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A Place for Gandalf  by Dreamflower 7 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/9/2008
Alas--growing up a bit fast. Yes, remember that stage!

Author Reply: Yes, poor Esme!

GryffinjackReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/12/2005
Typical male to forget about the bedding linens. lol! Well, it was quite thoughtful of him to begin with to create a larger room and to remember that a larger bed would be needed. I wonder, though, what is the relationship between the widow Grubb and Bilbo's attorney, Mr Grubb?

It is difficult for a mother to realise that her little one does not need her as much as he or she used to. What a wonderfully bubbly little lad Merry is, spouting out to his mum all that he has been doing without stopping to catch a breath. I do wonder how Bilbo, Frodo, and Merry knew Esmerelda would be coming on that particular day when she had told them when she left that she would be back in three to four days. I guess it must have been the fourth day, so they figured she would be arriving, since I cannot imagine them sending a messenger all the way from the Great Smials just to tell them she was coming.

I'm sure Bilbo is much relieved that nobody took Merry up on his suggestion for the relatives from the Great Smials to come stay at Bag End. Children are so delightful in the simplicity of their thinking.

Author Reply: LOL! Yes, it seemed to me the kind of thing that might escape Bilbo's mind!

Given the intricacies of hobbit genealogy, I would not be surprised if she should not be the widow of a cousin or some such. But "Messrs. Grubb, Grubb and Burrowes" were Bilbo's lawyers from "The Hobbit". (At least I assume they were his lawyers, since they had been given the right to conduct his "estate sale".)

Merry does live up to his name most of the time, doesn't he? And yes, it's been four days. They probably had waited for her some the day before as well. I am thinking that they probably expected her sometime in the morning, and if she had not arrived by then, they would just wait another day.

I'm sure he's relieved as well. Children do go for the simplest solution, don't they? Especially if it's one that suits them.

By the way, I took your second suggestion for a title for my PippinHealer story, and gave you the credit. I am afraid I misspelled your name though, 8-(

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/13/2004
I thought it was so like Bilbo to forget the bed linen and curtains. I am glad that he had help with that part of his new room. He is going to need to build lots more rooms if Merry is ever put in charge of Bilbo's guest list! LOL

Author Reply: I thought it was like him, too, LOL!
Merry was just being a logical seven year old--after all, as he said, Bilbo has "loads of rooms". 8-)

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/13/2004
Hey, Merry, why don't you just invite all of Great Smials while you're at it! hehe That was cute. Not a bad idea though, but a bit too much for Bilbo to take on with all he has going right now. Good thing Tina and Esme came when they did though; guys just aren't very good about thinking of things like linens are they? I'm sure he would have figured it out eventually, like when the bed arrived.

Author Reply: Little ones usually go for the solution that suits them best: he didn't want to leave, so let everyone come to him! Fortunately it provided Esme with the chance of a little ettiquette lesson.
Yes, I think he would have caught on eventually, but maybe not in time. I'm sure that Tina and Esme will have a chuckle about it on the drive home.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/13/2004
It's such a feeling of loss when your little ones start to grow up and don't need you so much any more. Especially when it's either your last-born, or with Merry, your only.

(Then, of course, they hit teenage years and become surgically attached to your wallet and your car.)

Good thing the females turned up and pointed out that beds need bedding. Bilbo would have been embarrassed to discover that just as he went in to tuck Gandalf up.

Author Reply: I know. I think the teenage years are nature's way of making you regret the flying of the nest less! ( You go from "Aww, my baby's growing up" to "Good grief, I can't wait to get the house to ourselves" ) LOL!

Yes, I can imagine *that* scenario. Probably would have given Gandalf a chuckle, anyway.

RogerGamgeeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/13/2004

This was a great chapter. I thought it was funny the way Bilbo got so caught up in the building of Gandalf's room that he completely forgot about the linens. I can just picture Gandalf trying to sleep with hobbit size bedsheets. They would probably look more like bath towels to him.

Author Reply: Just seemed like a "Bilbo kind of thing". I could imagine him being that absent-minded. 8-)

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/13/2004
Bilbo looked thunderstruck. It was clear that this particular aspect of furnishing the room had never occurred to him.

How like an old bachelor to think of the furniture but not the I love the interweaving of all the elements in this story...Bilbo's preparations for Gandalf, his decision to adopt Frodo, and Frodo and Merry's bond.

Author Reply: Just seemed like Bilbo, if you know what I mean. I'm glad you are enjoying the story.
We know that this is the year he adopts Frodo, and there are hints in the chapter on Moria that Balin visited the Shire before he went to Moria, and I'm sure if he did, Gandalf would have gone with him. Just seemed logical to me. And I always like exploring the relationships of the cousins.

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