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Black Mountain  by White Wolf 6 Review(s)
buffipieReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/17/2004
Okay please make sure you update soon, I wanna know what happens next!!!...I don't think I'll be able to stand the wait! ;)

KC Smith (buffipie)

Author Reply: I gather your anxiety stems from you liking the story. Thank you. I'm going to post the next chapter right after I finish writing this response. Is that fast enough? :o)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/13/2004
Love the rock!! Settling an inch above his nose and making the howlers think he was squashed - very clever. It also seems a good thing that the mountain seems determined to shake off some of the howlers and send them into the next life - and an even better thing that they do not reproduce. (Are any of them female? If not, they would find it hard to reproduce anyway.) Little do E2A know how lucky they were!

I hope Elrohir has spotted what I hope he has spotted! Legolas is in rather serious need of rescue now, I should think. Save that elf!

Author Reply: Thanks. I'm glad you liked the way I kept Legolas from getting squashed. He's still in a bind, of course. The howlers are neither male nor female. That's why I never refer to them in gender terms, only using the neutral it. Can you imagine having a bunch of tiny howler children with wicked little teeth running around the mountain. That's a scary thought.

I know what you think Elrohir has spotted. So you want the elf saved, do you? I'll see what I can do about that, but I'm not making any promises.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/12/2004
why stop there? its getting to the good part! When i read about the howlers being killed and they have no means to grow in numbers, i cheered (inside my head). They found Legolas; they did they did! Oh boy. More soon please!

Author Reply: Does that mean you don't think it's been good up to now? :o) I cheered, too. I'd be very happy, if they dwindled down to nothing. I'm happy you're happy at the discovery. More soon.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/11/2004
Oh! Oh! Rescue is at hand. I just hope they all manage to pull it off this time.

The part about the howlers dwindling in population was interesting. I hadn't thought of that before. All I can say is thank goodness!

Author Reply: Me, too! I think it's about time they all get back together. However, their troubles aren't over, as I'm sure you've guessed by now.

When I was writing about the howlers being killed, it dawned on me that, considering how they were created, there was no way of replacing them. I'm glad you found it interesting. Thank goodness is very apt. They are not very nice beings.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/11/2004
Hooray! E2A have found him! Now, surely even you wouldn't be so cruel as to make Legolas play dead, so that Elrohir thinks he's crushed? Besides, he'll hear them - they have to rescue him.

Good chapter - thanks!


Author Reply: Well, I have been called cruel on more than one occasion. This time, I'll be a bit nicer. The next chapter will hopefully explain your concerns, and it won't be too long in coming.

Thank you.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/11/2004
Very nice sense of timing! You crank up the tension with a great deal of skill, making the reader want to shout at the monitor, for all the good it would do (none).

Looking forward to more, in this story I just sort of stumbled over this morning.

Author Reply: Welcome to my little tale. Thank you so much for the compliment. Like most writers, I do a lot of reading, as well, and I've done my share of wanting to shout at the monitor. And you are right; it does no good whatsoever.

You and Estel seem to be 'stumbling' today. :o) Both of you will be rewarded, hopefully.

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