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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 6 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/15/2005
Oh, poop. Sorry 'bout the empty post.

So, Minuial was right about Arwen and her "grey beast". It seemed almost as if she experienced a fugue state to end up on the mountain like that. It must be very disturbing for her and everyone who cares for her. I wonder if Aragorn's healing ability can help her.

I loved the unsentimental way you handled the attack on the dwarves and Gliver's perceptions after the orthanc fire. There is nothing but pain brutal reality to such events. Legolas' body no doubt shielded Gliver from much greater harm in the blast. This was very unexpected and properly shocking. ~TF

Author Reply: Yes, well what this tale has is a plot and a baddy, something I am sadly lacking on the new one, bother it.
All these tales are working up to the one I am writing now so Arwen's difficulties are really signposts. I hope you are not too shocked by violence as there is quite a bit of it in Cadenza - bloodthirsty old thing me - gotta love that hurt/comfort thing tho'. Hah!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/5/2004
This is the first story of yours I've read, being relatively new to fanfic, and I am HOOKED! Great beginning - Arwen's depression as she watches the end of all things approach is particularly sad. Great characterizations, and action...poor Legolas and Gliver! Here's hoping the approaching wagon is friendly! On to the next chapter to see ;).


Author Reply: Thanks, I am glad you like my writing but I promise there are some really good writers out there to enjoy, have fun on the archive.

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/3/2004
Very different view of things. Quite mature. You should be writing real world stuff. Seriously.

Author Reply: Trouble is my real world stuff sucks, Lindy, unlike yours which rocks. Plus I have a day job and then what would I do for a hobby? Go work with disabled children and their families? No wait, that is my day job. Perhaps I'll keep the balance this way round until the great New Zealand novel gets up and hits me in the head.
In the mean time I'll keep up with the elf and dwarf torture, and try not to take myself too seriously
Thanks for the support. Previously and now.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/2/2004
Oh, yay. I adored Adagio and Mayflies, so I'm glad to see a sequel. You handled Arwen very well--she does strike me as someone who could be clinically depressed at the end of The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen. The bit about her "grey beast" was particularly sad. And Gimli's learned how to deal with horses, hmm? I liked the glimpse we get into what others think of their relationship--especially those bandits who go after Legolas to hurt Gimli. But he'll be okay, right? He has to be--it's only the first chapter!

Author Reply: Evil laugh, I do so love elf torture.
I am glad you like my Arwen, she is hard to get a handle on sometimes.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/2/2004
What a gripping beginning! The idea of Arwen's depression at losing people was striking. I can see how that would take some getting used to, especially as she can see her own family aging. And the matter of the bandits is also interesting. Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Yep, this story just keeps falling into action/ adventure mode Hope you continue to enjoy.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/2/2004
Oh goodness! Keep the updates coming quickly.

Author Reply: Daily, I hope until Ch 11 then it is still WIP - when I know what happens in the end youall will be the first to know

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