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Adagio   by Rose Sared 5 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/10/2005
Well, in this chapter it looks like Legolas is a match for Minuiel, and she's not such a toughie after all once you get past the hard exterior. (Or if you are a beautiful elf-lord whom she can't resist) Still, she's no powder-puff. The hair-grabbing bit had implications attached. I think I like her. Speaking of implication, Minuiel's and Gimili's musings indicate quite a toll taken on Legolas by this adventure. He keeps his friendship at a price.

So sad that Gimli is haunted by his experience, though I imagine he will overcome it with determination.

Then there is the wedding! This story concludes nicely, with most things settled but a few realistically dangling threads. It was a very satisfying read throughout.

I imagine you've figured out I plan to read through all of your stories in order. *rubs hands together gleefully* I've only read a couple of them before. Expect more harrassment. ~TF

Author Reply: Harrass away, or should I be like the rabbit and beg you not to throw me in the briar patch?
Your insightful comments (that's because they are relentlessly positive!)have given me a permanent smile this week or so.
lovely to hear from you but don't forget your own writing now.

AloysiusReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/24/2004
I absolutely loved this - so many wonderful things to comment on:

- the friendship drawn between Legolas and Aragorn at the start
- the picture you draw of their characters in the future
- Legolas' influence over the women in the crowd, the donkey and the gate chain
- Tom is a wonderfully drawn character, as are Cirion and Eldarion
- the accusations against Gimli, and the others' reactions to them, are hilarious
- the fact that Aragorn is forced to take a huge entourage when he leaves the city is amusingly and refreshingly realistic
- Gleowyn is a great character and the way you work through the plot is really interesting and well thought out
- the cave trolls are hilarious and I love the way you portray their culture in just a few short paragraphs
- I love Legolas acknowledging that it's Gimli who is keeping him in Middle Earth
- I love Elfwine's reaction to his meeting with Legolas; the stage fright comment is brilliant
- Gleowyn dealing with the crowd is pure genius and I love the way you work in her romance with Telfaren so naturally
- seeing Minuial in a good light at the end is a nice touch
- and I love how you end on a bittersweet note, with a wonderful understanding of how the events of the story have affected Gimli

Apologies for the disjointed nature of the feedback - the whole thing is brilliant. Action, suspence, wonderful sentiment, lovely descriptions, perfect characterisation, interesting plot - this story has it all.

Author Reply: Well how lovely to get a new review of my first child Adagio! Thanks so much for your kind words. To be a writer, for me, is to forever thinking my writing is not so good, the plots are hackneyed, why do I bother etc.( That is except for when I think I am the best writer since the old man himself). A tad conflicted, huh?
So to realise that i have met my goal and entertained a new reader is just as good as any medal winner must feel at those games.

insigniaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/30/2004
Hi Rose

I thoroughly enjoyed this fic. It had all my favourite (yes, I'm Brit educated) ingredients: good dialogue; believable characterisation; a nice touch of humour; and quite a lot of room for the reader to attempt to puzzle out what is actually going on without being told in so many words by the ("clever") author!

For instance, I liked the bit where you talk about Aragorn not being fazed by being glared at as he had "been glared at by experts". A nice picture of how Aragorn has had to learn to be a judge and to put up with the related "benefits" of that role.

You have got a nice handle on how the characters we know so well would have moved on in their relationships and in their own growth over the 70 plus years since RotK. I really enjoyed the way you portrayed married life and how Gimli and Legolas feel about each other, without evident saccharine, usually using the characters' own words, too.

I shall now start on your next work, and am looking forward to it very much.



Author Reply: Thank you for your lovely review, I am glad you like my take on the characters,
(that may be a Brit thing too I am beginning to think ) the story has taken on the aspects of a monster with Cadenza but I think I am nearing the end.
Saccharine makes me gag, although I am guilty of some L/G slash which you could find on ffnet on my Rose Sared page.
Thanks again for your kind words

CalliopeReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/1/2004
But you've wrapped this up *too* quickly! :-) I so wanted to hear
the conversation between Legolas and Gimli about the debacle
at Ithilien. Maybe in a flashback at some future date?

The wedding invitation was a lovely touch, as was asking Gimli
to be best man. It's nice to see some humans still see his

I look forward to checking out the rest of your universe.

Author Reply: Yeah sorry about the quicky end- the muses deserted me for a while - but I think I'm back on track. I will post Mayflies today and then start with Cadenza, which is a wip up to ch11 now.
Still don't know what happens in the end but the haze is clearing a little now!
Glad you are enjoying the tale.

natReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/30/2004
he he he...i like minuial too....shes scary...lucky so-and-so, having legolas and all...he he he...definitely gnna go check out the continuation...b4 i read that little info i was gnna rant about u ending so quickly!! yay!

Author Reply: Yeah well I had a bit of a "thats all she wrote" crisis with this tale, but I do carry on in the same universe with Mayflies and Cadenza. Still got no idea how the whole thing ends, guess I'll just have to keep writing

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