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The Greatest Torment  by Still Anonymous 3 Review(s)
MithLuinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/8/2006
Beautifully done, shifting between the scenes - very dream-like. I imagine the guilt of the Kin-slaying and the betrayal weighed heavily on Maedhros while he was captive. Also poignant that Fingon -did- rescue Maedhros, despite Morgoth's words to the contrary!

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/4/2004
*leaps up* Writing a novel, you say? Should you publish it, you could consider me your first buyer.
I did add you to my favorite author at, so I will have my eye out. :)

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/2/2004
Oh, I am glad to see you posting another story!
This looked a difficult thing to tackle. At least for me, writing a story from the point of view of an Elf and it being from the Silmarillion, sounds difficult. You handled it very well.
But I had forgotten it was indeed Maedhros that lost his hand. I'm in dire need of reading the Silm again.

Shall we be seeing anymore Asfaloth soon? Sorry, just wondering...

Author Reply: Hello, Kitt! :D

I've actually been working on two long stories (one fanfiction, one not) and getting ready to write an Original Fiction novel, so I've been pretty busy, even though no one can tell from my account. ::rolls eyes::

Ordinarily I would have found this difficult, but the plotbunny just *leaped* at me a few days ago and I had to drop everything and write it. It gave me a shockingly little amount of trouble, but probably because I refused to allow myself to think about how badly I might mess it up. ;) I would usually quail at writing something like this. But thank you! :D

::gapes:: You *forgot* it was Maedhros that lost his hand?! I could never forget. In the first place, I read too much Silmarillion, and in the second place, I read too much Silmarillion fanfiction. ;) If you haven't been there, you might like to visit They have an excellent selection of fanfiction in their archive, including a lot of Silmarillion fanfiction, much of which has to do with Feanor and Family.

::grins:: Waiting for more Asfaloth? No need to be sorry, I am most pleased. Hmm, I don't know about *soon* unfortunately, but I do have over 3,400 words written to a sequel (that's almost two chapters). However, I am really busy. I am suffering a lack of computer time recently, and I'm working on a short Original Fiction story. I hope to very soon start working on an Original Fiction Sci-Fi (or possibly Fantasy, I have a plotbunny for each) novel. Fanfiction is going to have to get shelved, *but* I *might* finish "Lessons Learned the Hard Way" (which is the Asfaloth sequel/prequel) first. It just depends on what the plotbunnies do. :) If you want to keep an eye on what I'm doing, probably the best way is to go to which is my account at I tend to keep my bio updated there, so that my readers have some idea of what they can expect.

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