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Boromir in Rivendell  by esamen 6 Review(s)
karenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/23/2005
HEy!!! hello!!! Ilove you!

smaugs_mommyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/14/2004
Aw! Hobbits!
I liked the way you pictured both of them. Talkative Pip, and Samwise, who remained rather silent, observing that new man.

And you are right, this chapter is really faster than the first,probably because it has more dialogues in it.

Can't wait for the next one.
But now I've got to learn :p.
Well, tomorrow...

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/20/2004
Are you *certain* this is your first? This is so good!

Author Reply: Hello . . . good question. This is my first LOTR fan fic, yes, but I used to write poetry and short stories years ago when I first went to college and took creative writing courses. So, I learned a lot from that experience. Also, I wrote slowly, thinking about it as I went, and reread a few of my favorite books about writing that have some good ideas about what and what not to do. So, a lot of my fic was helped by all of that.

Plus, I am working on my writing, trying to improve. So I really gave it my best effort. I'm 47 now, and I figure that I need to give this writing stuff a serious try.

Thanks so much for all your reviews. They are very precious to me! I love good Frodo/hobbit centric fan fic. It is very relaxing and comforting to me to read. I am very happy to be part of this great group.

May you always be inspired! Love, esamen

ChiggerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/20/2004
No one appreciates hot food more than hobbits and men. :) Reading the reviews has me all hungry for bacon and Pip didn't help much. But it's Friday so we can't have meat. Scrambled eggs anyone? :D

You know, this story sounds as though it was written by someone from that wonderful state of Texas. Boromir's difficulty in choosing which sidearm to take with him reminded me very much of our family. Can't go without one, even if you can't go with one. :)

I loved your portral of Pippin and Sam. Sam was quiet, a little standoffish and just a trifle suspicious, like he always is around newcomers. Meanwhile Pip was his same ol' talkitive self but I'm surprised Frodo trusted him enough to carry food upstairs! I would think it would all be gone by the time he got there! :D Or is that why Sam was with him? :)

Please forigve any misspellings in these reviews, but half my mind went on strike again. :)

Author Reply: Aha! I'm going to call you Sherlock! You're right, I'm from Texas . . . my drawl always gives it away. San Antonio, for now, but I've lived in Houston and Midland also . . . San Antonio is the most fantastic place I have ever lived in, but there's no Elves or Hobbits or Wizards here, so I visit Middle Earth as much as I can. It's so much more peaceful there.

I am very honored by your insightful review as regarding Sam and Pippin. I think that a lot of our writing isn't so much planned out as just pours out of our shared Tolkien experience. This is a marvelous way to hear all the stories that live in our hearts. Thanks for your time and attention . . . may you always be inspired to write!

I'm fixin' to leave now
All y'all come over t' the house sometime
Jyeet jyet?
Have some more cornbread to sop up that bean juice, honey
Be good now, hear?

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/19/2004
Very cute! Loved Boromir's conversation with pippin! I like the way you are showing Boromir as getting used to everyone and as a bit of an outsider. Seems Pippin plans to welcome Boromir a bit a luchtime though. I look forward to more and for some strange reason I really am hungry for bacon.

Author Reply: Wow! Someone noticed! I love those moments when a lonely, hurting heart comes tentativley out of its shell and comes alive again from an offer of friendship. Pippin has had a great family and friends to help him be so open . . . he is so naturally friendly and welcoming . . . Boromir COULD have been that same way, if he'd had those same advantages as a youth . . . and we are about to give him a chance to really warm up to the love (as much as a soldier of Gondor can; we have to be realistic about where he's coming from!)

Yes, the bacon in Rivendell was awesome. It was thick-sliced, meaty, and marvelously crispy. I would have included all that but it slowed the story down. The bacon from the Amana Colonies in Iowa inspired that thought . . . Come to think of it, the Colonies are a lot like Rivendell in that you come over a hill and there they are, nestled in a wooded valley, with lots of great things to eat and drink. Only problem is, no Elves. Nothing even close. Just buy good bacon wherever you are, and dream.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/17/2004
Ah, the hobbits are charming him already, are they? Just by being themselves. (That was a very interesting insight about Boromir wondering whether or not to go armed in Rivendell.)

Author Reply: Oh, yes, the hobbits charm Boromir just like they charm all of us. My life is so warmed by thoughts of hobbits and their unquenchable approach to challenges and disasters. I just love a good Frodo/hobbit-centric fan fic read (as long as it is not too totally dark or outragiously AU). It calms me down and cheers me up. No wonder we all keep writing. Sorry this reply is late--you know how work and home life goes.

May you always be inspired . . .

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