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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 10 Review(s)
MichelleReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/10/2004
EomerofEastfold, I hope you don't mind me butting in--I just couldn't resist! Aragorn has proven himself, that much is true, but so has Faramir--and many times over. If Eomer doubts him, he need only ask any of the Ithilien Rangers, or pretty much *any citizen of Minas Tirith*, for that matter. And what of Aragorn, or Imrahil (Book!Imrahil, not AllforHer!Imrahil), or Gandalf? Eomer formed bonds with all of these men between Helm's Deep and the Morannon. Surely he would defer to their judgments of Faramir? I'm sure if asked, any of them could sing his praises from here to the Undying Lands. :-)

Sorry for taking up all your review space, SoundofHorns! Please do update soon--I'm going through severe Faz withdrawal! The last chapter seemed a bit slow, but all the Rohirric is certainly impressive. I trust the next chapter will not be so Fazless...??

Author Reply: Faz hehe, makes me laugh everytime. Yep, more Faz, less Eowyn in next chapter. Long chapter, whew! But, as long as no one minds, I can write and write to my heart's content.
But, still, why would Eomer listen to praises when he can see for himself and make sure? Nothing's too good when it comes to his little sister.
And, remember he's had to deal with Grima's slimy words and I'd imagine after years of that seeing actually BECAME believing. Not to compare Aragorn, Gandalf and such to Grima...gods no! But still, the habit undoubtedly formed.
So, onward, and i dont care about the review space, this is interesting and proves everyone's paying attention! ;)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/9/2004

I might agree with you on Faramir's riding skills, at least so far that he would be a better rider than the average Gondorian, perhaps on par with the Dunedain or Elves. Still, even Elvish folk aren't as accomplished riders as the Rohirrim, which is how the horselords are so famous for their skills.

As for putting Aragorn through the same test, no, they would not. He had already proven his worth to them, having ridden with King Thengel in his younger days, as well as fighting at Helm's Deep and such. I can't say anything about Denethor, though he would likely care little if Eomer wanted to put Faramir through sheer hell before he married Eowyn, which is not what he's doing. He simply wants his sister to marry a good man, and Faramir must prove that he is that man, and by Rohirric standards.

Author Reply: LOL, EomerofEastfold is here championing my Rohirrim...why do I bother showing up? ;)
Though, um, (twiddles fingers, looks around) the "sheer hell" hmmm...mabye just a bit of hell... Rohan isn't an easy place like I'd imagine Gondor to be--Rohan is wilder, wider and harsher, the better to test our Steward. BUT, he has support! I swear! Eowyn will support him and help him as well as his Rohirrim friends will, so he's not all alone. Eomer won't be that bad, really, I mean, he wants him to win because the longer he's there the more apparent E/F love is. Soooo....I need to go start writing, huh?

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/9/2004
You mentioned in your comment to another reviewer that Faramir knows no more about horses than the average person, and will have a lot to learn from Rohirric horse whisperers. I'm not sure about that. Beregond stated in ROTK that Faramir could master beasts and men; and Faramir was able to bring his horse back to his men under the assault of the Nazgul on their flying beasties; I would think that might take more than average ability to ride. Faramir might not be quite in the league of the best of the Rohirrim; but he should be better than average in terms of handling horses.

Would the Rohirrim put Aragorn through such a detailed initiation if he were seeking Eowyn's hand? Doubt it. And I bet they wouldn't be if Denethor were still alive and Steward and not crazy.

Raksha, eager for the next chapter

Author Reply: Well, darn you people take this literally!! Faramir's not a dolt, he can ride and he can master beast and men (thanks to his gift, which we WILL see in some action later in the eored and with the horse the Rohirrim provide for him) But PATIENCE!!!! I cant get to everything at once!! Geez!!
But, nitpicking like that gives me confidence that people are reading, remembering and :D Big smile.

Lady of the WoodReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/7/2004
First of all let me say your use of Rohirric is impressive. Is it really Anglo-Saxon or a language Tolkien developed?

