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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 8 Review(s)
MysteriousWaysReviewed Chapter: 55 on 8/31/2004
I have been ignoring my family and home as I spent another day reading this. I do that sometimes. I have to get to bed. I will be back tomarrow to see if I can finish reading what you have posted. Boy it is going to stink to get to the end of what is posted and know the story is not over yet.


Author Reply: Yep, and because of school I'm behind on the last chapter.... I'll try and write as fast as I can!

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/24/2004
What a nice surprise to come home to! I was away for two weeks and was really hoping for an update when I got home and there it was. Thanks! :)

The ending of this chapter was very intense. I loved it. It's not often we get a true cliffie! I'm dying to know about what will happen with Eomer, Faramir and Eowyn...Will Eowyn explain it her brother or leave it to Faramir? Will Eomer understand? And does Aragorn share some of the mind reading ability? Hmmmm

I too was glad to see Faramir asserting himself. This is the Faramir I know and love and hope to see more of him. Go prince of Ithilien! However, I was suprised that he revealed his "talent?" to Eomer. That's the type of thing that would freak a lot of humans out. Does his talent perhaps come from Finduilas' side of the family? There is that story of about Imrahil's family having elvish blood. I'm glad to see Gandalf wanting to speak with his pupil. I hope he can help Faramir get things back under control.

I was surprised by Eomer's fears that Faramir was going to abandon Eowyn in some way, either by not marrying her at all or by letting her rot in a walled city. He really doesn't know Faramir does he? Earlier Eomer felt that Eowyn had Faramir wrapped around her little finger. I wonder what has brought about his change in perspective? Is it that Eomer is sensing more strength in Faramir or that as the time approaches for Eowyn to leave that Eomer, like his sister through fear, he is emphasizing the negatives of the move to Gondor not willing to believe that she would choose to leave him?

I hope I don't overstep my bounds (feel free to e-mail me and let me know if I do) when I say that I hope that Eowyn and Faramir have a talk about what she was angry about at dinner; ie. the appologising etc. I realise that she was drunk and I understand why she was upset, but IMHO she came across rather harsh and not like a woman at the beginning of a realationship. She sounded more like a wife well into a marriage who knows how to really hurt her husband because she knows all the buttons to push. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to be sympathetic to her; she runs hot and cold on Faramir and considering that her uncle/step-father had just died I found it natural that Faramir should feel that he should seek to console her.

My favourite part was the telling of Eomer's dirty song and as some one else here mentioned the description of Eomer and Faramir, the light and the dark. It was lovey! I love your story and I look forward to more.

Author Reply: Well, I wasn't planning on Faramir *ever* revealing his secret to Eomer, but then I got to pondering Eomer's fears--i.e., the end of the chapter, lol. And I decided that (in the long run, mind you!!!) the knowledge that Eowyn can't fool Faramir by merely pretending to be happy would comfort Eomer. Sure, it may freak him out quite a bit, but Eowyn comes first. That's just how he is. Eomer is not at all comfortable with this new developement--he's very horrified with it and, I think, will be for some time. He's a physical man, very into his five senses, very into the ground under his feet and this mental *power* scares the shit out of him.
Plus the fact that they don't know each other. Nope, Eomer and Faramir really only have others' opinions to rely upon, Eowyn's views, etc--when they're in the same room they're too busy with silly male posturing to sit and actually pay attention to each other. However, once they calm down they might find they have things in common, that they can be good friends.

No, you're not overstepping boundaries. This is the type of review I wantto see!! The reader thinking, watching and *remembering* what happened well enough to comment! :D (Plus, the reassurance at the end that you do, indeed, love this story. :) Me,too. lol)

About dinner. Eowyn doesn't like the apologetic side of Faramir--it's the essentially the little boy in the dream, which disturbs her and for good reason. She's not used to all that immediate giving in and he's too willing to surrender. Frankly, it would bother me, too. That version of Faramir is the product of Denethor and I want to get rid of it, but, like Eowyn's fear of intimacy, that's going to take time. When he was being assertive that was the real Faramir, the one that Captained his men, held his company together against the terror of the Nazgul, refused the ring, etc. By the end Denethor's influence will be gone. What it all boils down to is: Faramir heals Eowyn, Eowyn heals Faramir.
Anyway, she is blowing hot and cold isn't she? Hehe, they were making out on her dresser a hour or so before and now she's slapping him away. But, she is grieving and she's facing a giant, permanent change in her life--both things are stressful. So, maybe she's just a little tempermental. Well, in reply to the woman well into a marriage comment--she's seen his mind, she knows just a little more about him than a regular relationship. She's just going through a tough situation and Eowyn's not able to adequately express what she wants.
Of course Faramir would want to console her! She just didn't know how to say she wanted it later in private. Eowyn's been raised as a psuedo-man--consoling's not part of that, you walk it off. She has trouble expressing deep emotions--that's part of why she loves the mental communication so much: it allows her to express herself without doing so vocally.
Heh, the dirty song was awesome, wasn't it? Eomer was a wild youth! :) I've already gotten a fourth of the next chapter written and well, we're into some angsty, some bad stuff here discussing Eomer's reaction and feelings. Lots of uncomfortable feelings--not happy. But, it's always darker before it gets light, right? Right?

CrimsonReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/23/2004
Another great chapter! And I imagine a difficult one to write – with all the internal monologues and dinner conversations, etc.

Things I loved:

* The tension between Eowyn & Faramir and Eowyn & Eomer. She’s on an emotional roller coaster here. In some ways I think she is actually escalating the tension between Faramir and Eomer; in particular when she pits the two against each other by asking Faramir, “will you do things like that?” He could not give an answer that would satisfy them both. It’s almost as if she unconsciously wants Faramir to be more like Eomer and Eomer to be more like Faramir. She wants Eomer to realize, as Faramir does, that she’s a grown woman now with a grown woman’s ability to take care of herself and a grown woman’s needs and desires. Eomer isn’t as “sensitive” to this as Faramir is. On the other hand, Faramir is sometimes too damn sensitive for her – too “womanish” and not like the stern men of Rohan. He doesn’t even argue like she’s used to. He’s subtle and reserved and so prefers peace and quiet to hashing things out and yelling and getting everything out on the table. He is also emotionally sensitive in a way that’s almost foreign to her. And so she rebuffs his attempts to comfort her and then is surprised when he’s hurt and now complains about his “sensitivity,” telling him, “What a woman you are, Faramir.” That is such a mean thing to say to him, but I think you were very right to have her say it. I thought it fit perfectly, and I thought her quick realization that her remark was hurtful was also right on the money. You’ve made it clear in your story that she’s not a mean person; she’s just on emotional overload at the moment. I’m curious to know if you intended any of this or if it’s just my interpretation.

* I loved Faramir’s little moment of existential disorientation when he asks himself, “What am I doing? What am I doing here?” It seemed so appropriate. I understood exactly how he felt. And his painful realization that no one will mourn his father reminded us that he is actually in a worse situation than Eomer and Eowyn. They still have each other, but Faramir is the last of his line.

* Eowyn was driven to drink! LOL! If the two men in her life don’t cool it soon, she might have to find herself an AA meeting.

* The bawdy song. Too funny. Faramir’s reaction to it was great.

* The fact that Arwen has moved into Galadriel’s rooms. I howled laughing at that for some reason. The thought of JRRT’s noble king Elessar being in the doghouse is strangely amusing for me.

* This passage was the best of the chapter IMHO: “Éomer gleamed with the dark chestnut of well-tanned leather with gold, green and ivory—colors of the earth beneath her feet, her wild, wide homeland. Faramir was darker, black shining with brilliant white and cool silver — his colors told of a lifetime in shadows beneath a threatening gloom and only a far-off promise of light. The contrasts seemed to embody everything to her for a moment. Sun-beorht, wonder they cannot get along...” Beautiful!

* I liked Eowyn’s reaction to Elrond’s sons’ question. And I liked Faramir’s recoil when Eomer says, “Your return depends upon how quickly you learn.” He sounded just as imperious and impossible to please as Denethor. I wanted to smack him for Faramir… which brings me to my final “loved it” moment...

* I loved it when Faramir looked right through Eomer and showed him that he did, in fact, know what Eomer was going through. And I think you’re being too hard on yourself for apologizing for Eomer’s use of the term “witch.” That was what he called Galadriel – the Witch of the Golden Woods – a term that infuriated Gimli. JRRT mentions witches quite a lot. After all, Eowyn’s greatest feat was slaying the WITCH-king! JRRT mentions sorcerers and Necromancers (which is what Sauron was called before everyone figured out it was him). So, I thought Eomer’s reaction was quite in character. As I mentioned, he had called Galadriel a “witch” before Gimli set him straight. And don’t forget Boromir’s reaction to Galadriel and Faramir’s words to Frodo and Sam – all of which highlights the fact that Men are no longer comfortable in the presence of Elves with their power to read minds.

* One more thing… I cracked up when Eomer thinks in re: Aragorn’s attempt at a group therapy session, “Oh,, I won’t. What did the elves do to him? This is not how a man solves things...” LOL! Good thing Aragorn didn’t make them hold hands and sing Kumbyah.

All in all, great work and I think you’re evil for leaving us hanging just when the tension was ratcheting up! Update, like, tomorrow, damn it!

