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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 6 Review(s)
MysteriousWaysReviewed Chapter: 39 on 8/29/2004
That was a beautiful scene and a beautiful song.


BKBReviewed Chapter: 39 on 5/4/2004
In the fourth paragraph of this chapter, you used the combined words "commanding/asking" to put across an idea. Would "requesting" have worked in this instance? I have long felt that its connotation has more force than mere "asking". Also, a "request" is more formal which I think would also suit Faramir relationship to the natural environment at that point.

I second everyone's comments about cliffhangers and I'm waiting anxiously for the next instalment. However, please do not let your studies suffer! In a week or so after finals, you can indulge yourself and us to our hearts' content. Enough of the "wise old aunt" lecture. Good luck on the remaining finals and term papers.

Author Reply: requesting probably would have been fine, maybe even better. I don't know, but I felt I was trying to put across that it was a blurry cross between the two words. Maybe it was just in my head ;) The more formal remark is totally dead-on though. Awesome :)
Ahh, old aunt lectures...hmm, I dont think I have any aunts. Finals aren't THAT bad and, to be honest, this story is itching at my brain, so its hard to concentrate on the most boring stuff alive in theatre. I have finished my English paper, though, so go me and I've got tomorrow to study for theatre and a week for my psych.( I misread my syllabus THANK GOD), so one chapter hopefully coming up today. :)

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 39 on 5/4/2004
GAAAAHHHH!!!! Please please PLEASE don't leave us hanging here too long!!! Eowyn is doing it again -- giving up her own happiness for Eomer, like she did to take care of Theoden and it isn't fair. Why is she so chicken to be with Faramir?!? I'm in AGONY here!! Please update again SOON!!

Oh, and by the way, about the siblings taking over: It's all Eomer's fault! ;) You know it, I know it, lets just face it. He is a rather overpowering personality, isn't he?

Author Reply: he is rather overpowering, isn't he? That's why I love him, though. ;) I'll try my best to update today. Really! I will! I was cursing all the way home because I was coming up with the best stuff! If only I didn't have to sleep....

CrimsonReviewed Chapter: 39 on 5/3/2004
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I meant when I wrote that this writer takes "perverse pleasure in keeping her audience hanging"! Forget Grendel, I'm sending the Gorgon, the Minotaur, the Yeti after you!

Cliffhangers aside, I must say you have done something I thought was impossible. You have made me exasperated with one of my favorite LOTR characters. I feel like smacking Eowyn upside the head myself. I feel like Cher in "Moonstruck" slapping Nick Cage -- "Get over it!" Only in this case I'd say, "He loves you! You love him! Whatever your hang-up is, get over it!" Alas, this is why I would not make a good therapist...

Now, you had better update this soon or else the Abominable Snowman's coming your way. I mean it. He's on his way from Mt. Everest right now. I've decided to hold off on the Minotaur and the Gorgon, but don't press your luck.

PS - Good like on the Theatre exam. I'm sure you'll do great. You have a flair for the dramatic. :)

Author Reply: I dont take perverse pleasure!! I swear! Its just that I have to study, eat, sleep and try to get that damn scholarship! Its finals week, so have pity.
Awesome that you feel that way about Eowyn....its funny, even I didn't know she was going to do that when I walked her up to Faramir. It was a shocker to me too. Thanks for the luck, I'll need it. I need an A, B, and 2 C's to get that 4,000 dollar scholarship and unfortunately, poor me, has to study. I'm, uh, (cough cough) not a good student. ;) So, have pity, and I'll stay a while after school to type some more.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 39 on 5/3/2004
Fie, woman! A cliffie! Please update again soon, I can't wait to find out what happens. This is a great story.

Author Reply: I'll be updating today, after my Psychology exam and my final exam English paper. God, this is finals week and I wish I could just type on this story all day long....but, alas!

Fionnabhair Nic AillilReviewed Chapter: 39 on 5/3/2004
Oh come now that was just cruel! I've put up with all your other cliff-hangers but that last one is just too much. The song was beautiful and sad - and call me crazy but the unrequited love theme is rather suggestive. I'm really curious as to where your going to take this; please have Éowyn come to her senses!

Author Reply: sorry, it was already 9 pm and I had to get home! I'm glad you liked the was rather suggestive wasnt it? Sorry again about the hanger...believe it or not, I'd rather finish than go home! But, alas, I have to sleep sometime.

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