I'm really enjoying your story but it occurred to me that we haven't read much about King Theoden's funeral. I've either forgotten I read about it (and I appologise if I have) or it hasn't happened yet. I know in the book Eowyn leaves when they take the King to Rohan to be buried. Are we going to read about the funeral? I think it could provide some nice comforting moments for Faramir and Eowyn. ;)

Author Reply: Furneral hasnt happened yet. King Theoden's funeral will be in chapter 53 and while i wont spend huge time on it, there will be a bit of comforting :) The end of 52 is Faramir arriving in Rohan with the funeral party, so he's FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY THERE.
Odd. You know, this story started in my head with him already, it was just going to be SEVEN, CAN YOU IMAGINE? SEVEN chapters once...apparently a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... LOL.

Author Reply: Whoops, forgot the Rohirric. Its really Anglo-Saxon. I havent found anything of Tolkien's to use, so I've used the Old English and wow, that stuff can be tough! Glad you appreciate it! I think it shows I DO try and makes up for any mistakes elsewhere.(hopefully) :)

MichelleReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/7/2004
Valar, that was far too long to wait for an update! I'm sure it was an honest mistake...right? RIGHT?! I'll trust you to remedy this situation, and quickly. :-)

Author Reply: Sorry!! I keep finishing on days when I cant go to post and add stupid disks to the picture it takes a while....AND if you notice all the Rohirric....that's HARD! Come on, cut some slack! ;)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/6/2004
For Raksha the Demon,

To counter your "If not for Cirion, the Rohirrim wouldn't have Rohan," I must point out that, without Eorl, Gondor would have long been destroyed. Plus, the Rohirrim are a proud people that keep to their own culture as opposed to assimilating with other men, so any outsider would indeed have to "prove themselves" to earn their respect. It's really nothing against Faramir at all.

Author Reply: Thank you EomerofEastfold, for putting that better than I probably could. Its nothing against Faramir--i promise they wont hate him--its he has to come and actually do something other than show up and go, "Hi, I'm Prince Faramir. Everyone says I'm a good warrior, so I guess you can just believe it."

And yes, the Rohirrim are a bit xenophobic (spelling? ha) and i'm going to show that with the elves and then Faramir. I got the feeling from the way bookEomer spoke with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli about Lorien and Galadriel that it wasn't just his attitude, it was an overall feeling in Rohan that different=strange and possibly dangerous.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/6/2004
I'm getting a bit tired of Eomer and the Rohirrim being so high-and-mighty towards Faramir's suit of Eowyn. First of all, if not for Faramir's ancestor Cirion, Eomer would not be sitting pretty atop Edoras, he and his people wouldn't even have Rohan. Second, Faramir is not an outcast with no kin in Rohan; Morwen of Lossarnach, grandmother of Eomer and Eowyn, was a lady of high Numenorean blood and a distant kinswoman of Imrahil of Dol Amroth. Faramir would be aware of both these facts.

I really like the way you've written the Rohirrim's love for and ease with their horses into the story. You seem to know a lot about horses, and it shows.

Aragorn's asking Faramir if he'd like to see Aragorn naked - heeee! Aragorn has a teasing streak a mile wide.

And poor, poor Eowyn - running into the immaculate Imladris bridal party, including Miss Elven Perfection 3019, while in a disheveled and muddy condition has got to be the most horrible thing to happen to her since she got stung by the Witch-King.

Please update again soon!

Author Reply: Well, I'll let EomerofEastfold answer the first paragraph (he does it quite well) and you can see my reply. But, to add, how would Halorl know about Morwen? He's just one of Eomer's aides and Faramir didn't know what he was saying.

