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The Touch of Sight  by LAXgirl 9 Review(s)
ElerrinaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/12/2004
Ack! Evil, evil woman ;)
Legolas' powers must be contagious or something, because I just knew that Harberd was going to be the one, and it was not a good feeling...all that stuff about being a guard "having its advantages" and his questions was very creepy—I just wanted to yell, "Get out of there, already!" at Legolas and Gimli :)
Interesting how it was an action motivated by reflexive helpfulness that was to give his secret away...
You'd just better not get Legolas or Gimli killed, that's all! *grin*
Looking forward to the next update: I think it's just reading fanfic that gets me through my exams (and will probably lead to my failure in them, too, but do I *look* worried? ;) )

Author Reply: Well, no hints about how Legolas and Gimli are going to get out of this, but let's just say all hell's breaking loose next chapter. *chuckles evilly* Thank you for the review. Hope the fic helped you get through finals... I know how beastly they can get... Thanks again!

Signing out

longlivethekingReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/11/2004
Oh my gosh! You are a *very* talented writer of fanfic, and I've read quite a few. The way you portray Legolas is very.....refreshing compared to many other stories I've read (example: Legolas falling in love with a Mary-Sue, Legolas getting "overcome with lust" things to Mary-Sue[s], etc. etc.) Very catchy story, and I can't wait (read: CAN'T. WAIT.) till the next chapter, so please, pretty please post more soon! :P

Your fan (lol),

Author Reply: Aw thank you! *blushes* I can understnad what you mean about mary-sue writing. I tend to try and stay away from stories such as those described above like the plague. Thanks for the review. Hope you like the new chapter!

Signing out

MirielReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/8/2004
Augh!I knew something was up when the guard *insisted* that they take someone with him! Why are they being led so far away? Is he going to kill them as well? When will you update? So many frantic few answers...

Once again, this is truly excellent and I am throughly enjoying this. :)

Author Reply: Questions questions questions... all unfortuanately I can't give any hints for! ^_^ You're just going to have to wait for the next chapter just like everyone else! But no fear! I've already started on it and should have it up sometime (relatively :P) soon... (famous last words...) I am trying tho, so keep a look out for it. Thanks for the review.

Signing out

MissReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/4/2004
That was awsome! I can't wait to read the next chapter! Please, update soooooooon!


sofiaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/1/2004
Wow! I mean, I thought he was just a gaurd that was a little nervous. That was certainly surprising. I have to say again: wow. Things should be REALLY intresting next chapter. I wonder if he'll hurt him. Update soon!

Author Reply: Yes... things will definately be hitting the fan next chapter. Glad you liked this chapter. And thanks for the review! Signing out -LAXgirl

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/1/2004
NOT COOL...NOT COOL AT ALL! There really ought to be a law against evil cliffies.....Evil laughter, huh? You and a couple of others I read just live to leave their readers gasping and dying (literally) to know WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?!!!!!! *'s ok...the elf will get through this...repeat...the elf..* ummm, 'scuse me...meant to review...not freak out!

That outburst by Aragorn was to be expected, I guess. Legolas' remarkable tunnel-vision where the murders are concerned would be hard for his friends to understand and support, given his deteriorating health. I was glad he wanted to set things right before his group left...and sorry that he didn't. I just knew when that captain assigned what's his name...Haberd?... to Legolas and Gimli, that HE WAS THE ONE! Then of course, he started quizzing Legolas about elven powers...So, mellon nin, what does he do now? Granted, Gimli is there...but I'm getting a bad feeling about their isolation from the rest of the patrols. I am really ready for the dwarf to do some heavy-duty smiting and get rid of this guy before something bad happens. Too easy? Yeah, I thought so, too. Knowing you, the next chapter will be the end...of me! :) With that in mind...great chapter...lots of tension and angst-among-friends-action, and now, the killer is unmasked! I have only one thing further to add...update soon, 'ere I die!!!!! ;)


BTW, yes, I was at my friendly neighborhood Hastings Bookstore, in line, at 11:00 p.m. and had my copy of RotK by 12:01! Haven't seen Troy yet, but have been eagerly waiting to do so as soon as I get over this blasted summer cold/crud I picked up! Write on! hinthinthint

Author Reply: MWA HA HA!!! (Evil evil laughter!!) Ha! Thought you'd like that! Oh, I'm sorry, I really shouldn't say that... I guess I should try to curb my love for cliffhangers but it just doesn't look like that's going to actually happen anytime soon! ^_^

Anyway, glad to hear you liked the chapter. I'd love to give you some hints for the next chapter, but... eh... no. Sorry. No hints. ^_^ Can't give away anything just when we're getting to the good stuff! I can tell you though I don't think it's going to end like you may think it might. (evil cackling laughter again. sorry, i just love evil laughter... :P)

Thanks for the review. Signing out -LAXgirl

CreashunsReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/1/2004
Loved the chapter!! One question...Where did Thranduil go? did I miss something? Thanks for the update!

Author Reply: Thranduil's still there. He'll come up later on don't worry. Thanks for the review! Signing out -LAXgirl

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/1/2004
I knew it! I knew Harberd was the killer! So he's lead them away from the other guards, and Legolas is flat on his back at the mercy of this killer. Harberd has nothing to lose, but I'm sure Gimli will have something to say about all this!


Author Reply: Oh don't worry. Both Legolas and Gimli are going to have something to say about this. But I assure you nothing's going to be that easy for them. he he he (evil laughter) Thanks for the review! Signing out -LAXgirl

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/1/2004
I am really enjoying this tale. The suspense is amazing. I hope you update soon as that was a pretty nasty place to leave off.

Author Reply: Thank you. Yeah, I now it was an evil place to leave off, but you just gotta love the suspense generated by evil cliffhangers! Thanks for the review! Signing out -LAXgirl

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