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Black Mountain  by White Wolf 7 Review(s)
EruannaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/23/2004
Ooooh, it's getting tense!!!

My POOR x (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to the 50th power) BABY!

Very interesting, though, about him still being himself somewhere inside, even when he was actually sleeping. And something about the words "and here he was, not only dying again, but as usual..." seemed somewhat comical. :)

And just how did I know that they wouldn't make it past the snowline just yet? You are positively cruel.

Very ominous little cliffy you got there. Good job!

Author Reply: Tense is good.

Oh my. That is indeed a poor baby.

I believe that the inner workings of an elf's mind can be somewhat detached from their conscious mind. I was afraid that line was a bit humorous without me wanting it to be, but I wanted to get that idea across, so I left it in the story. I hope you didn't laugh too hard. :o)

I guess you knew, because you know me. I do tend to be cruel from time to time. After all, this is an angst story, complete with cliffies.

SitarayReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/22/2004
oooh...i love it...write more soon...and I did read the wrong path, and I loved it as well, so i'm glad to see this is a bit of a sequel :)


Author Reply: Thank you very much. I'm glad to hear you also loved "The Wrong Path". I hope to hear more from you. There will be an update right after the holidays.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/21/2004
Elladan and Elrohir can take them! Anywho- I think that the howlers will have chaos if the leader dies only because they've never had another leader that died before.
"howlers’ need to consume only live prey" Now that is something that I would yell at them if I was there. But I'm not so more soon please.

Author Reply: You love those twins, don't you? So do I. I think the howler is handing our boys a line of bull to discourage them from trying to fight. I wanted to make the howlers as bad as I could and eating live prey seemed like one good way of doing that. There will be more after the holidays.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/21/2004
A lovely, angsty chapter. Very entertaining! :-D I am hoping that the Howlers still wanting to eat him mean that their blood is not turning him into a Howler.

Author Reply: Glad you like the chapter. Entertainment is my goal, plus I just plain love to write. Clever of you to figure out that the holwers wouldn't be intending to eat someone they wanted to join them.

Sindar90Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/21/2004
Damn, you are good, too's good you have written this, and that i had time to read it...because i'm leaving to London tomorrrow night...i have never been in an aeroplane before, so i'm really nervous about it...But this is really good chapter...again...Poor legolas...

- and moms says: I allready have friends in england - a welder that seems to think that I am somekind of wonderwoman... maybe I find something suitable to wear - something for superwoman...
They say that you can find allmost everything from Harrods (the owner is married to a finnish woman)

Author Reply: Thank you for liking my writing. I appreciate the compliment.

I hope you have a great time in London. It's been a while since I was there, but I love London. See everything you get the chance to see. There is so much there to enjoy. I shopped at Harrod's. It is a fantastic store. And they sell everything but automobiles. I hope you have a great time. I also hope you enjoy flying. I love that, too.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/21/2004
I can't decide if they made progress in this chapter or not. I think yes. At least there are three healthy and very dangerous warriors facing the howlers rather than one sick elf.

Author Reply: I agree. Alone Legolas wouldn't have had much of a chance against those creatures, even if he had been healthy. Having his friends with him, gives him a better chance, though not a guaranteed one - for any of them.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/21/2004
Oh no! Poor Legolas - brain working, mouth not.

That last line is horrible! Surely death is not the only way Legolas can escape from the horrible howlers. Just as they were hoping to get away too.

(I didn't think it would be that easy!)

Author Reply: I think Legolas would have been better off, if his inner mind was not working so well either. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.

No, death is not Legolas's only avenue of escape. E3 just have to find another way - if they can.

Nothing is ever easy for those four, is it?

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