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Evensong  by Rose Sared 8 Review(s)
meckinockReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/1/2005

I liked Gimli's musings on the passage of time and how the elves must perceive it differently. Legolas and Gimli are so wonderfully comfortable and at ease with each other. Their entire conversation was thoroughly delightful, particularly their amusing exchange of geneological information:

Gimli scowled at him. “Yes, her name. She was great amongst her people and honoured for her skill. Her name has been handed down the generations of my people even as Celembrimbor’s has been handed down yours. I may count her as an ancestor, many times removed.”

Legolas toasted his loyalty with a wave of his cup. “I think Celebrimbor may be my cousin, once or twice removed.”

I absolutely loved this line:

From a strap over his shoulder he swung down a leather sack that sloshed suggestively.

This is wonderful; I'm really enjoying it.

Author Reply: I have been taken to task by the silm scholars who tell me that even were Legolas related he wouldn't admit it as Celebrimbor is of the kinslayer's line. Humph. I stand by my leap - his mother could have come from anywhere - so there!
I do get a bit carried away with my alliteration sometimes - but dem words - dey is fun.
Thanks for the lovely review

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/12/2005
OK, so I sound like a broken record. Reading your prose is such a pleasure!

Gimli grinned at his friend and reached for an apple. It tasted miraculous.
...Legolas hooked a spindle-legged stool closer to the table and perched on it. He magicked two goblets from somewhere about his person and applied himself to filling them from the wine skin. ...Gimli snagged a goblet and took a long swallow. He eyed his friend from over the rim.

These passages had me chuckling all the way. Your choice of words was unusual, lively and funny. The whole chapter has a low-key humor to it and at the same time I feel completely transported into Middle-earth. I'm also curious about what will happen in the search for the meaning of Gimli's dream. ~TF

Author Reply: Oh, another one, I am a happy happy author. Thanks for the kind words, I am glad that I take you to my favorite place.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/6/2004
What is it with New Zealanders and librarians? Don't you like us, don't you need us? First this sad excuse of a figure in FotR, - he could of course have been an archivist, that would be o.k., archivists are stuffy - and now you ... Librarians are very nice, hardworking, helpful! people and when we swat our users it's only for their own good.
Before you told us I hadn't even noticed that the story lacked a plot so far, hmmm. Well, if a plot helps you with updating, yay for plots.

Author Reply: Rose runs away and hides under a pile of overdue library books-G. I am sorry. New Zealanders are always ranked in the top one or two of world populations who read rather than do anything else, we frequent our libraries so assidiously that the odd, rather draconic, librarian looms large in our collective imagination. Calumny really, since all the librarians I have had anything to do with in the last ten years are models of customer service and knowledge. However, I am an old fart now, my children remain scared to death of the volunteer dragons at our local library.(And they are 20,17 and 14)!
I might be able to make it up to the poor maligned fellow later in the story. Mind you, I think to put the fear of god into a feisty dwarf like Gimli is no mean feat -VBG.
Thanks for the review and I hope the plot lives up to your yay. And equally that the formatting is now FIXED.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/5/2004
Why, RS! As I live and update!!!! YAY!!! I have been watching ever so long for one and here it is! And do I get to review right away? Of course not! RL has had me in a choke hold lately and I am getting sick and tired of it, ya know? (I'll bet it's had you, too.) How dare it interfere with reading and reviewing stories about M-E? Anywho, I am really glad to see this chapter.... :-) :-) :-)

The thought of Gimli diligently searching through towers of books and scrolls in Aragorn's library made me smile HUGELY (the name Sneezy comes to mind LOL)! Our dwarf has hidden capabilities, tho', doesn't he? And with a commission such as he has been given, a little research is in order. Enter elf-nanny Legolas...and in a sarcastic mood, I see. "Even great dwarves need to eat, or so you have always lead me to believe. Or is this need another that has been waived by the grace that visited you in Firien Wood?" Smart-aleck elf! *vbg* Gimli must be mellowing indeed if he didn't take exception to that little lecture! :-)

Narvi a girl dwarf, huh? That seemed to boggle Legolas' mind! LOL

OOOOOOOhhhh, another RING!?? RS, you KNOW how much trouble rings cause in M-e! Now we have a new one...concealed for ages, but important enough the Aule seeks out one of his own to search for it and repair whatever damage has been done! Trouble, yep, I sense trouble brewing!

