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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 15 Review(s)
Madame MarshReviewed Chapter: 65 on 6/25/2005
Well, so long as Faramir continues to provide me with quick fixes to all my camping problems, I'm willing to help out his betrothed with the Ranger foot problem.

An old recipe to rid oneself of calluses and rough spots on the feet is to take slices of bread, pour vinegar over them, leave to stew for an hour and then place the soggy slices over the affected areas of the feet. I kid you not- it actually works. I must have stared in horror for a full thirty seconds at my grandmother when she suggested this, but my feet are quite smoother now. However, as this does make your skin much softer (it's the acid in the vinegar), I wouldn't recommend Faramir or Aragorn set off on another walking adventure for a while as it will take a few days for their feet to readjust without leaving blisters.

Alternatively, and this is a more drastic method, they could re-marainate the bread and cut up onions into large rings. They would then take the onions, place them on the bread and then lay the bread slices on their feet, with the onions close to their skin. Slipping a sock over all this, they'd sleep with the concoction on for the night. As Faramir has twenty years of walking to his credit and Aragorn has over half a century, I think a few repeats of the latter treatment might be necessary. Just remind them to throw away the socks and clean the bed linen in the morning- the stuff just reeks!

If anyone needs natural beauty methods- I have a load available. I think I even have a recipe for shampoo and deodorant that Faramir could come up with...

And when exactly are the Rohirrim going to figure out that Faramir is already making a grand gesture by even coming to Rohan? As Prince of Ithilien, he is of almost equal rank to the King of Rohan and combined with his title of steward, he may even outrank evryone except the King. It would not be a breach of protocol for him to await his bride in Minas Tirith. Instead, he's come, abased himself (and yes, part of it was in order to secure Eowyn) and tried to accomodate Rohirric custom. When is Gaer going to figure this out? That he can take offence at Faramir's words in comparaing the written to the sung, but that Faramir could have taken offence to just about everything done or said to him since he set foot in Rohan? I suppose I think that it's time for the Rohirrim to recall that, if they love their lady so much, they'd do best to remember that they ensure her husband's ill will by their behavior. and that the husband's ill will can easily translate into their losing her forever... They're a bit thick sometimes, aren't they?

BKBReviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/23/2004
I would never have guessed a sea shell! I' really rotten at guessing games.

Author Reply: lol, you really are and you're going to hate the next chapter. It's full of riddles. LOL :) Don't worry, I'll provide answers--i'd never be able to guess them otherwise.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/20/2004
It's a conch shell. Yes, it was a pretty easy guess. No wonder Arwen wants to play with it. :)

Author Reply: :) Hehe, I like the psychological connections you could get from Faramir giving Eowyn a conch shell. lol, I'm dirty.

elisa m. Reviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/20/2004
good chapter...i want to take a guess on the gift, is it a sea shell? you know hear the sea and play with it...i dont know. keep writing been loving ur story cant wait for your next chapter:)

Author Reply: Ahh! You got it. It's a sea shell. :) Love magic, they say. ;) Hehe that's pretty good for Faramir.

As for my next, I'm moving my comp into my house tomorrow. (It's out in an older house right next to mine; we have sulfur water that eats wiring and kills everything) But, just to let you all know, I've been trying to type in 30-40 degrees! My poor fingers get so cold I have to stop and warm them all the time and its impossible to work at night--I can see my breath and not even a blanket, hot chocolate and a cat in my lap can keep me warm.

But I promise that what I've got is great and I'll type a lot once I'm in where its warm! :)

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/18/2004
Can I venture a guess at what I think the surprise in Faramir's bag is? I read the note with the clues you left BKB, and I think I know what it is. :)

Author Reply: Aww, elisa m. already guessed it, but you can guess what kind of shell it is... :) It was pretty easy wasn't it?

BKBReviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/18/2004
Unfortunately, I not good at guessing games and don't really like them. However, I'll leave your clues at the back of my mind and wait for something to turn up.

i hope that your finals went well.

Author Reply: Eh, finals were okay; I passed all my classes, lol. I'm not a great student, I'm afraid, just sort of average. I really can't hide my disgust at being taught something I've already been taught and then made to write what are essentially "busy work" essays on it. Ugh. Next sememster promises to be better, I'm in a Southern Lit. class. New stuff! Yay! semester, a Science Fiction Literature and a Folklore and Fairytales class--I can't wait.

DrakeReviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/14/2004
Great chapter! I'm glad Eomer and Faramir are making small steps toward being friends. And I love the game Faramir had the kids playing.

I, too, am trying to figure out what in the world was in Faramir's pack without letting my mind wander into the gutter. That's just wrong how you left us guessing like that. :P

Can't wait for the next chapter with the tavern scene.

Author Reply: Oh, man the tavern scene is going great so far and they just walked in the door!
Eomer might make this next chapter get a, I found something awesome that he knows. He also gets to flirt a little with a girl. Aww, poor guy, its about time we saw some of that.

