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Right Side of Justice  by Bill-the-Pony 2 Review(s)
carpal bonesReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/5/2004
High praise for your originality, for your writing skills and
for your horses -- as well as a true horseman. I can think of
no other position that would serve an elf in these days, but
the west is not the place for one who cares for horses as
individuals I find. As a dressage trainer suddenly transplanted
to the western desert I find this a most alien world,something
you've captured with poor Legolas and his true love for his

Your writing style is excellent, something all too rare in this
fandom, and it makes this story even more of a treat. Your
characters are cleanly drawn and easily visualized, each with a
voice of their own. Fine work, this :)

I look forward to your next chapter.

Thanks for sharing!

Sayre the lost, out in the Arizona desert

Author Reply: Original is a hard thing to come by these days. ;) I'm ashamed to say that I didn't have to think too hard on this one however.

From one horseman to another, your words were very encouraging. I adore Western riding, though appreciate English riding as well, and I can see what you mean. I hadn't actually thought of Legolas' situation in that light before - though I must have on some deep subliminal level. Otherwise it wouldn't have come out like that. I suppose that is one of the levels that drew me to Legolas. His interaction with the equine race was one of the few things really portrayed in the book. To ride without restraints is only something I can dream of reaching with my horse. :)

Next chapter should be up tomorrow, Lord willing!

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/5/2004
Now this is very, very different. It stirs up a raw sort of excitement reading about Elves still taking involvement on this earth.
I had actually started reading it elsewhere, but I lost the site (curses). I know I've said it before in a review I submitted once, but I love your stories. You keep Legolas greatly in character and all your plots are very original.
I'm very happy to see this here so I can follow it along again, for I fear I've forgotten much since last time I read the first few chapters.
(Do you plan on posting 'Rising Storm’ here soon? It's in my top ten favorite stories, and I'd be thrilled to death to see it here.)

Author Reply: Excitement, that's a good thing to hear. The notion sure stirred me up.

It is very gratifying to hear that Legolas' character works out. He really is highly a shakey character for a writer to undertake as he plays a minor (yet important) role in the book - not largely expanded on. I haven't a clue where the enjoyment of writing him came from. But as numerous characters in my stories have said: Nothing gives an awful lot of room for something. Imagination goes wild!

As for 'Rising Storm', I'm not resloved on that one. I'm flattered that you enjoyed it so much, but the story and I have a love/hate relationship. I love it as I remember writing my first multi-part completed story with fond memories, but also despise it in a way for its lesser style. I'm sure you get the idea.

Thanks for the kind words!

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