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When Evening Falls  by Pipfan 7 Review(s)
AloysiusReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/24/2004
This is wonderful - I love the parallels you draw between Frodo and Pippin.

Tom FairbairnReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/6/2004
Poignant and sweet. I like that you use the word "weary" to describe Pippin after the War. Yes.

HaiReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/12/2004
That was such a great conversation between Frodo and Pippin! Very sweet. Thank you for sharing such a good story, I assume there is more coming as this was called a prologue, so I will look forward to that!

PervincaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/12/2004
This is not something I've ever come across before. I suppose I always thought that Pippin just managed to get over everything that happened, but after reading you wonderful story, I realised that he would have been more affected by it all than perhaps Merry or Sam. You managed to draw a perfect parrallel between Pippin and Frodo (my favourite and least liked characters, respectively, might I add :P). I'm glad I know that they both find piece from their burdens. Thank you for this little gem :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/11/2004
Very lovely. I liked how Pippin thought that singing loudly might help cover his worries. A nice moment between Pippin and Frodo.

WisteriaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/11/2004
I thought this story just right--in both length and sentiment. I too appreciate stories about Frodo and Pippin. Each of the hobbits has his own connection to Frodo, but Pippin's relationship with Frodo somehow seems more intuitive and mystical. At any rate, I was very moved. Thank you.

ConnieReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/11/2004
Oh, please say there's more. I have tears in my eyes. This is so beautiful and sad and sweet. I love Frodo and Pippin stories, and there aren't that many of them. I always thought that Pippin may have actually understood Frodo better than either Sam or Merry. After all, they had the most direct dealings with Sauron of any of them. This is just a wonderful beginning, I can't wait to read more.


Author Reply: Actually I just finished writing a second part to this, though I tried to do it from Sam's point of view, as I tried to do this one from Frodo's. It picks up almost right where this leaves off, and I should have it posted within the next couple of days. I'm not sure, but I may write two more, one from Merry's point of view and one from Pippin's.
I agree, I think Pippin also understood Frodo a little better than the other two. After all, as Frodo says in this one, he had his whole world shattered and torn apart, much like Frodo, and it takes a long time to heal from such a thing.
Thank you for the wonderful review!

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