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The Minstrel's Quest  by Gentle Hobbit 12 Review(s)
CuthalionReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/14/2005
This is gentle, wise and beautiful; I just chose this chapter to have a first glimpse on this tale (though I vaguely remember having read one of the earlier chapters before). And now I will read the whole thing!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm so glad to see that you have tried this out. I hope that the rest of the story is also enjoyable for you.

nerdinpinkReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/10/2005
Oh this is so wonderful! Please write more soon?

Author Reply: Thank you! And I have... :)

BudgieloverReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/9/2005
The scene of Farohan deciding which was the Ring-bearer was just beautifully written and explained. I loved following his thought processes and hearing his mental evaluations of what his heart knew to be true. The angelic beauty of MovieFrodo will ever color our thoughts of what the Ring-bearer looks like from now on, yet you managed to mute that and turn it into a believable decision. This was undoubtedly my favorite chapter so far.

Author Reply: Thank you for all of your lovely reviews for each chapter!

As for Frodo's looks--yes, MovieFrodo's looks are quite in constrast to my own BookFrodo's appearance. In fact, little of that contrast makes its way into the next chapter. I hope that it will not intrude too much on people's perceptions of a beloved character.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/9/2005
Glad to see he has eyes that can see - and recognise what is before them. Needs to learn about Elvish now, though? I hope he gets time to finish this lay. Although I suppose there is no longer a desperate need to get it done so quickly as he's been relieved of the task of producing the lay for the feast.

Not, mind you, that I mind his needing to go and spend some time with the elf. And the dwarf?

Author Reply: Luckily, Farohan has Legolas to deal with Elvish translations! Sadly, there is no need for him to spend time with Gimli in particular now, as he does not plan to sing in Dwarvish! Yet Gimli is very much an active member of the group, and Farohan has valued what he has to say.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/8/2005
An update! How wonderful!

Farohan's respect and humility for Frodo is touching in this scene, as is his understanding of Sam's part. It is unfortunate that we won't be able to read the song itself. Your Farohan would have written a beautiful and haunting one, I think. I do hope we get to hear the tales Merry and Pippin and the others will have to tell about Sam, and the Elvish lessons should be interesting.

Author Reply: And would you believe it? Another update within a week! And with a little more of Sam in it. I too wish we could read the words of the lay, but I have no skill in writing one, and it would end up a travesty! Better that I should leave it to the imagination.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/7/2005
I'm so glad to see an update of this. It's just beautiful! I love Farohan's insight into what Frodo and Sam would want, but I think my favorite part was Merry, first putting Farohan to the test, and then your description of how his face changed as he looked upon his cousin. Just made me tear up. Beautiful!

Author Reply: I wrote that bit with Merry looking lovingly at Frodo while I was sitting on the grass by Tolkien's grave. It was an emotional experience for me, and it came through, I think, in the writing. Bless you for pointing that bit out.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/7/2005
"Over time, Frodo's face had altered, yet the change occurred not in the distant past. It spoke of two beings: the hobbit he once had been--dreaming, wandering, yet tied to his homeland--was in counterpoint to what he had now become: old and beautiful and knowing."

Wonderful! Farohan is indeed a thoughtful observer and he passed Merry's "test" brilliantly! I appreciate it, that he's decided to sing in Elvish. He has only a little time left to learn how to do so. But he will manage it, I'm sure :)

Author Reply: Yes--he passed the test with flying colours, didn't he! And luckily, he also has an elf to guide him through the next stage. Thank you for your review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/7/2005
Both natures were Frodo's heritage. No longer was he the light-hearted but intense hobbit that tramped through his green homeland, although those memories were dear to him. Instead, the peace and gravity now etched upon his face were of a beauty that had grown through care, toil and wisdom; they were of one who had fought great evil and who had known evil within himself but after all, and through it all, loved that which he had sought to protect. There would be no return for him to the simple life of the hobbits, Farohan realized, not now--not for one whose face spoke of such knowledge and such sorrow.

How lovely. Farohan is such a thoughtful and clear-seeing man. It's fascinating to see Sam and Frodo through his eyes and perceptions.

Author Reply: You know--I have thought of Frodo's character for many years and mulled over his decisions, sacrifices and fate. Yet Farohan is "discovering" him for the first time. It's been challenging to try to imagine what it would be like for him. I'm very glad you like the result!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/7/2005
Yes, I can see this indeed. Lovely picture of the two lying, sleeping near one another. Thank you.

Author Reply: Ah--I love it when my words are able to paint, or perhaps "sculpt" pictures! Thank you for following the story!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/7/2005
I was so glad to see that a new chapter had been posted. And it was just as good as it promised to be. I like the idea that the essential 'us' will shine through whatever 'experience' does to us.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you liked the chapter. I'm also glad that Frodo's true nature does seem to shine through.

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