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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 3 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/20/2005
The scene in Rivendel was so nice. I agree that Arwen has a quiet but potent form of power. The quote of Elrond about moths being the only ones in Imladris who obeyed him without question was priceless. It is an interesting turnabout that Minuial thinks Legolas is fierce. Obviously she respects him as a warrior, but finds him a challenge as a feast-day friend. Did she let it slip that she cares for him?

The description of the approaching elf-company was lovely with the belled harness, their song and their combined glow showing through the trees. It must have been an enchanted moment for Earnulf.

The scene in Aragorn's sick room had me chuckling in places, like where Aragorn threatens a relapse and Arwen, completely unsympathetic, flicks the tip of his nose. I really like the way you write them together. Now I'm off to the next chapter hoping to see what she has planned for Legolas. It has been so long since my original reading that much of the story seems new again. ~TF

Author Reply: I just love the fact that I read so much and have such a poor memory that I can read and re-read my favorite stories again and again and have them come up all new again. I am glad you enjoyed the pretty pictures - more plot soon.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/10/2004
Ah, from the action and heroics of ch. 7 to the poetry of ch.8. And the humor still weaves its way through the tapestry of the story like shining silver threads (see? you've got even me waxing poetic here; well, sort of *snerk*). Lovely, lovely images tho'....just have to mention a few of my favorites --

"...the song drifting like dream from lay to lay, with no more complication than a bud unravelling itself in the spring." *sigh*
Minuial - " an unstrung Galadhrim bow, ..."
Arwen compared to Minuial - "The power of water on stone, sun on leaf, light over dark, even as her life's grace faded in tandem with her lover's..." *sniff*
Celeborn - "...has a mouth like a discreet clam." ;-)
"....and all the ethereal company strung out behind like pearls on a necklace."

You paint such pictures!!! I enjoyed the whole interlude at Imladris, especially the unusual combination of Arwen and Minuial ("Who could fathom women?" Obviously being an elf does not give the males any extra insight into the girls!!) And poor confused Minuial - it must be l-o-v-e! She seemed most insightful into the real character of Legolas, tho' - fierce in combat, will "follow but refuses most stubbornly to be pushed", as self sufficient and powerful as the river (nothing more powerful or inexorable than the force of water!), and does not easily forgive slights given his friends. I wouldn't have thought she would be, given the way she seems to invite those fights they have. Again, a nice touch with Arwen feeling Aragorn's trouble and distress.

Finally, I giggled at Gimli's feisty dwarfs and flighty archers remarks. :)
I thoroughly agree with Legolas - I think the bandits' and traitors' time is limited now that the elven calvary has arrived, since I don't think Thranduil is going to be too happy with seeing first hand what they did to his son. And Aragorn considering that "door"...the Numenorean gift of being able to choose the minute and hour of their death - that, to me, is a scary thought.

Oh, and I'm with Earnulf -- "Elves. Lots and lots of elves." alllllllriiight!
Wonderful - cannot wait for more! :0)


Author Reply: Thank you I am glad you enjoy my pictures, basically I translate this video that runs in my mind into text, should have been a film body I think. I do appreciate your reviews.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/10/2004
I loved the apprearance of the elves and the boy's awe and Legolas's joy in seeing them. Gimli can see that their arrival will create tensions too, but still it's best they're there. The glimpse into Aragorn's mind was interesting--that Numenorian ability to die when he feels the time is right. That must be a temptation sometimes.

Author Reply: Thanks daw, it is nice to see that people got that little bit of numenorian temptation. Its always fun to mix elves and men I think

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