and I'm really anxious to read what happens then. We'll see. Excellent story! ~TF

Author Reply: Thank you for your very kind words - if you have a look you will see a visible difference, although the eyes have it on the spelling side, regional difference, as you mentioned.
I am getting on to the resolution of all this tension even now - and mostly it is about the blowing of the horn. What happened to leggy and all was just a reaction to Celembrimbor's finishing it and it sorta coming to life!

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/22/2005
You just can't stop here. Rose, this is pure beastliness.

Author Reply: Heh, heh, heh.

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