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Crown of Laurel  by Lyta Padfoot 2 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/12/2004
Nice use for the Elven cloak after the quest is over! LOL I love this story, but they haven't made it to their rooms just yet have they? I will be waiting for more.

Author Reply: No, they aren't safe yet! Thank you for reviewing and I'm thrilled you are enjoying this story. I tried hard to keep the Elven cloak from becoming a knock-off of Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, hope I succeeded. The TT movie inspired me - if Frodo and Sam could look like a rock, Pippin and Diamond could look like under-the-table-shadows.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/12/2004
This is such a delightful story! I love seeing Pippin and Diamond as co-conspirators. And what a clever use of the Elven cloak!


Author Reply: Thanks! I was nervous that this chapter would ring false.

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