Author Reply: OH, yeah, this chapter was hard. Grr hard with the inner and outer. :D But I ended up liking it a lot.
LOL on updating! I...(looks around sneakily) I haven't even started on the next chapter yet. HA Drown in suspense! But this one seems to be coming easier, so it shouldn't be as long before an update, the only thing is my eternal roadblock--Eowyn/Faramir/Eomer in the same room. They play off of each other and its wonderful, but a pain in the ass to write! So complex!
Anyway, with the triangle and Eowyn's question "will you do things like that?" Everything you've written is everything I felt/thought while writing and yet never put down. LOL, more unconscious writing.

She's just confused by Faramir's entire "style" you might say. Eomer's easier to understand. She wants to change them both and she can't. I meant it when I said (somewhere) that Eomer should have picked another time to announce the engagement. The emotional level was just too high right now.

Hee, drunken Eowyn will return a bit. :D I laughed so hard. And the song! Ha to the very thought!!! I mean, Eomer composing a song (at roughly age 17)that's basically about a woman masturbating in a river in BROAD DAYLIGHT and then sweet Faramir going, "Never, never would I have thought..." Hehe, BTW, i've decided to keep the book idea and it fits PERFECTLY into a scene I have much later. :D I love it.

Hehe, Arwen moving out. I thought that up a long time ago and I liked it. He's getting the complete silent treatment here--no talking, no nookie, no nothing. And having to handle Faramir and Eomer besides! LOL Kumbyah!! Eomer would have thrown a world-class fit!! I think Faramir might have been talked into it, lol, but there is no way Eomer EVER would have condescended to that. :D
Oh, glad I see you're on my side with the "witch" debate. I thought it was mentioned a few times. Eomer would have definitely used it--poor guy, he really was freaked. Grr, I have to go and write the E/F/E triangle again. Well, I suppose Aragorn makes a square. LOL, he is a square! Totally, at least, to Merry and Pip...hehe. (can you tell I'm a little hyper this morning?)

So...let's see if Faramir gets into that soft bed of hers tonight...he scared the liver out of Eomer and somehow I doubt Eowyn's all right with that. Overprotectiveness can work both ways. ;)
Oh, man, I need to go home and begin, I guess. :) I love this story so much!!

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/23/2004
LOL. I couldn't help but crack up at the song, with Eomer and Aragorn trying to keep Eowyn quiet, while Merry, Pippin, and Arwen of all people tried to urge her on. Too funny. :)

On another note, I can understand where Eomer is coming from in that he wants Eowyn there beside him because he feels unsure of himself running a kingdom, but organzing Men and horses? That was his primary duty as Third Marshal, and he had to be a masterful commander; otherwise he would not have achieved such a high military rank at only 25/26.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

Author Reply: All right,touchy. Lol, dammit, I'm not saying Eomer can't organize men, horses, etc. I'm just saying that with Eowyn--she's all "Snap to!" You know? That's her personality here, he's slightly more laid back. It's all in his head that he can't do it without her.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/22/2004

Why did Faramir recoil here?
"Your return depends upon how quickly you learn.” Faramir did something then, almost a recoil."

Did Eomer's words remind him of something Denethor once said?

I loved Arwen and Eowyn both getting exasperated with the men and getting drunk and disorderly.

And Aragorn coming down on Eomer and Faramir as a surrogate father was wonderful, and very apt. He's the one person they both respect and admire.

I'm glad that Gandalf is re-surfacing, apparently to have another talk with Faramir. Though if Faramir is soon to leave with an eored, will this be the last time that Faramir ever sees his old mentor?

I'm surprised that Faramir let Eomer know that Faramir reads minds. It would have been far more politic to wait until Faramir and Eowyn were wed; it really wasn't Eomer's business anyway. And Eomer's reaction, fingering Faramir as a "witch", does not bode well for the future relationship of the brothers-in-law. Though I didn't think that witches were too prevalent in Middle-earth...Not to mention all those unwelcome truths from Eomer's mind that Faramir
dug up and brought out for Aragorn to hear...

Author Reply: Yeah, the words did. I have to explain it later, though. :) Patience.
LOL--if you loved Arwen and Eowyn here then you're going to LOVE it when they get together for the Long-Awaited Chat. :D These are two strong-willed, wild women here. Heh, scary. Eomer's going to get a laugh out of imagining poor Aragorn and Faramir being run to death by their wives.
I think it might be the last time with Gandalf. I'll have to make it very nice, then.