So, we're off now to see Celeborn in Imladris (dare I hope the twins make an appearance later? *begs and pleads*) Of course, first Legolas must get over Gimli's mild insult, but hey, what are friends for - especially these two!

Isn't the concept of time and the elves' perception of it fascinating?

I loved the crack about humans and their uses - honestly, that's two for Thranduilion in one chapter!!!! :-)

Earnulf - I liked him before in "Cadenza" and he's really grown up now. I loved the part about him being excited about seeing his lord Legolas again, and the test he is expecting from Aethel when he gets home. I wonder what the message from Elfwine was!? Great stuff, as usual...Update soon, my friend...


Author Reply: My friend, why would I writeif not for your superb reviews! Thank you.
My son decided to sit on my lap and read the review with me (he is fourteen, go figure, other mothers have to chase their boys for a cuddle, I have to beat mine off with a stick ) It took some reading. How wonderful to have such a detailed review. For my knees' sake I may have to read any future ones standing up (fourteen year old boys are heavy!)
RL as you so perceptively comment, is decidedly lumpy. Everything happens not only at once but on top of each other - followed by deserts of not much of anything at all. The muses are back now, hopefully they will stay and updates will be weeklyish.
I have no idea if I can shoehorn the twins into this, with my cast of thousands sticking up their hands and saying 'pick me'it is a bit of a lottery who is going to make it into this fic.
Magic Rings seem so ME, aye? I hope I can do the genre justice.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/4/2004
I love the image of Gimli in the library. There's no reason he shouldn't be good with books, I guess. I just never pictured him that way. I was also amused at your making Narvi a "she." I guess with dwarves it's hard to tell!

The scene with the Rohirrim was nicely done, with enough detail to give a real sense of their discomfort and their relationships.

Author Reply: Thanks daw, Narvi as female has been generally well recieved, there must have been some of them for heaven's sake! I am glad you like my strapping Rohirrim, I am rather fond of them too. (dirty old woman that I am)
Appreciate the review

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/4/2004
I don't know how I missed this story! There's a nice build up with details of Gimli's ill-health - how Legolas would grieve if he had really died! But I would think divine intervention is rather worrying - what do the gods want in return?


Author Reply: No such thing as a free lunch huh? I suspect they will charge the usual, life, soul, honour - very scary getting involved with gods.
Thanks for the kind words

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/4/2004
'What is the point of having humans if they don’t do chores?” '

Humans as pets to the greater races!

Author Reply: A shameless lift from 'On Golden Pond' that I have being dying to use for ever! (In the film the protagonist says of his grandson "What's the point of having dwarves if they don't do chores?" which has tickled me ever since) - could not for the life of me think of a respectful way to use that, ever, in a fan fic, but it works turned round, I hope.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/3/2004
Oh good - I was wondering about this!!

What's worse - being an elf who cares for mortals and watching them decay around you or being a mortal trying to come to terms with ideas such as elves you know having been present during events in the distant past and being present still when you are dust? It's no wonder that elves prefer to have little to do with mortals. A quick acquaintance of a year or two would be all right, but prolonging it would only be painful.

I like Narvi being female. There are too many places in Tolkien where generations appear to have happened spontaneously by cloning, in the complete absence of females. (It irritates me, actually - and I wonder whether he would have been able to get away with it if he were writing now.) And dwarven females, being relatively difficult for outsiders to recognise could just as easily be among the names listed.

I enjoyed watching Gimli in the library, with Legolas sneaking him meals. I wonder just how intimidated the librarian felt with the two of them looking at him. And the event he seeks is too far back in history for him to find it in books, so he's going to go and ask someone who was actually there!

What are the Rohirrim doing, though? Earnulf sounds as if he has grown up to be rather an attractive horse lord, but I can't imagine what he is doing in the big city. Please don't take too long to indulge my curiosity.

Good to see this - look forward to more.

Author Reply: Oh, thank you for your prompt review, especially as I have been so niggardly with mine recently (mainly owing to reading nothing as a spur to writing this!)
More is on its way now I know what is going to happen, in broad outline at least.
Back to the keyboard for me

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