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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 16 Review(s)
CostaesiReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/20/2005
I am breathlessly awaiting your next chapter!! I just wanted to leave a note to let you know that your story is fantastic, and stands on it's own even apart from the LOTR original.
The character development is wonderful, and I appreciate your descriptions of everyday life, and work of both Rohan and Gondor. There is obviously much time spent in research, or even better, personal experience. I think that it brings another level of depth to the story without being pondorous or boring. And it gives us a much greater understanding of the characters personalities, and values.
I flew through these first chapters and am eagerly awaiting more. I even tried to calculate how many you write a month based on your start date. I look forward to an e-mail alert to let me know there is more. Thank you so much for your continued good work.

Author Reply: You're very welcome. Good reviews inspire me to do my best by this story and not cheat and get lazy. :D

The next chapter should be up fairly soon--"fairly" means less than a week, but not today. I've got most of it written but it's not where I want to stop. I really need to add some, so I will do that as soon as I can. This semester is harder than the last! I've got an incredible amount of reading to do, so hopefully you can be patient.

Author Reply: Holy crap, I hate floppy disks. Sorry, I'll have to post the new chapter on Mon. I would have today I but had a late Engish paper and the disk messed up (ONLY THE THING I WANTED, MIND YOU) and I had to rewrite it.

On the plus side I've decided to get Faramir to Edoras sooner--screw the 16 days, it's been like 10 already and I want some smut. This is a Work In Progress, I can change stuff. Oh, and try and forget all I wrote of Imrahil, will you? I'm erasing it in the rewrite anyway and replacing it with a nice scene. He's really nice, okay? I'm sorry. :)

Somehow I doubt anyone will be disappointed with the change in plans and the over 1040 hit count on the smuttiest chapter I have up supports that, too. ;) Gaer and Faramir can have adventures when Eowyn's in the City.

Rohirric WarriorReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/12/2005
Time to review again! Btw, you know me. I was once Drake until Earthlink bugged and corrupted all the addresses on my account. :(

Stupid Earthlink...

I have to say it again; I just *love* this story! It may be 2006 before we see a conclusion, but that's okay! Even the little things you put in are spectacular! :)

OMG, I saw that bit in the reviews about Eowyn screaming Mervin at the top of her lungs. Yeah, if I was in the hall, well, first I'd be stunned speechless, THEN I'd laugh and run off to tell everyone, "Hey, you know what Lord Faramir has Lady Eowyn calling him?" :)

Good to see Eomer and Faramir much closer to being buddies. Thankfully, drunk as Faramir was, he probably doesn't remember how badly he was beaten when he was in the match.

Love Gaer as always! And Nier and Tondhere as well. Man, I REALLY can't wait till you get Gaer in Ithilien. And I must add, I still want to see who gets to be Gaer's girlfriend. I can just see him charming some young Gondorric woman. And then, *duh duh duh DUH*, children of Gaer! ROFL! I just love this guy; a spinoff story would not be amiss. :)

And give Nier Gaer's sister. :)

...Eomer needs Lothiriel, and soon! Though I know he's a year-and-a-half, two years away from marrying her. That onion riddle made me choke on my own breath at first, but then when I saw the answer I thought, "Ohhhhhh, that makes sense now."

Am wondering what Oswyn's grudge is and hope I don't have to wait too long to find out.

Author Reply: It *may* be 2006. LOL, that's a possibility, but I've decided I'd rather have detail and not worry about length, cause details make a story better. :)

Aww, Gaer's great, isn't he? Those Rohirrim guys are fun (at least the ones who aren't assholes like Oswyn) Children of Gaer, lol, that would be scary. They'll have to wait until he's over Eowyn. He's nursing his crush, still, I'm afraid.

Eh, Oswyn's going to be around for a bit longer. LOL, you're going to like the reason though....

Cuz it's more Gaer. :D

BKBReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/12/2005
Another very good and entertaining chapter. Many thanks! After reading all the other reviews, all that I can add is that I like the contast in tone between the inn and the dream.

However, I do disagree with Elendiar 22 and others about Faramir being the "cutest" drunk. My preferance is for the characters played by Katherine Hepburn and Joan Blondel in The Desk Set. Although "charming" is perhpas the better word to describe them. This film is also very good if you want to study snappy dialog.

My sympathy to Crimson and her Ny-quil addiction. I also have been there.

As always, I'm looking forward to your next chapter. And, indded, the one after that. I love thoughtful and artistic smut.

Author Reply: OOh! I love the contrast between inn and dream, too. Giant switch. I can't wait to write that smut. Hehe, it's going to be good.

lmwReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/10/2005
Still enjoying this, as always. Very glad to see a new chapter. I originally read this with much love for Eomer, which I still have, but have come to enjoy your Faramir very much as well. The way you write them, I can see this between them lasting forever!

Antigone QReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/8/2005
Since I've been following your story for a while now, I just thought I'd let you know I've been reading it and enjoying it. You write so quickly that I almost thought I'd always have a couple more chapters to go, and now I'm disappointed that I'm at the end because now I have to wait for updates.