Oh, YES. Aragorn as surrogate father--lol, I had a huge "Daddy's talking now, listen up children" vibe. Lol, I kept cracking up while typing because I just kept hearing him talking in this school-marmy voice, all prim and stuff. heh

"witch" (nitpicker nitpicker) No! Just joking! I know, "witch" probably is not the correct Tolkien term, but I felt it embodied at least the, you know, warlock, wizardy theme Eomer was going for--someone who does sorcery, etc. And, if you can think of the Tolkien equivalent, I'd be glad to put it in there. :D

Well, Faramir's answer wasn't something I planned, in fact, from Aragorn handing Pippin his pipe back--all that came out of left field. :D AragornMuse took over. He was getting some shit done, lol.
Yeah, Faramir's gift isn't Eomer's business, but I've tried to make it so he's noticed lots of little things. Eomer's not stupid, he notices when Faramir looks at him out of context. is because he's glaring at him, lol.
Ah, yeah the things Faramir said weren't pretty, but Aragorn can help now and better--the truths are drug out into the open. Eomer's fears can be soothed, if he allows it. Right now he's a bit freaked.

Fionnabhair Nic AillilReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/22/2004
Oh thank god somebody finally said it! Aragorn is now entirely forgiven for his past behaviour! If I were Éowyn I'd be nursing a very strong urge to knock their heads together. Perhaps it's because I love the Aragorn-Éowyn friendship, and love writing about it myself, but I really like the hints of that relationship that you're drawing. I've always felt that he probably couldn't bear to see her unhappy (that's what that 'it heals my heart...' line has always suggested to me) so for him to step in when Éomer and Faramir were acting like two prize fools felt natural.

I sincerely hope Éomer doesn't react like Éowyn did to Faramir's gift! I'm also glad that Aragorn (and Gandalf, at least I'm assuming that's what that was in reference to) are starting to pick up on the change in Éowyn and Faramir. I've been waiting for that to happen for a while. Though let it be said - no wonder Faramir had a headache. The number of complicated relationships (between only five people) at the table beggars belief.

This chapter mixed comedy and drama in a really very satisfying way. Well done.

Author Reply: LOL, Aragorn, yeah, he actually pushed a little forward into this, didn't want to let it go on anymore, I guess.
Eomer, gee, well, he's a bit freaked. That kind of mental stuff isn't what he likes--he's essentially without protection or privacy--Faramir has the ultimate weapon, he can do what he wants, when he wants.
Oh, Gandalf noticed. Naturally, hehe, since Faramir looked like death out there around Theoden's mound. AND, if you remember, in the garden in Gondor he told Faramir to center himself, to basically look within and keep his gift as something not to be relied upon--what did Faramir do? The opposite, of course. However, it totally helped him with Eowyn, so there. He needs guidance though, some help in shielding himself.
Anyway, more of that.
Thanks about the chapter. :)

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/22/2004
I'd have to say that the part at the end, with Faramir scaring Eomer so soundly, was my favorite of this chapter. I can't wait to find out what Eomer says to Eowyn, and how he deals with Faramir-their relationship is becoming more and more complex with each passing chapter.
And when are we going to learn what's bothering Arwen? I'm terribly cuious, and eager for the girls to have a little chat: I think that it would do them both a lot of good.
Halorl and Gaer had better make an entrance soon, I think, before Faramir finds himself totally alone and friendless.
Thanks for another interesting chapter! I swear, I check every day to see if yo've updated!

Author Reply: The girls are going to have the Long-Awaited Chat. LOL. I mean it, I've had this thing in my head for weeks. It will be great, if I do say so myself! Hopefully coming close to the greatness that was Eomer/Aragorn's night out. Anyway, yeah Gaer and Halorl are coming soon, along with some more *nice* Rohirrim. Poor Faramir,though...hehe, what's the word in Rohirric for "hazing?" LOL! :D

Every day? Wow, I need to update sooner and spare you the grief. lol. :D

MichelleReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/22/2004
Oooh, I can't wait to see what Eomer makes of all this. Undoubtedly you're going to update tomorrow, since this chapter was unforgivably short, yes? If I bug you enough, will it make you update?? The suspense is horrid, you know, especially when you've given us hardly any F/E to speak of in this chapter! But I'm thrilled to see that beautiful Faramir is starting to look like a man. Here's to hoping the trend continues. ;-)

Author Reply: Unforgiveably short? Maybe by a 1000 words!! Come on! :D Lol, I'm kidding, I'm going to update as soon as possible. I know, very little F/E, I'm feeling withdrawal myself ;)
Yeah, Faramir's getting a little more assertive--I doubt that was a trait Denethor encouraged with him, but, if you've noticed, BOTH Eowyn and Eomer have encouraged it--Eomer is nicer when Faramir snarks back at him, for example, the last time Eomer was in Gondor. :)
Hehe, suspense. Suspense....suuuuusssppennnccee.... I'm terrible.

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