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The Touch of Sight  by LAXgirl 3 Review(s)
lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 5/11/2004
What is with you people and these evil cliffies?????????? *grin* Great chapter after the horror of the previous one...Legolas stiffens that spine and says, "I will not go quietly into that dark night..." (Who said that? Don't know, but sounds good! :) Now, update soon so we can get Erien out of this fix (I had a bad feeling about the girl when you wrote about how she helped care for Legolas and how they've developed a friendship...uh oh, she's next and Legolas is going to abolutely flip out!) Good description of his search in the alley, BTW. I'll be waiting for the next installment!:)


Author Reply: Mwa ha ha!! Cliffies are a author's bread and butter! And how can you not love cliffies! Cause I sure do! And I loved that line you wrote! If you don't mind me using that, I may just have to try and work that line in there somehow! I loved it! ^_^ And yeah, you could tell Erien was doomed from the minute she walked into that room. Maybe Legolas is just bad luck... :P Anyway, thanks for the review! Signing out -LAXgirl

LynReviewed Chapter: 12 on 5/10/2004
As always, very suspenseful and very well done!

Just some comments.
"..Legolas tinkered on the edge of death....". The word
"tinkered" I believe comes from the verb to tinker, as in a tinker,
a man who worked with metal and fixed things (like metal pots) for
a living. It means to attempt to fix things, usually in an indolent
way. As far as I know, it doesn't have the meaning I would expect
from the sentence. Teetered is a word that means to waver to an fro,
as on the brink of a cliff, but perhaps it doesn't have the right sound.
I get the impression you wanted a verb that implied a wavering motion,
swaying back and forth, but I don't believe tinkered is the right word.
Anyway, always check the dictionary.

Also, "...Thranduil was unmoved from his son's...." made me think of
the expression to be moved emotionally by something, so that in this
instance I had the impression that Thranduil was not moved, or
unmoved; that is, he wasn't emotionally swayed by something. I think you
meant to convey the meaning that Thranduil was in no mood to be
asked to leave his son, but the current words in the story don't seem
to accomplish this. At least, that was my impression.

Personally, I was dismayed to hear that Elrond thought this power of
Legolas was draining his strength. As if he doesn't have enough problems!
So, now we are expecting him to die after returning from a coma?
I hope not. That little bit of plot only made it even more remote that
Legolas would 1) recover his former strength or 2) lose this power or
3) be given control over it. That is, the future doesn't look very good
for (my favorite) character. Oh, well. One can always hope.

Again, my congratulations on your power to control the suspense in this
story. Not an easy task! I will continue to hope for the best for

Author Reply: Once again, as always, thank you for the grammatical critique. I shall have to actually fix those one day. This of course assuming I'll actually remember, or go to the effort of actually doing so. I'm sometimes very lazy as you can see... :P Anyway, Legolas' little problem with his energy being drained by his powers will come up more later on, though I will not tell you exactly how the story will turn out. ^_^ Secrets secrets! Thanks again for the review! Signing out -LAXgirl

SofiaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 5/9/2004
Oh! Cliff hanger! she can't die! right? Update soon!

Author Reply: Ha ha ha *evil cackling* You're just going to have to wait and see! ^_^ Signing out -LAXgirl

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