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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 8 Review(s)
Rohirric WarriorReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/22/2005
Ack! I hope all reviewers see this, because I just realized we missed this fic's birthday! Sound of Horns started posting this wonderful story exactly one year and six days ago, and it is still going strong. Happy Birthday, All for Her, and may you have many more! *Laughs*

Author Reply: You're too sweet. :)

gabrielsaReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/16/2005
I came upon this site by accident but already shared a love for LOTR. Thank you for a wonderful story! I am hooked and can't wait to see the next installment. Will it come soon?

Author Reply: I'm halfway through the next chapter and I hope to post on Wed. :) Thanks for leaving a review!

Rohirric WarriorReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/4/2005
Don't have time to write a full review right now, but wanted to comment on something.

*Heh, why all this interest in setting up Gaer? That's my pet peeve BTW--all, and I do mean *all* storylines nowadays seem to be about people falling in love. It drives me crazy.*

C'mon, why get so upset about it? The only reason we want to see Gaer hooked up is because he's so damn awesome, and we want to see how he acts around and with a woman. It's not a suggestion *I* commonly make, at least. I've read many an OC, and only one other time I suggested setting someone up. Basically because I thought he was great, just like Gaer.

Really, is it our fault you wrote such a f****** cool OC? :-D

Author Reply: Aw. How could I be upset at that? :) Gaer might get a woman of Gondor, seeing as I had no plans for him to get one from'll just have to wait.

This next chapter's coming fast and if I didn't have a killer headache I'd be further into it. As it is, I've got 6 pages of what usually averages around 30. But I promise Faramir's not going to return at the end of the chapter, but around the middle. Faramir/Eowyn goodness is near!

ow, my head hurts and I don't even know why. Ugh, I hope I'm not getting sick.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/3/2005
Glad to see another chapter!

I love the way you write the training of and interaction with horses; it's very convincing.

I'm so glad that you're writing Imrahil more sympathetically; Tolkien wrote in HoME that he and Eomer become buddies.

I do hope that Faramir is going to have some kind of physical victory or perform some valiant feat. He's already proved that he's extremely clever and adaptable, but I want to see his physical strength and courage recognized. I thought you had said or implied that Faramir would face some kind of danger while out with the Rohirrim...

I wonder if Oswyn is going to tamely forget his grudge against Faramir - and will he spread the word that Faramir tattled on him; not that Faramir had much choice...

The bit with Arwen and Eowyn stuffing their faces and chewing inelegantly didn't do anything for me. There are other ways of showing Eowyn's strength and independance...

I love the idea of Gaer returning to Gondor with Faramir. I wonder if Beregond has a younger sister or female cousin...

Thorn is great! Can Faramir take him back to Minas Tirith and eventually Ithilien?

Author Reply: That's actually more or less how you train a horse to lead. I left out what makes it so easy-you let them walk on a rope all day so that they teach themselves to move their feet to release the pressure. Trust me, it's *way* easier than anything else. No cowboy stuff for me. Too much trauma. :)

Yes, there will be danger. This isn't Faramir's only trip out, he's going out again after the festival while Eowyn rides to the City. That gives him time to cement a friendship with Eomer, have the danger, have adventures with Gaer and Eowyn time to do her thing in Minas Tirith. See? It's working out! You just have to be patient. I know I keep writing that. LOL, these chapters seemed really long at first but they're really short to me now.

Oswyn shows up later. Probably more pissed off than before. heh

Okay, yeah, other ways with Eowyn...I know. Let's start small--
1. She changes her external appearance and keeps the look until it washes out naturally despite Faramir and Eomer's dislike of it.
2. Beginning to relax about going to the City and what might be required of her, namely the cake-stuffing isn't all just a wee start. First her physical characteristics change, then her mental.
3. Uh, not sure yet. The hunt for boar is something. I want her to both see the dangers of it and the impractibility of it in her new life, yet not end that part of her life because Eowyn isn't like other noblewomen who ride hunts, she goes with the men for the kill. She's used to seeing herself, if not as a man, as living a sort of a halfway existence. She needs to learn the good parts of women's activities. Anyway, I'll work it out.

Heh, why all this interest in setting up Gaer? That's my pet peeve BTW--all, and I do mean *all* storylines nowadays seem to be about people falling in love. It drives me crazy.

Thorn...I don't know. It would be really sad if Faramir and he bonded and he left him behind, wouldn't it? Aww, yes. Yet one would assume the Prince of Ithilien rides a very attractive horse. And would Thorn be happy to be shut up in the stables of Minas Tirith? We all know Faramir could buy him from Eomer--hell, Eomer would probably just give him the horse--but Faramir might have to think about what he would do with Thorn. It would be cute to have Thorn giving Elboron pony rides, wouldn't it? Not that I would entirely trust Thorn at the moment.

Hee, you just know little Elboron's experience of Rohan is going to be very different, don't you? I keep snickering over picturing Eomer as an uncle. It's going to be all ponies and candy and tournments, I swear. Poor Faramir, his kids come home all spoiled as hell...somehow I can see Eomer hopping them up on sugar all day then dropping them off in Ithilien. :)

Author Reply: Oh, I forgot. The dagger that Eowyn got from Faramir? Well, so far she won't even touch it and that's really not a good sign. The day she can just pick it up and toss it or whatever would be the day she was fine.

See? I'm trying here. :)

halewyn aredhelReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/2/2005
I love this story so far! You write the characters so well. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.

