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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 3 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/20/2005
I liked the gossiping tree and Legolas' song taken up by the other elves nearby.

The bit about elves being like mice, if you see one you've got twenty---if only.

Poor Legolas it seems is surrounded by people who don't do well at expressing love: an imperious father, a near-violent lover, a gruff dwarf-friend. At least Ascallon is nice to him... poor guy. But I think Thranduil cares-- he's just unable to reach across the gulf of their differences, or to see that he needs to. ~TF

Author Reply: I am glad you understood this - T and L love each other, they are just distant in personality and attitude, like many sons and fathers. The trick with the elves and mice is that first you have to see an elf - bother it!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/12/2004
Please pardon me whilst I wallow in a few well-written snippets from this chapter... :)

Minuial - "...and let the tree gossip to her of the other elf who had graced its boughs this growing time. The tree sang of strength and endurance, sun and wind, of birds and the healing touch of the quick one the grove had begun to love." *sigh*...lovely, I love it when the trees and the wood elves converse with each other.

Minuial (girl's kinda growing on me) - "So many immortal lives lost to middle-earth; the pain and suffering resonated still. Her eyes filled, remembering Haldir, the golden, invincible warrior..." *sniff* *wail* (That is STILL one of the hardest scenes from TTT for me to watch...I know when it's coming and still moan and get teary.)

"...his clear voice alone and lovely and, to her ears, aching with isolation...From the gloom in the front of the wall other elven voices joined in...The sound filled the evening until it seemed the very granite of the citadel would harmonise." (Music so governs everything for them, doesn't it?)

Gliver's wife - mice in the pantry? disturbing the peace again? If you see one you've got 20? (I'm looking for mice tonight!) *snicker*

Thranduil - "He was not the fading kind."
"Their thoughts have grown was time for a storm
to clear the dead wood." uh-oh.

And so on and so on....What can I say? Wonderful addition, RS. The brief scene with Arwen was nice, Aragorn would still call her back to him no matter what. Thranduil alternated between funny, and terribly superior, and sad. I couldn't decide whether to slap him or hug him and pat him on the back! :)
Am still wondering if he's going to be able to leave his son to fight this threat would be one way to bridge that "gulf deeper than the chasm under the bridge of Khazad-Dum" between them. Hmmmmmmmmm.

As always, this story just contines to get better.

(And you need reassurance about your writing? Are you crazy, girl? ;) Just keep on is all I can say! signed, mother l.)

Author Reply: Goodness you are kind, your reviews are just the highlight of my day, thanks so much.
I guess I really got discouraged when Adagio got turned down for the second time eight to one on HASA, I figured that thirteen rejections from my peers probably should give me a clue. But then the writing bug got me again, and the story wanted to be finished and I found SA and thought it sounded like a more friendly archive so I took the plunge and posted again. This time people seemed to have liked my humble offerings, imagery and all, so I intend to finish the saga this time. HASA has some wonderful stories on their lists though, so don't let my funk influence you in your search for great writing. ( part of the problem may be that I am a bit illiterate about punctuation which really annoys some of the folk on HASA not to mention my New Zealand spelling and approach to humour, amongst other things)
Enough already, the reply is getting longer than the review!
Thanks again

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/12/2004
The Elven singing to lament their dead was haunting. I really liked the way Elves picked up the song from all over the stronghold, joining their voices together even when they were scattered. I also liked the tiny glimpse of Arwen's life, looking out the window but having Aragorn's voice within calling her back.

Poor Thranduil! He just doesn't understand, CAN'T understand why his son is the way he is. He's going to lose Legolas to the sea longing and had already lost him to the mortals who will replace Elves on Arda. The stubborn king just can't accept it.

Author Reply: The elves seem to have almost as much trouble with their immortality as mortals do with the lack of it!
I am glad you keep enjoying this fic, I appreciate the reviews.

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