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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 5 Review(s)
faithful_readerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/7/2008
Dear author,
Iīm still faithfully (re)reading your story, ever once in a blue moon checking if you have uploaded a new chapter. Is there a chance for an update any time soon or should I get myself a life?
THE most faithful reader you could wish for ; ))

faithful_readerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/11/2007
Hi, itīs March 2007 but there are still no updates- neither revised chapters nor newly written ones. I hope itīs only RL that insists on taking up your time, not that you have abandoned this story entirely...

halewyn aredhelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/27/2005
Wow. I always thought your original introduction was a little too short. It's great that you had a chance to rewrite it, and I like what you've done with Eowyn's uncertainty over her feelings for Faramir and fits well with the rest of what you've written.

I'm kinda hoping you fix the creepy scenes with Imrahil and Eomer too!

Author Reply: Yes, weeelll, let's just agree to never speak of that with Imrahil again, shall we? I'm rewriting or at least editing and adding to everything pre-Rohan and I don't even know what that part was about, I hate it and I'm deleting it with a vengeance the moment I get Chapters 11-10 rewritten.

Hee, Lothiriel appears in Chapter Two (rewrite) and has a little conversation with Eomer. Poor guy, he doesn't know quite what to make of her. She's a little firecracker.

Ah, these condensed chapters make it feel so free in here...I can write ten more chapter's worth now just to get to where I was! :D

Lady of the WoodReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/26/2005
Good for you for having the courage to revisit your work. However, I'll have to wait to read it. I'm following your original story flow and want to read the completed story before I revisit and compare differences.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: So this is just a tease, then?

I'm about halfway into the next chapter. You're going to love it, I'm about 8000 words in and I'm either laughing or hardly able to write without taking a breath to go, "Awwwwwww!" every two minutes. :D It's a cute one.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/26/2005
It's been a long time since I read your first chapter; but I think this version is much better. I like that Eowyn isn't at all sure that she loves Faramir; since she never actually said so ROTK, it makes sense that she hasn't yet fallen totally in love with him, is just attracted to Faramir but doesn't know him very well. And her doubts are well-delineated, she is very uncertain in the brave new world of Shadow-free Rohan/Gondor and is practically clueless as to romantic love and sexuality as well.

The Eomer/Faramir confrontation is excellent. I really loved it when Faramir pushed Eomer's hand away from Eowyn; he wouldn't put up with what he saw as Eomer's bullying his sister. It's probably just as well that Faramir doesn't speak the tongue of Rohan at this point, though, or he'd probably have ended up fighting Eomer...

I wasn't sure why Faramir's mention of building a home in Emyn Arnen frightened her so - she's managed Meduseld at its worst, under Grima's gloomy sway, and surely knows what is involved in home management. Or does she fear she'll be shut away at the hearth in a gloomy hall again, not understanding that Faramir is giving her a chance to have a say in her role there, what kind of home they'll make?

If you are going to revise more of the pre-Rohan chapters, I will say that I wasn't wild about Eowyn's escapades with the hobbits and Shadowfax. (not to mention a rather sinister Imrahil out to grab the Princess of Rohan for his son -if I remember right - at his nephew's expense!) Merry and Pippin worked very well in this chapter, though.

Author Reply: Trust me, this version makes the old one look like crap...which it totally was. :)

Oh, yes, Faramir has more of a spine in this rewrite, which I really like. I want to show he's very conscious of his manners, but not cowardly. He won't stand for any injustices to others, but he might for himself as of now, just to keep peace. Of course that all changes in Rohan. :D

I'm revising all the pre-Rohan chapters and probably going over everything from then on just to make sure there are no places that don't fit or whatever. I've started and just about finished with the rewrite on Chapters 11 to 20-something, the disk screwed up so I didn't get all the way to 25.

Oh, god, Imrahil....can we just never speak of that again? It's deleted from my computer and the moment I update it will be from this site, so it's about two days from being gone for good. I have no explanation, I was on crack or something.
Anyway, I've replaced it with a sweet Lothiriel/Eomer moment that I hope introduces her character.

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