Anyway, I'm a sucker for a good Faramir story, and this has been a very nice one. I love the romancing and the wheedling that goes on between him and Eowyn. Your Eomer is just priceless, too. Poor, intellectual Faramir, wondering just how it is that punching someone could be a gateway to respect. Your emphasis on the cultural differences between people of Gondor and Rohan really enhances your plot no end. Well done! (And please update soon. I wasn't finished yet!)

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing! It makes my day. :) I'll try and update as soon as possible!

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/8/2005
A question: Who if Faramir swimming with in the dream before Eowyn shows up? Is is Boromir? Will we get to find out?

Author Reply: Boromir. :) He'll be in a dream sometime.

Lady of Reviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/8/2005

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/7/2005
In your reply to Crimson, you said:

"Oh, I've been giggling at the Eowyn/Gondor scenes for a long time. God, I wish I was there already because Bergil's a sweetie and Beregond's awesome, too, in helping Eowyn. Frankly, I don't think Beregond's doing much right now as he's the Captain of Faramir's guard and Faramir's in Rohan. So, what's he going to do? Bodyguard for the Lady of Ithilien, that's what. :) Luckily for him she's not so much of a Lady."

I hope you haven't forgotten that in the books, Eowyn was very conscious of her lineage and place as a daughter of the House of Eorl. So in her mind she would be a Lady. However, she would probably be more physically active than most ladies of Gondor, not to mention having more of an acumen for military organization. Beregond wouldn't necessarily be used to Ladies who ride, hunt with hounds, kill Ringwraiths (well, just one, and with Merry's help, but still it's not something that even Aragorn could have done)...

I could see Eowyn and Beregond arguing about how best to fortify Ithilien, though. (in the end, Faramir could step in and referee, or cast the deciding vote)

I bet Bergil will think that Eowyn is pretty hot stuff. Maybe Gaer and Beregond could bond when Gaer comes to Ithilien; and swap tips on keeping Faramir out of trouble...

Author Reply: Well, of course Eowyn and Beregond will have conflicts. She's exactly what you said--a Lady, but one that does a little more than average. He didn't seem so strait-laced with Pippin, though. Actually he struck me as a pretty good guy and a good dad. Very loyal, he'd smile and put up with Eowyn just for Faramir's sake, I think. :)

Bergil will think she is hot stuff..what is he? Eleven? Aww. That's sweet. Maybe Eowyn will adore him and decide children wouldn't be so bad after all.

Yeah, there will be Gaer/Beregond bonding. :)

CrimsonReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/7/2005
More thoughts:

*First off, "Call me Mervin" is hilarious! Can you imagine Eowyn screaming Mervin at the top of her lungs? Maybe you should name him that after all... (just kidding).

*Okay, so Oswyn really does have a motive. That's cool. But can you still fit the Illinois Nazis into the story too somehow? (Sorry. I didn't take any NyQuil last night.) I figured out what Oswyn's beef is from the little hint you left. Good thinking -- can't wait to see how you pull it off.

*There is something I've been meaning to write into a review for ages, but I always seem to forget to mention it. Remember your dream sequence back in Chapter 57 (I had to go find it to be sure)? Well, I think I discovered a little clue in there about the future. I might be totally off-base here, but something still tells me that I'm right about this. I don't want to spoil it for everyone else; so I'll ask you an abstract sounding question, and if you answer it, I'll know I'm right. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll know I'm wrong and will then let you know what it was I thought I figured out. Okay, here's the question: Does Gandalf give Eowyn any gifts before he sails into the West?

*Your physical descriptions of Faramir and Eowyn are so precise and visual that I've often wondered if you are describing them based on a real life figure. So, what is your visual inspiration for them? Specific actors or people or art work? Just curious. It's a game I learned from a friend who's a casting director. We try to connect written descriptions to real actors.

*I know I'm still missing something. It'll probably come to me the minute I hit send.

Author Reply: Oh, yeah. "Mervin, Mervin, Mervinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" People would be laughing at him in the halls.

I'm a little proud of Oswyn's grudge. It's something different from the rest of the story.

The only thing I do to describe characters is look at lots of pictures of them--mmm David Wenham, Karl Urban,mmmmm- and really try to *see* the story.

Chapt. 57--no idea. Sorry, I'm sure you thought of something cool. LoL, I feel like a dork.

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 66 on 1/6/2005
At last! I knew it! I knew it, as soon as Faramir clocked Eomer good they'd be friends. Thanks so much. I've been waiting for that for ever so long. I loved reading this chapter. Poor Faramir and his hang over, all I can say is 'been there, done that'. Ugh. My head hurts in sympathy.

The dream sequence was lovely. I was just reading one of your replies to a review. What's this about 16 more days?! Huh? I thought they were going to see each other in three? I've had my 'Faramir punches Eomer' scene and gosh darn it now I want some Faramir Eowyn smut! Please explain the 16 day delay!

Thank you for updating. I checked dilegently over the last month and what a great chapter we got.

Author Reply: lol, Eomer just needed a good one upside the head.

Okay, the 16 days...remember when Faramir left? I said it would be sixteen more days before he saw Eowyn again. It's been...oh, about 5 already. Eomer leaves in 1 1/2 to Edoras but Faramir...well, Faramir's going a different way.
I can't let you in on all the fun, that would ruin it, but I promise it will go by quickly and then you'll get plenty of smut at the harvest festival. Hehe, lots of dirty smut. :)

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