I was a little surprised that Eomer got the upper hand this time, but maybe that will help him get along better with Faramir. Who knows?

I'm dying to know what you have planned for Gaer when he gets to the City.

Keep those chapters coming!

Author Reply: Eomer knows how to wrestle. That's about it, lol.

And I will keep it coming. You bet I will. :)

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/1/2005
A nice long chapter! I felt sorry for Eomer in this chapter ( and you know that's odd for me! ;) )poor man. I'm glad he pinned Faramir. I hope their wrestle restored the balance between them once and for all and now they can really become friends. (Fingers crossed. 'I hope, I hope.') I'd love to see the two of them having fun together. Imagine Eowyn's shock?!

Interesting addition of Imrahil. I always loved his character in the books. He always sounds so noble and princely. I think it's nice that Eowyn is getting to find out a bit about Finduilas and Faramir's family. Hopefully he can help Eowyn adjust to life in ways that Finduilas never learned to do and not let Eowyn get scared off.

I'm wondering why you chose to have Eowyn go off on another hunt at this time? Hmmm.

I was intrigued by Eowyn's beliefs about dreams, not disturbing ghosts and the fact that Faramir was dreaming about Boromir before Eowyn entered the dream. I'm assuming that we'll get more about this in another chapter.

Thank you for getting rid of Oswyn! Good lad Eomer.

My favorite bits were: Eowyn's attempts at song writing. It made me smile. I like reading about her beening as she calls herself, "girly". I loved the bit with Faramir bonding with Thorn. It made me wish for a Thorn of my very own.

I hope you find time to write in your busy semester! Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Poor Eowyn when she realizes she's outnumbered 2 to 1...of course that's in the future...WAY in the future if you know my writing ;)

Goody, Imrahil is good now. Heh, I'm totally erasing all that crap in the beginning. Let's just pretend it never happened, shall we?

Hmm about the hunt indeed. Lots of possibilities. Personally I'm snickering at the argument about where Eowyn's going to hang that boar's head and how much Faramir's masculinity will suffer when its clear he's got nothing remotely manly in his rooms. "What? That bearskin? Ah...that's my wife's..." lol

Hey, Eomer's coming around. He's admitting in public that he is (soon to be) related to Faramir now and he's wanting to help him and not just because of his sister--though you'll notice that's ALWAYS the first excuse, lol. He's just a big softie! I think the guy deserves a gold star for holding onto his temper and not hitting Faramir back during the wrestling. That's a lot of change from Eomer in the beginning. He even wrestled nicely and didn't twist Faramir's arm out of its socket or anything.

Hee, just hee at Eowyn's song. "Ode to Faramir", my god, I wrote it and it's actually good if you don't mind the corny beginning. Odd, I can write Rohirric songs just fine but Faramir's poetry? No way. Sad.

Thorn is very prevalent in the next chapter with more bonding. Aw. I know.

I'll write what I can and I'm eager to get started since I've dropped the long delay and Eomer is returning to Edoras *next* chapter and so is Faramir. YAY! SMUT! Eowyn/Faramir goodness!! Wet and wild Faramir. Well, maybe not so wild, he's gonna have a hard day and be worn out. Poor him and poor Thorn.

heh, poor Eowyn. ;)

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/1/2005
I love this story, your writing is unique and refreshing. So glad to finally see an update. Faramir's fight with Eomer was my favorite this chapter.

Last chapter we saw a hint of Boromir in the dream, did we not? He'll be returning sometime?

Thanks for sharing your talent.

Author Reply: Boromir returns in another dream later on. I'm not sure when, this story gets away from me sometimes!

Thank *you* for reviewing. :D

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 67 on 2/1/2005
My first reaction to Faramir snapping at Eomer was "Oh for the love of Pete, dude, you're on good terms with him now! Don't destroy it!" That being said, I had to laugh at the way Eomer got him down and gave him a serious talking to. I can understand that Faramir would snap when he got to the breaking point, and it's both sad and funny that it happened when Eomer called him "Lytle Bregu". Faramir needs to get back to Gondor before he loses it completely.I'm also curious to know how you're going to improve Faramir's relationship with his students. Gaer is right, and he needs to treat them like the young men that they are.
As for Eowyn, I love how Arwen is disgusted at her good behavior. Eowyn's probably a breath of fresh air to the Queen, bad manners and everything. I'm glad that Eowyn came to a realization that she doesn't need to be perfect, just herself. That's a good thing to learn, especially before she gets to the City. Arwen stuffing a cake in her mouth like that makes it even sweeter: it's as if she's saying, "Look, if you don't act like a shieldmaiden then I will!"
Here's hoping that Eowyn gets her boar, and that no one gets hurt in getting it. I just read a book where one character was gutted by a boar, and it wasn't pretty. :P
All in all, a great chapter, and I look forward to more!

Author Reply: Heh, I thought Faramir was losin' it too but hey, he's going to the extreme here of from being too patient, to snapping at every little thing. I'm feeling he's got to adjust and he will. It's culture shock, I guess. Everything's different and nothing makes sense. Poor Faramir.

Also, poor Eomer for getting attacked. Even though he ended up on top. heh.

LOL, Arwen. I loved that. Her and Eowyn will be really great friends by the end of this story. :) It's good that Arwen sees Eowyn needs to tone it down and not get herself so wound up. She's a bit of an overachiever in this.

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