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Long She Awaited Her Sorrow  by Tinuviel ylf maegden 5 Review(s)
RosieLuvsHerChainsawReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/10/2004
... miss havisham?

Author Reply: ...Oui? Right...

Author Reply: ...Oui? Right...AHHH!!! MY computer hates me!!! I can't get this stupid thing to work!!! (Seeths) Ok, I'll e-mail you since this @#$%^&* thing isn't working.

DracawynReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/10/2004
I had never cared much about the character Elfhild but now, she seems to have a spirite so like my own that i cannot help but like her. And Rhiannon is awsome. you are amazing when it comes to discription.

Author Reply: Why thank you, Dracawyn. How so do you identify with her?

eokatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/8/2004
Very moving chapter. What a choice before Elfhild. She so desperately wants a child. Well written and such detail. I loved it. Eokat.

Author Reply: Thank you very much, Eokat, for reviewing my story, and thank you twice for liking it!

Lady EponaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/7/2004
Oh this is so well written my dear sister. I do ever so look forward to the next chapter as I am very much so enjoying this story. Please continue...

Author Reply: Thanx Gin Tonic! guese what? Astarte gave me her password! HA! guese who this REALLY is... go on, guese.

Author Reply: Yes, I was forced to give my friend my password. The previous reply was writtin by the Rosie mass murderer person. Yep. Very interesting, she. But yes, Gin, I shall continue.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/3/2004
Really good!
She wants a child so much,that she looks to the wise old women.... She is told if she has the child she will die,yet even that dosen't make her turn back....Please keep up the good work,update soon....

Author Reply: Thank you, pipinheart! I shall. Sorry it takes me so long to reply, I'm not very good with technology.

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