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Last Time  by SoundofHorns 10 Review(s)
songspinnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/28/2004
This was lovely - sad, but lovely. I like the idea that Aragorn would want to end up wherever the hobbits are. Perhaps he figured that the whole Fellowship would somehow do that? And it fits, having it be between Merry and Aragorn, since the king chooses his own time of death in the books.


songspinnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/28/2004
This was lovely - sad, but lovely. I like the idea that Aragorn would want to end up wherever the hobbits are. Perhaps he figured that the whole Fellowship would somehow do that? And it fits, having it be between Merry and Aragorn, since the king chooses his own time of death in the books.


SueReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2004
What a wonderful story, I was almost in tears at the end. I was so heartbroken for Merry.

nancybrookeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2004
Perfectly sad and wonderful.

CitrineReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/5/2004
I'd like to say something really deep and meaningful and articulate here about how much your story moved me, but it's hard to see the keyboard right now. I read this last night, and cried a bucket. And now I've read it again and cried another bucket. Poor Merry. Poor, poor Merry. And poor Aragorn, too. "..this time it is Strider who will follow and the little ones his guide…" Ah God, sometimes mortality just sucks so much.

Author Reply: I cried all the way through writing this--hell, i teared up when I got the was so real and vivid in my head. Sniff. Poor Merry and Aragorn indeed. Poor Legolas, too to be left alone.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2004
such a good story, and you had me crying all over the place, liked the end where Strider wants Merry to tell the hobbits to wait for him. Thanks for the good read.

Author Reply: I know, that last bit with Aragorn's thoughts--I was crying too. It just kept getting sadder.

ValtoReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2004
I have read a lot of fanfic, a fair share of it being LOTR, and this is one of the most touching and true-to-character fics I've ever read. It's absolutly lovely. You should submit it for posting over at's a site for some of the best LOTR fiction and your story must be approved to be posted. I think this would be a great addition :)

Author Reply: Oh, wow, thanks! I'll do that, I've submitted one fanfic to't know if you've come across it, though.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2004
Oh! I can't stand it! You showed the deep love Aragorn had for his dear little hobbits just as I always imagined it, sharp, protective, touched a bit with guilt for all he could not protect them from. And Merry, poor Merry! Somehow I always imagine him going first, since he is the elder, but even so, to be left behind all alone. I'm going to cry!!

Author Reply: I thought it was fitting, perhaps Pippin became ill or something...wasn't that a small, recurring thing in LOTR? That poor Merry always got left behind?
This story actually started out from Merry's POV and then Aragorn took it over and I had to rewrite it--he certainly had a message! :( poor him, to have to watch them die.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2004
This is so sad. Sad to see the brave heroes of the quest reduced to elderly hobbits or old men; all with their own afterlife, so they may never meet again. And Legolas, being immortal, is destined always to be alone. (The young, brave heroes being reduced to old men seems particularly poignant just now.)


Author Reply: I thought that, like our cultures, most of Middle-Earth's people would think they would go to "their" afterlife...and how sad would that be? The fellowship never to be reunited? Even Legolas no doubt had Gandalf in Valinor (who knows how long, might be forever, but still, who knows).
I did think that Aragorn would be terribly broken up by their slow seperation--rememeber he kept the hobbits in Minas Tirith and didn't want them to leave. He would have missed his little friends so much, I think, after worrying and looking after them for so long. Sniff! It's very sad.

Meldewen IlceReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2004
Wow - I am in tears!

That was beautiful!

Author Reply: I know, I cried when I wrote it--it was just so sad!

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