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At the Sign of the Drunken Elleth  by Maeglin the Traitor 10 Review(s)
ErialaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/14/2005
Ever going to update this?
*hopeful, inspriational smile*

EldanarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/13/2004
Ummm... well.. I’m afraid it took me a long long time to read this..I had to read it through two whole times!.. there's so many long words and I didn't dare ask grand-ada to help me..and my ada Orophin had already said it wasn't what elflings should I had to wait until they thought I was asleep and then creep out onto my balcony to read it by Ithils light because ada Elladan says i'm not to light the candles by myself in case i burn the house down.. I only hope that great grand-ada Eärendil doesn't tell on me!.. *sucks thumb worriedly*... you're not going to be nasty to those hobbits are you?.. because you know.. I think The Elleth is a bit of a scary place.. full of scary elfs and men..I think that grand-ad would shout EL...DA...NAR!.. if he knew I’d visited and I’ll be shoveling horse poo again.

It's very exciting though.. I can't wait to find out what happens next!...

hugs... Eldanar and Tathar

SildilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/6/2004
I said I'd read it..this is great! I love your style too, and it is nice and unusual.

TaelinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/26/2004
Very interesting! Though, slightly confusing...*hangs head* that's my own fault, I'm behind in my reading and don't know the backgrounds on these elves. *attributes such to his "backwoods" upbringing* I look forward to the next update!


Author Reply: *Maisie quickly grabs the confused elf and seats him in an inconspicuous corner of The Drunken Elleth. As if Lindorien were not enough, now she has an elf-impaired ELF on her hands! Not to mention that little hobbit lass she is hiding in her storage room. Wonders if Nienna is enjoying the cosmic joke she played of making the barmaid compassionate beneath her blowsy bosom? Maisie whips out her tattered copy of "The Silmarillion" from under the bar and thrusts it into the kid's hands.*

"Yo, Taelin! Chapter 13 for Maedhros and Fingon; Chapters 16 and 23 for Eöl and Maeglin; Chapter 24 for Maglor and Maedhros. More in the index! Read it as you value your life around here. These boys don't mess around like Third Age elves. They expect you to know!"

*Maesie looks at Lindorien in her perpetual and dusty exile beneath the corner table and shakes her head sadly. She draws a pint of ale and sends it over to the exile, on the house.*

"Kid, whatever you do, never tell them that "The Silmirallion" is boring. It's a one-way ticket to join Lindorien!"

Maeglin the Traitor for himself and Orophin's Dottir

Thanks for the review, Taelin! If you find this answer confusing, read the other reviews and replies here for the back story. Hang around with us and the backwoods will soon be history!

ArielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/12/2004
~ Ariel pokes out from under her table when she sees rather hobbity looking feet standing at nervous attention before elegantly murderous looking elves. She shakes her head and wonders if these of her folk have forgotten the age old rules that have kept their species alive – be inconspicuous – be underestimated – cover you’re a## with both hands. ~

Lindorien, be careful or I am going to start thinking you are a closet pervy hobbit fancier.

Wonderful work, you two. I continue to guffaw with enthusiasm.


Author Reply: Maisie has grown fearful of the hobbits' fate. She cannot save the ones already held by the elves, but the golden heart beneath her blowsy bosom is determined to save this little quivering hobbit lass. She waits until Maeglin's back is turned and hisses instructions.

"Lass, quickly into the storeroom and hide! Do not let that lout Bill Ferny see you. Good help is hard to find and he came cheap, but I do not trust his shifty face. Quickly, lass! ‘Tis your one chance to live!"

Maeglin the Traitor for himself and Orophin's Dottir

Thanks for the review Ariel! Getting crowded under that table, isn't it?

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/9/2004
After the Queen had gently washed the face and hands of the Scribe of Gondor and saw her placed safely into one of the narrow cots of this disreputable establishment, she bid one of her very own guards to stand watch over Elessar's official scribbler.

She knew what she must do. Maeglin was not to be dismised lightly. His mind had ever worked in mysterious ways and what devilment he was concocting was sure to not bode well for whomever he had set his sights upon.

Long had she felt tender in her heart for this lost one. His mother had been a silly Elf. Nothing ever brought satisfaction to her flighty heart and jealous disposition. And Eol. Nothing good could ever come from one so bent upon self-destruction. Apparently this tendency to self-destruct had become a family legacy. She knew better than to trust Fingon to guide his nephew well. What was it with these Elves anyway?

The Queen took her leave of the snoring mortal and returned to seek answers from her sweet elfling. Indeed, he was sweet, in his own rather twisted way. Besides, it was hard to hate one so beautiful that he made even her own heart stop when he smiled. He was, however, a study in bad parenting. She could not allow him to continue unchecked. Not to mention, if she failed, she would never hear the end of it from her sister, Lalaith. Lalaith was known for her woodland powers, her deliciously handsome husband and sons and her most bizarre sense of humor. The Queen sighed. Why, oh why, did they send her?

