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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 5 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 17 on 11/29/2005
I really enjoyed the exchange between Legolas and Thranduil, with the younger elf sitting at his father's feet and at one point kissing his hand. Thranduil seemed to be pouting a bit, having failed in his charge, then relegated to merely guarding mortal captives. It must have seemed a degrading assignment, though he also did not want to risk his people to the battle. The birds were a nice, wood-elf touch, especially the ones that alighted on Gimli the Grump.

Author Reply: The little green birds come to the bird feeder outside the window by my computer - figured they deserved a place in the fic. Glad you enjoyed Gimli the Grump.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/13/2004
Kingly Aragorn makes my heart go pitapat. But the burning of Meduseld was just awe inspiring. I particularly liked the line that it burned even without an audience.

I loved the birds landing on Gimli! LOL

Author Reply: Yep, he makes my heart go all wonky too. I think that is why I find it so hard to write the man. I keep going all goey instead of listening to what he has to say. (Listen to me woman, I'm King, shakes me - G)
It always amuses me how we gather to watch a fire as if it needs encouragment, we do the same to the sea - quite indifferent, both.
The birds were visiting a nectar feeder in the window beside where I type - they peeped their way into the fic, (N.Z. wax-eyes, a very pretty native should you want to look them up on a web page or something. )
Thanks, as ever, for the support.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/13/2004
Ah, so they're together again! Good. And the twins are back, though they haven't done anything so far. I loved Thranduil's birds, it seemed a very elfy thing, and his thoughts about Legolas's 'unfortunate' companion.

BTW, I loved Arwen in the last chapter with her jug! Poor Minuial.


Author Reply: OOO, you are a slave driver, (I like it!) 'Dem twins will have something to do, I promise ( never hang a gun on the wall if it is not going to be used by act 3, huh?) And I am glad you are enjoying my elves, they are telling me their stories, just a conduit me, plotting away.
Thanks so much for the support

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/13/2004
Big aaaahhhhhhhhhh! That should calm Aragorn down a bit.

But what has happened to the slime-ball Frecern? The avengers are all gathered - which one is going to have the pleasure of taking him out. Perhaps they can chop him up and all have a little bit.

How is Gleowyn's husband? How will Minuial cope with having been felled by a queen with a jug? How will the Rohirrim cope without Meduseld? So many more things to discover.

Loving it. Keep up the pace!

Author Reply: Um, yes, the dispatch of the evil meany. What fun. Plotting even as I type - update asap (later this week I should think) And then to the wrap up - even more evil grin, just how long can I drag this fic out? Hmmmm.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/13/2004
Wow, I'm gonna give you an award for every chapter, if it will get me another chapter of this story so quickly! I had just finished reviewing ch. 16 when I looked back at the table of contents page and saw this new one! That was really quick, RS, I bow to your muse for goading you on to new heights (or did Greenleaf and Gimli pester you for leaving them behind?) And what's thissssss, my evil cliffie in sightssesss? The shock alone might do me in.........

A review....ok, Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Arwen in her beloved's arms, at last.....what a picture, and I'm very glad they found each other! (I just love Mouse's screaming fits....I can just see her *snerk*.) Am really in to endings today...I reviewed the end of the story here, and started a new novel by reading the end first....ah well, whatever! :-)

Back to the beginning - Loved the part where Legolas, Gimli, and Co. catch up with Thranduil and Co. Thranduil is very much the King here - and in charge of these infantile mortals. He's really being somewhat patient, if disgusted and frustrated, too....and worried about his missing people. Nice interaction between him and his son (Be my arms and my legs....bring my people back to me..)

Legolas and Minuial - I tell ya, he's WORRIED about the girl...she's missing and he's starting to freak a little at that news...

Aragorn finds Throndar - *sniffles renew* Even in death, his faithful guard helps his King! *wails*

Great chapter, RS.....still pondering a new award, tho'....can't think of one offhand (brain still numb from reading 2 chapters in one :-) night)....don't hold it against me.....*g*


Author Reply: Well I will award you the Wicked Reader ball and chain for reading the end before the beginning of a book - ( of course my virtue is such that I would never contemplate doing such a thing, today anyway!)((Mainly because this flipping story takes so much of my brain at the moment that I don't have any room left for reading anything - and this from a seven book a week and many fan- fic sad person with much more life than she is happy with - leave me alone - waddya mean you need clean clothes? Food? a clean house?))

I am formualating darstardly events leading up to the demise of Frecern. Heh heh. So the next ch will probably be a few days away - depends if they let me sleep these muses.

Thanks for all your kind words, I am so well fed I am getting fat - (starveling look)

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