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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 4 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/29/2005
Wow, that was an exciting chapter! I have to give Frecern credit, grudgingly, for being clever enough to fire Meduseld and cover his escape, but he obviously also doesn't care who he kills in the process. What a lout. I love Arwen being so capable in a dangerous situation. It is no surprise.
Favorite bit:

"Minuial swooped silently down on the trembling servant and spoke softly in her ear. 'Come mortal, would’st thou help me to find the Queen of Gondor?'"

On to the next. ~TF

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long replying - RL intrudes at this time of year. Such a good baddy Frecern - I'm working on another one but I miss him.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/12/2004
By the power vested in me as the one most damaged by your talent of writing the never-ending cliffhangers for this story, I hereby award you the EC award for the one most likely to KILL ME! *snerk hehehehehe*

Ah, yes, a review......

Throndar - may I say that I am still sad about poor Throndar, and Arwen's reaction to learning of his fate was portrayed just right. Come to think of it, she has probably known him for awhile (maybe even watched him grow into the trustworthy warrior he was), as this takes place some years after Aragorn is crowned king. What a loyal soldier - "greater love hath no man, that he would lay down his life...." *sob!*

The reappearance of the terrific twosome - :-) *vbsigh* I do love the squabbling that goes on between these two....and you write it well. Gimli is a real grumpy-gills, isn't he? However, Legolas, bless his sweet pesky heart, does seem to bait him continually! *g* Hey, guys, you'd better hurry up before the fighting is over...RS is leaving you behind!!!!

Mouse - a timid youngster (at least she seems young to me), who can scream like a Nazgul, faint very nicely, quiet a screaming babe (they do seem to do it on purpose, my own used to drive me nuts doing that), and manage to find the way out for everyone! Is there no END to this girl's talents? (I loved the way you quickly developed her character...she's great!)

Minuial - OUCH! That had to hurt! Oh how the mighty are fallen.....*g*, and she had worked so d--n hard to find Arwen, too. She's not going to be too happy when she regains consciousness...pounded by a friend, and being carried by *gasp* a man....Valar forbid! Still, perhaps there is a lesson for our Marchwarden in this. She's going to have a sore head...maybe Legolas can soothe her headache (he can soothe my head any time he wants...*slaps self silly to stop hyperventilating). ;-)

Go, Aragorn, Go....Go, Aragorn, go...................

Frecern - what a cowardly creep! He needs a good beating at the very least! *snort* The jerk...the cad...the creep...the---well you know!

Well done, as usual, RS. I loved the beginning where Legolas and the trees greeted the sun with song...*vbsigh and a few bars hummed experimentally*. Your descriptions continue to be vivid, and at times, very poetic. Now that you've won that award, you WILL carry on with the story soooooon, right?


Author Reply: Oh no! I can't afford to damage such a loyal supporter! Take two disprin and this nice big brandy and chill for a mo'. (Better still, take one lithe elf and ... ahem, rein in the imagination there Rose!)
Nevertheless the author bows and accepts the award with an evil grin, and promises not to do it again at least in the next ch. After that all bets are off as usual. GRIN.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/11/2004
How wonderful that the scream that might have drawn trouble scares Frecern away. What a bad man! I hope you don't plan to let him escape. If there's no justice in fiction, where am I going to find it? RL??? Ha.

Arwen is really quite incredible. I love the image of her with a sword in her hands. And can I just say that I still feel bad about Throndor?

Author Reply: Sniff, I still feel bad about Throndar too, sniffle.
I am glad you like my cowardly baddy, but I promise justice will happen. No point reading fan-fic if the baddies don't get theirs - eventually - (truly nasty grin)
I am glad you like my competent Arwen, she is writing herself in this fic, and that happens rarely enough that I thinks, "Who am I to stand in a Queen's way?"

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/11/2004
Poor, poor Minuial - felled by an elf, true - but by an elf with a jug in her hand! Then to be carried to safety (hopefully) by a Man, while her queen bears a sword. I like dangerous Arwen - and a fighting Gleodwyn. And isn't it just typical that the soft, squealing, girly nursemaid should be able to silence the baby just like that! - and then save the day by knowing how to get out using the servants' stairs.

Legolas and Gimli had better get there soon, or all they will have left to do is help with the clean up.

I hope Aragorn gets the fun of playing with Frecern - he needs something to help him calm down. He can be cat to Frecern's mouse. Trust that nasty piece of work to bring fire into the equation - and I should imagine Meduseld would burn rather well.

I hope you are already working on the next chapter - I want to know what happens next.

(PS - what has happened to Tolman?)

Author Reply: Oh you would ask what happened to Tolman, snort! I'll work it out not next ch but probably the one after. And yes I am beavering away almost as we chat. G.
It is so hard to get all these people in the right place at the right time, I think I have all the threads pulled together, you will be the judge when I get the next bit done. Some long awaited chickens should come home to roost!
Thanks for your enjoyment of the story

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