In the common room of the tavern, she found that Fingon had returned from his most curious errand. The First-Age Elves sat huddled about a corner table, obviously plotting something she would not like. But to her surprise, there was also a small company of Hobbits. Immediately, she recognized Samwise, Pippin and Merry. The last of the company she did not know. Her breath caught. This was not a good sign. If Maeglin had taken interest in these gentle folk, then it could spell only one thing: T.R.O.U.B.L.E.

The heads of all the First-Age Elves snapped up as she approached the table. They rose and all, save Maeglin, bowed their heads in reverence. He merely smiled. Her heart skipped a beat. She took the chair he pulled out for her. He laid a tender kiss upon her fair hand. "I trust you have settled the pathetic mortal creature," he said. In unison, the Hobbits all drew a sharp breath, bowed and faded into the shadows behind Elves who were more dangerous than the little ones could ever imagine. What bad company they had fallen in with. By chance or by design?

She waved Maeglin to his seat. "She is no more pathetic than one who seeks to harm others and in the course of their own folly, even manages to harm himself." She smiled. "There is no more time to delay, my sweet elfling. What are you and your malcontent friends playing at this time?"

"Malcontent?" Fingon, gasped. "My lady..."

"Silence!" she whispered, for raising her voice was not necessary when everyone knew of her legendary wind.

Fingon fell quiet as commanded, but his eyes glinted angrily.

Maeglin smiled. "My uncle asked a just question, my lady. What makes you think we are not merely pleased to find rest from our journeys? We mean no harm."

The Queen bent forward and laid a gentle kiss upon his brow. "I am waiting," she said.

Author Reply: "Ah, my lady, how the discord that has so long raged in Arda has made a cynic of even one whose heart is more tender than she would reveal. Thou knowest Fingon, the Valiant! He risked all to rescue his kinsman from torment. Seeing these poor lost souls on the road, how could he leave them in peril? You have but to ask these small creatures if they were totally lost on an evil night? Ask them if Fingon did not lead them to where they desired to travel?"

*Kaladriel knew she must respect the worth of her opponent. If Maeglin challenged her to query the hobbits, he knew what their answer would be. She could not risk the dangers of a public accusation against Fingon the Valiant, High King of the Noldor, and have these Shire Rats deny it. The dance of courtly politics was too deadly. Like the spiders she so hated, Kaladriel knew she must wait still, patiently in her web. She smiled ever so sweetly at Maeglin and knew he saw the danger behind that smile.*

"My lady, more wine?" *Maeglin let his hand touch hers and linger as he poured the wine they would share.*

Maeglin the Traitor for himself and Orophin's Dottir

Thanks, Queenie! Hope you can sober up Lindorien before the next chapter.

CelebReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/8/2004
In the stillness that comprises the darkest part of night, Silver waits for a reply. Celeb he calls her. Still, that. She shakes her head. No matter, what was will never be again and he must not know. Maglor may be, along with Maedhros, the most temperate of Fëanor's sons and possess at last of some vestige of honour, even now. But still he is of the blood of Fëanor and she would not make the mistake of underestimating his ruthlessness, nor that of the company he keeps.

She stares down at the parchment in her hand, wondering who pushed it beneath her door. When she had checked the corridor, there had been no-one. Odd, she would have heard the hobbit...Ah, well.

Quickly, she scans the words on the page she holds. 'The saga of the Elleth continues then,' she thinks, more fascinated than ever at what is unfolding in such a place. She grimaces. More hobbits. It is not only Fingon who finds them strange creatures. Tomorrow she will return to the Drunken Elleth, to learn more of these odd creatures and what they may want by coming to the place. 'Do they truly know whom they approach?' she mused, still staring down at the intriguing world she holds in her hand.

Feeling the stirrings of pity for the unwary hobbits, Celeb turns from the window, wondering where that good-for-nothing tavern rat has got to. Orophin's Dottir is normally quick to respond, and...

Celeb's head comes up and she moves silently to the door, knife in hand. There is no sound, but someone is there and in a place such as this, it is likely notsomeone who is simply there to bid her a pleasant evening. Moving to one side of the door, she waits, watching as the door handle turns slowly, almost noiselessly. Tightening her fingers on her blade, she tenses to move.


Hey, my friends! I am delighted beyond words at the compliment you paid me at the beginning of the chapter. Truth is, you two have done a fantastic job with this and I was just glad to get the chance to read it a little early!
You have truly got me, and a fair few others, hooked wth this. It seems the Elleth is *the* place to be of an evening these days. Whoever would have thought of combining hobbits and the Dispossessed Ones? Love it for its freshness and the sheer audacity of its premise. Love it more for the fact you make it work so superbly. Great storytelling! Now, I just want more!