ANYWAY, I'm actually a caretaker on a Welsh Pony breeding farm; i mainly feed but also water and check over 45 animals, mostly ponies, but a few horses too. We just had another foal born and its SO cute. I've done it for almost 5 years and live there for almost 9 so I have a lot of information about horses to fall back on, which I think helps the story as well. Faramir doesn't know all this detailed stuff about horses--he can ride, but no more than the average person, so when he's around these Rohirrim "horse-whisperers" he's going to be a little lost but he'll pick it up. He's a fast learner. :)

I want Aragorn to be a bit naughty--he can relax and be happy for the first time. No pressure to save all the peoples of Middle-Earth...can you imagine the weight that takes off his shoulders?

Yes, poor Eowyn. LOL!! Miss Elven Perfection 3019!! Awesome.
I'll update as soon as I can and I promise at the end of the next chapter we will have our Faramir/Eowyn reunion!! :D Can't wait!

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/6/2004
Ah, so the elves have come at last! I really hope that Arwen and Eowyn can become friends. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Author Reply: Yep, the elves are there for i think 2 days. Its a rather unusual occurence in Rohan. I'm not sure Arwen and Eowyn interact much at first; its more along the lines of Eomer and Arwen. He's rather overwhelmed by her beauty, yet, he has other thoughts, too as he gets used to it. Elrohir and Elladan get some time with Eowyn. Faramir comes in too, in Gondor with some observations of Arwen.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/6/2004
Wow, that was long chapter! Not sure how long it took me to read it, but it was a while. :)

Poor Eowyn. It seems she feels that she's going to end up in the very cage she dreads. Will Eomer and Faramir ever convince her that they love her and only desire what is best for her, without infringing upon her freedom? I mean, she may have ridden to Gondor and slain the Witch King, but that's not going to stop them from wanting to keep her safe. It's not that they think she's weak; they just would not be able to bear it if she were harmed.

Are you a psychology student, by chance? Your charactarizations are so vivid that one would think you had studied it.

Author Reply: over 11,000 words!!! Wooooo! New record! And, by the way, I had to cut it off to post, it wanted to KEEP GOING!

Exactly, they dont want her harmed while she wants to go and do what she's basically always done--mannish things. Only this time Eomer's stuck being king and without Theodred he's forced to watch her go off alone. So of course he's worried! Faramir would be too!

Eowyn is staring that cage in the face and while she loves Faramir and wants to be with him, those bars are looking awfully close. She has to figure out that she, not Faramir or her brother, has to find something for herself to do...a career. I see her as almost a modern woman stuck in Arda; like a lot of women today she wants it all (and she should get it)--a career and a man w/a few children. ;) This is going to be a thing in the story that Eowyn has to find a way to express herself that is acceptable to Gondor society and not horribly shocking. Faramir has to find a way to blend into Rohirric society and in that he's going to be pushed further and further away from his "roots" so to speak. He's actually going to change.

Wow, i've never been asked if i study anything. ;) I'm not a psychology student, that is unless you count missing/sleeping/doodling through psych 101 last sememster in college. (hey, got a B, so go me!) I took it in high school too, though. Thanks for the compliment on the characterizations, its hot and i'm hungry, but hey, i'm having a good day now. :D

Fionnabhair Nic AillilReviewed Chapter: 50 on 6/6/2004
Oh poor Éowyn - these things just keep happening to her don't they. First Aragorn and now this. Is there any hope that just once she'll have a moment that won't be absolutely mortifying? Éomer must be driving her crazy. The way they act around each other is very real but one wonders how long before she explodes at him.

I'm sorry - I know Aragorn is king and everything, but I'm starting to think that he really deserves a smack in the mouth. Of course I'd prefer if Éowyn got to deliver it, but Faramir would be perfectly justified. It's not the thing itself, so much as the fact that he keeps talking about it. (Or secret option three in which Arwen catchs him talking like that and lets fly - actually I'd kind of like to see it!)

Anyway - keep up the good work!

Author Reply: LOL, smacking Aragorn. But, please, he's going to be a good little boy around his precious Arwen. Don't worry, he'll get his eventually though. :)

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