Also, Faramir and Eowyn's little dream might help with the warning. LOL. Naughty kids. I just cant wait for exams to be over--Thurs is the last and then I can concentrate on the chapter!

BKBReviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/13/2004
You little rat fink! Again you're introducing a mysterious object and giving us all sorts of ambiguous clues and let our dirty little minds work over time. I keep wondering how you've set us up this time. Will it be another innocent object as in chapters 46 & 47, or will it actually be something risque. "Only her hairdresser knows for sure." ;) (Have I managed to date myself with this "commercial allusion"?)

I have notice again (though I probably haven't mentioned it before) how well you make the distinction between two types of physical contact and longing - the sexual and the affectionate. You make both feel perfectly natural in the relationship Eowyn and Faramir.

Author Reply: LOL! Aw, those clues were very good.
1. It's something an elf would recognize.
2. It's something that might give an elf grief for the same reason.
3. A woman of Gondor *might* guess it but Lothiriel would have a better chance...and why do you think that, hmm? (hint, hint)
4. It's big, but light and you can play with it.

Come on!! It's easy! ;)

Well, the object is *both* innocent and risque. But that depends on how you look at it... hee! Arwen's not thinking risque, however, Faramir might.

AdamasReviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/12/2004
Well, I reread the chapter again. I'm very interested in the upcoming tavern scene. I know that Eomer is just waiting to see if he can drink Faramir under the table… But, I have a feeling that you have something up your sleeve. After all you are very gifted and this kind of character interaction. Somehow I think that Faramir can hold his own when it comes to drinking.

I also liked your foreshadowing of Lothriel. I could not help the big grin on my face when I read Eomer thoughts about Faramir's woman relatives. Eomer is not going to know what hit him. I still think with your talent, you should do a whole spin off tale just for Eomer and Lothriel. You really do have a gift for Character development and interaction. And I think in order to really do these two justice they need their own story. So this is must my opinion, you don't have to listen to me. Introduce the relationship in this story then develop it in their own story. I have ulterior motives; I just want you to keep spining your tales. The thought of this coming to an end is unthinkable.

I also thought your comparison to Theodred was very clever, and it will make it easier, I hope, for Eomer to find commonality with Faramir. As for Eowyn and Arwen … The courts of Gondor do know what is going to hit them. It is almost like Lucy and Ethel turned loose on Gondor. LOL

[Author Reply: Hmm. Well, Eowyn and Faramir are pretty far away--4 hours on horseback--but would you be satisfied by a shared dream/thing? I'm planning it.] So you're planing a dream sharing? I can't wait, you have hinted at so many good things to come. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. I want very thing now… : 0)

All I want for Christmas is more characters from SoundsofHorns. Please, Please, Please!

Author Reply: Ah, the tavern scene. I wish I could have been writing it instead of poundeding at my calculator during my math exam, trying and pleading for some combination of numbers to equal one of the provided answers (JUST ONE, PLEASE GOD), but alas! None did and I penciled in a lot of Bs. They should have passed out lube with this test, I mean, it's one where you open the first page and immediately think, "Ah, so THIS is what I should have learned."

Anyway, back to things I'm good at. I'm going to write a little tonight, I think, as a WONDERFUL break, then back to studying. Hopefully I can do a rough tavern scene tonight; I've got some Eowyn/Arwen already done. I don't know about the Faramir drinking....Eomer has something up his sleeve and it might tilt the odds quite a bit into his favor.

Speaking of Eomer, I'd like to do a spin-off. Really, I would and I might; it would be fun. You're right, Eomer and Lothiriel need their own story. LOL, that's so far ahead I can't even see it, though. Don't worry, I'll be writing this for a while longer. :)

Oh, LOL! I was rereading earlier chapters and came across the part where Merry and Pippin were describing how Eomer and Faramir fought like Pippin's sisters...except they didn't scream or pull hair. Eowyn thinks "not yet" there and I laughed my ass off because there will be *BOTH* screaming and hair-pulling in this chapter. Ha! Rememeber a long time ago when Eowyn casually remarked that Eomer was a hair-puller? LOL!!! Drunk men don't fight fair.

Hee, Eowyn and Arwen go wild in this chapter too. The dream thing will be in this chapter. :) I can't wait, I've been deprived of Eowyn/Faramir! It might be a sexy dream... I don't think I can help myself, lol. Not that you'd mind, of course. ;)

JenReviewed Chapter: 65 on 12/10/2004
A really enjoyable chapter. I'm glad that Faramir and Eomer are starting to bond. Michelle's favorite part was my favorite part too. Had a big smile trying to imagine Eomer learning elvish while trying to stand on a boat.

Author Reply: There will be way more bonding in the tavern. And out of it, lol. Again, poor, poor Eomer. He should have known better than to butt in on one of Faramir's stories because hey, Faramir gets all the angsty ones, doesn't he?

Fortunately, it won't be too angsty too much longer. :)

Author Reply: I was rereading know what? Faramir and the Rohirrim is like Richie Rich meets the Lost Boys. LOL!

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