Author Reply: In the darkness veiling his entrance, Maglor still sees the glitter of the knife as it flashes towards him. The slender fingers meant for the harp catch Celeb's wrist in a practiced grip that disarms her. He draws her close and she is unable to move. Does she really want to? His voice is honey in the darkness, sweet honey tinged with fear. Celeb's breath catches in her throat.

"So, you pity hobbits now? Where have you learned pity, idonya? There was never any in that place you call a heart for me."

Maeglin the Traitor for himself and Orophin's Dottir

Celeb! The Dottir and I are busily drawing up the adoption papers so you will be completely ours. Thank you for all your support and encouragement. *Maeglin whirls in fury. What do they mean that insane Yank elves are not allowed to adopt Brits?*

LindorienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/8/2004
Note to self: In future pee BEFORE opening subsequent chapters.

A lot of things made little sense to Sam. They still seemed to happen. As he trudged through the rain, Sam mulled over the last few days. He was very good at mulling. Got a lot of practice after Mordor.

sam is my soul-brother. I do so love you, Sam, my man.

Halfast: Hey! Where's my Dr. Seuss?

Lindorien: AFTER Council of Elrond - BEFORE Wonderland.

**she looks the little hobbit up and down**

Lindorien: MAYBE.

Now then - I would point out more stunning and hilarious lines, but I fear giving away plot points and taking over your review board. I will also note that this chapter is a cruel, cruel thing to do to a woman who has birthed twins the old fashioned way and has also drunken more coffee this morning than was strictly wise.

I likewise fear getting those 'M' Elves any madder at me and I don't want to alienate the 'F' Elf.

By the way, I like Maisie's new sign, but I fear it might serve to scare off future clientele. I know it gave Halfast a start when he finally worked out the phonics:

Welcome to the Drunken Elleth
Abandon all Hope, ye who Enter Here.

Author Reply: Curufin slaps Maisie's backside as she passes carrying a tray of tankards to a seemingly empty table. Maeglin's interest is caught. He watches Maisie hand the round beneath the table. This can only mean one thing, Lindorien! She is again beyond Kaladriel's protection. An evil smile slowly crosses Maeglin's face. He beckons to Maedhros and Fingon. Unfolding a map, he points to a place he has discovered, a place where Lindorien will ne'er expect them to strike.

In moments, his minions have memorized the location and speed towards the stables. The sound of swift elven horses is heard in the stableyard. Maeglin leans back in contentment. Tonight, as she ducks down her hobbit hole, Lindorien will not meet a white rabbit.

Maeglin the Traitor for himself and Orophin's Dottir

Thank you for the review, Miz Lindorien! How is your sense of humor holding up beneath our bombardment?

Council of Elrond???

NolReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/8/2004
OMG Fingon squee!!!!!

*loves utterly*

You guys are stark, raving nutters, you know that? This is howlarious! I particularly love Sam. "quirk of Rohirric linguistics" - *Nol points and laughs* And, like, Fingon. Whee Fingon! I don't quite understand how he got to see Eol die, though. Was he visiting in Gondolin at the time?

Author Reply: In their corner of "The Drunken Elleth", Fingon gratefully takes the earplugs Maglor hands him. Someone seems to be squealing whenever he approaches and it assaults his sensitive elven hearing. He and Maglor continue to page rapidly through their tattered "Dictionary of the Common Speech", searching for the meaning of this "nutters". Orophin's Dottir and Maeglin are Yanks. They wish to be sure it is not another curse. The band of brigand elves already has two curses hanging over their heads.

Maeglin approaches Nol. He is carrying the Rubber Chicken of Chastisement (®Magic Rat/Maeglin). He raises his hand and thwaps Nol soundly with the sacred chicken.

"Obviously, dear Lady Nol, you did not read our clear advisory to the canon police! Fingon sees exactly what we need him to see. *grins at her, albeit evilly*

Maeglin the Traitor for himself and Orophin's Dottir

Glad you are enjoying this, Nol!

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/8/2004
Oh! My Lord Cirdan of the Havens! Wait 'til I tell old Beardo that he mentioned in this story.
I spend the better of my days searching for the Ent Wives, and now a group of Hobbits think they have discovered their whereabouts? What is Middle-earth coming to?
Oh well, I go now to drown out my woes in The Drunken Elleth.
With best regards from Lindon & Mithlond. (And still trembling from your First Age magnificence.)

Author Reply: *Maeglin eyes the newest arrival. Ah, the messenger Kitt from Lindon, the one who saved them from the Tolkien Estate! Makes a mental note to ask Curufin whatever became of the lawyers' bodies. On second thought, decides it is better not to know.

He raises his glass to return the greetings of Lindon and Mithlond.

Maeglin the Traitor for himself and Orophin's Dottir

Thanks for your review and patronage of "The Drunken Elleth"! Tell Old Beardo that Maeglin sends love!

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