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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 8 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 18 on 11/29/2005
That was gallant of Legolas to concede the kill to Ris, and a nice little touch that Frecern had two arrows in him. Good riddance. There was something very elvish about Elladan being drawn to the fire with everything else that was going on at the time, and it was neat to see a slightly vunerable, if dangerous, side to Minual. You have done a thorough portrait of her. I can't stop reading tonite. On to the next! ~TF

Author Reply: Gracious you were on a reviewing jag - thank you. Nothing like a good fire to draw one in - even elves.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/16/2004
Oh my! What a loaded question! In answer to your inquiry about what I'd LIKE to see for the wind-up of this little tale of yours.....weeellll...I'd like to see it NOT end!!!! NO????? OK, then definitely a sequel....come on, RS, surely these guys attract trouble like flowers attract bees....really, do some thinking about it, ok? Maybe a plague, or a small skirmish (are the Haradrim still bad to the bone?), or a forgotten curse, or a hurricane...(ummmmm, maybe not a hurricane). As for loose ends....

*something for the hobbit to do (name? name??? :( sorry, brain dead right now)

**what about Legolas and Minuial? Is this a permanent thing...they both seem semi-serious, tho' their views definitely do not mesh. :-)

***what about Arwen's little problem with her (and Aragorn's) mortality...has she come completely to terms with it, or do some doubts still linger?

****Gleowyn's husband....didn't she think he's dead? He wasn't, was he? (I didn't think he was....oooooh, he'd better not be! If he is, then you need to kill Frecern again!!) Anywho, a reunion between those two.

*****what punishment for the hill rebels?

See, warn you I did...many suggestions have I...expecting another chapter AND a new story soon I am (*VLH* :-) very large hint)


Author Reply: Thanks so much for your enthusiasm! But all good things come to an end and I see the close of this tale on the horizon. Still I think I have covered most of your must haves in the next bits, and thanks for the ideas for the next tome. Mind you this one took me a year+ to get this far - are you sure you want a sequel? Ok, Ok, ducks 'the force' (aka 'warn you I did') thrown objects, I'll think about it!
Rose X

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/16/2004
Love the late arrivals - twins with hair blowing in the wind, Legolas seeking out Arwen and Minuial - Gimli calling him a daddy's boy. What a good line - just as well they are true friends.

Shame Frecern got away from Gimli - but Legolas heard his cry and deserted Minuial for a bit of action and I just adored the Ris / Legolas interaction - simply great. Nice to see a female dwarf making an impression. However - under the humour the tragedy of Nain's death and the loss of those future children.

I have often thought that it must be - edgy - being too close to warriors waking unexpectedly. That must have been some whack with the jug!

Looking forward to the wind up. And the start of the sequel!

Author Reply: Oh yes, Leggy deserting Min, glad you picked that up - heh, some accounting to be had there I think. The twins love to pose in my head, so it was fun to give them an eye-candy moment of their own and I needed them to be around to help Min when Leggy took off - never underestimate elven strength, Arwen packed a punch, the jug now looks like one of those surrealistic pictures, all flat and twisted!
Sorry about Gim, but he did get his axe to the rat's neck, then the pesky horse went and spoiled it, ha, Ris deserved her revenge tho.
Thanks so much for the review, the trouble is Cadenza is a sequel - do you really think a sequel to the sequel is needed?

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/16/2004
A draw, that's o.k., I can live with a draw. But couldn't Arwen have had a go at Thranduil with a bed pan before the happy ending? Before you get a wrong impression: I like elves. And I like the story.

Author Reply: Well yes, I so didn't want a cliche ending, but Legolas had built up some points against that man, so I wanted him to have a role, and Ris won the poll in my head of one of the other most damaged.
Glad you are enjoying the story, and I laughed and laughed at arwen with a bed-pan, tho I think she would have liked to clock Frecern not Thranduil, who after all was only guilty of allowing her to go her own way!
Thanks for the review

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/16/2004
It's always tempting to comment on the end of the chapter first, so I will. :-) I loved Ris and her avenging of Nain and the interaction between her and Legolas.

There were lots of little details in the chapter that I liked: Elladan drawn to a fire like a moth, for example, or fear staining the air and frightening the war horse. Those were great lines and gave real character to the piece.

Author Reply: Thank you daw, I do like writing horses, they are so themselves in all situations while being completely unpredictable - Ha! I am glad Ris' part in Frecern's downfall seems ok. Rose

Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/15/2004
I really love all your stories. I read and re-read them. Keep up the good work

Author Reply: Thank you, it is so nice to know that people actually enjoy these stories, they sure keep me occupied, writing them. BG . Appreciate the review. Rose

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/15/2004
RS! It is my very great honor to present to you the DoJtBG Award (Dispenser of Justice to Bad Guys)! *sg (stupid grin, but hey, if you're gonna write about THE elf like that, I can't promise to think straight)*

Hmmmm, a review - *slaps brain back into place*.....Wow! Where to start? Well, I loved the twins on the rooftops of the burning palace...I'm glad they decided to follow the action and get away from the flames tho'...I mean, I know Elrond taught those elflings not to play with fire! :-) And Legolas, leaping to follow the action like a "hart" - what an apt description of the grace and power of an elven warrior in action *sigh*.

Gimli sure can push the elf's buttons, can't he? I thought Legolas was going to deck him for a minute...."Go and do what your daddy told you?"....woooo! But that's Gimli "Tactless", son of Gloin, for you. At least he made amends (sometimes friends can say the harshest things without thinking).

I thought the way Minuial woke up was very much in character for a warrior trained to react to danger...the last thing she remembered was being bopped on the head by some unknown assailant. So the twins tend to her head, and Legolas responds to Gimli's yell to go after that RAT, Frecern. I almost cried at his reaction to seeing Gimli laid out on the ground....squabbles or not, they are such good friends! *sniff*

Yay! Legolas and Ris were able to put that jerk Frecern out of his misery, and settle some old debts in the doing! I felt so sorry for Ris, but Legolas said just the right thing, and I believe made a friend, too....honestly, RS, a little more meat on his bones and he'd make a passable dwarf? ROTFL...*gasp -choke* Not content to do me in with your evil cliffies, you must finish the job with laughter! What a great chapter - lots of action, some giggles, a RAT gets his just desserts, and some really good interaction between your characters! SOOOOOOOOO...what's next, hmmmmmmmm??? ;-)


Author Reply: The author takes a bow, accepts the medal with delight, and trips over her feet on the way off the stage!
Thanks Linda, your reviews always make posting worth while, they certainly keep me writing. I am glad you thought I made a suitable end to the best bad guy I have ever written, I find myself kinda missing him - like a headache - but none the less his muse was nothing but at least creative.
Poor old Leggy, torn as ever between his two worlds, I guess I had better find a little resolution for the tension between Min and Gim in the wrap up, aye? And a few other loose ends. Anything in particular you would like to see?

SasseyJReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/15/2004
WHat a great story. I look forward to each chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you Sassey - glad you have enjoyed the ride, anything in particular you would like to see in the wrap up chapters?

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