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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 4 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/16/2005
There were the most interesting, subtle contrasts in this chapter. There is the subdued ,ailing, mildly stoned-out Legolas who seems almost serene, and yet admits to being a bad patient who wants to lash out at his healers. He seems to be covering some real distress under that meek exterior. Then Gimli is as gruff as ever but covertly quite tender about his friend. I really liked the way Theresa had him hesitating at the task of cutting the elf's hair. I love it that in Gimli's mind Legolas is a creature who should never suffer harm.

That scene at the end where Aragorn and Arwen discuss her affliction was very sad, I think. Given the scene before it in which Legolas and Gimli talk about their races waning before the rise of Men this chapter ends with a strong feeling that the end approaches. ~TF

Author Reply: Thanks TF - Ah, elf angst - and I did warn you I was going to do dreadful things to his hair, as a plot device BTW it works wonderfully as a time marker.
Doom doom doom, the end of our heros time in m-e hangs over my writing like a knell, perhaps I had better get it written and out of my system, huh?

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/5/2004
Another lovely chapter. Poor Legolas, I can't imagine him with short hair, or with one side scorched and burnt. I have to confess that I've been so involved in Legolas's part of the story, I'd forgotten Arwen's problems. It must be desperately worrying for her and Aragorn.


Author Reply: Thank you Jay, I had a lot of fun with Leggy's hair and it gave me a wonderful time check to mark time passing in this fic.
Arwen gets a little sorted soon, never fear.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/5/2004
If I wander around all day with a silly grin on my face and totally unable to study, I'll have you know that it's *your* fault! This chapter was so touching--Gimli fussing over Legolas, calling him vain, keeping the strands of his hair...aww...

The bit about Arwen was also sad. You've really captured the whole sense of *fading* very well--the Elves, the Dwarves, Arwen..

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/5/2004
The image of Gimli cutting Legolas's hair was striking. I think Elves were actually quite vain about their hair. I think that's in HoME somewhere but I'm at work so I can't look it up.

And I'm glad we're getting back to Arwen's depression. She seems to have a real sense of loss.

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