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I Might Fall  by LOTRFaith 8 Review(s)
tiinaj1Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/4/2014
What a great story. Id just like to ask that u take.the time to catch spelling errors and the many missing words. I loved the story. It was full of emotion and very interesting. :)

Layton ColtReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/4/2004
I really enjoyed this! You had me so hooked I could barely pause until I was done. Also, I loved Let Me Be The One, I'm officially a fan of yours now--keep up the awesome work! :-)

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/23/2004
Aww, I'm sooooo glad that you didn't let Thranduil get away with saying that and not clearing it up. I imagine you got fussed at for having had him say it in the first place, considering Tolkien canon, but for the sake of your little fic (which is by it's very existence AU) it was okay to ignore that. In my book it was anyway. *vbg*

A very good, very moving story that I really liked. :):):)

divaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/21/2004
I loved it please right another one!!! It was so cute!!!

Author Reply: Thanks! I plan on writting one, but after I get my mind back to normal:-D Am glad you thought so!

Hisie LomeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/21/2004
What fun...I just got back for vacation and had 2 new listings for your on and one here. They were the same! The Valar were rather forceful with that direction of what to read today.

It was a touching story . I look forward to your next tale.

Author Reply: I hope you had fun on your vacation! lol.. Yes indeed the Valar was forceful;-) But luckily the Valar did not have to send any messenger to force you to read:-D

Thanks! Hopefully for you, I might actually make it come together a bit better:-D

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/21/2004
I'm glad that father and son have reconciled here. It's understandable that Legolas thought about events one way when he was a child, but it's time he got an adult's perspective on them, and that's hard to do given how traumatic it was.

Author Reply: Yes me too:-D In growing up myself I have come to grips with many things that as a child I couldn't for the life of me comprehend... And I think that at last Legolas is finally grown in a sense, emotionally and mentally:-)

ShirelingReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/21/2004
Lovely story,
I particularly liked the relationship between Legolas and Faramir and the way you drew parallels between their two stories.

Well done.

Author Reply: Wow! I cannot believe so many authors whose stories I love are actually coming to review me!

Yes I like Faramir and Legolas and knew that at last I could use the two in the same fic and actually have a decent conversation:-D Thank you so much!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/21/2004
Here am I, sitting listening to Evanescence - and you come up with some of their lyrics! (I have come to the conclusion that I am better off not being able to pick out the words, since they always seem to be rather depressing.)

I'm glad Legolas recovered and reconciled with Thranduil. They need each other.

Author Reply: lol.. Yes I love Evanescence, but I don't have that particular cd... I love listening to the lyrics (or finding them and reading them if the music is a bit too rocky to hear the lyrics:-)and when I saw that particular song and the lyrics I knew immediately that I needed to use them..:-D

Yes Legolas is recovered and reconciled:-D And yes they do need each other...

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