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Reflections of the Past  by shirebound 8 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/26/2007
Poor Frodo--experiencing heat exhaustion. Best place to bring him, and now they've found the picture. Can't wait to see the description now.

Author Reply: I had to slip a *bit* of FrodoHealing into this story, fluffy though it may be!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/12/2004
Fascinating. Quite looking forward to finding out what is so special about the stone.

Early in the chapter you made me quite sad for Aragorn, who would someday ban himself and all other Men from the Shire...

powerwriterReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/22/2004
AHHH!!! Not another awesome story!!! How could you be so inconsiderate as to write another wonderful story??? :) Anyways, the first chapter was so adoreable with Frodo getting a puppy. His relationship with Aragorn has lots of love in it. It's like you're just drawn to it. I can't wait to see what the shining thing is under Bag End.

BTW, this is Nina :) just in case you don't recognize my SoA screename. Are you sure you can't make a little time to co-write an original story? I know I've asked you before and I'm sorry if I'm a pain, but you're such an awesome writer :)

Meldewen IlceReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/21/2004
Wow Shirebound!

Another great chapter and I can't WAIT to find out exactly what it is Scamp found!

I am not as versed on the First Age as some here so I haven't a CLUE as to what she's found - whatever it is it clearly has Aragorn in complete awe!

Oh please please PLEASE post again SOON!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/19/2004
I have to admit, I thought immediately of Bilbo's relatives digging around Bag End, later on, after Bilbo leaves, searching for his treasure! But I am curious to know what they have found and what Estel has recognized. I also loved the Gamgee's - their 'voices' seem just right :D

Now, off to my quarterd bed, the dog on the top left, the cats on the bottom left, and i blockade them from my side with pillows - otherwise I wouldn't get any sleep :/

Sandy KReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/19/2004
*gasp* Don't leave us this way, Shirebound! What's on that stone? Inquiring minds want to know! Oh, and BTW, don't think we didn't notice how you just can't seem to help yourself when it comes to Frodo and Aragorn! ;) You do h/c so well, it should be included in every story you write!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/18/2004
OOOH! A mystery! I love a mystery. This is such a fun story. It's a joy to read. Thank you for the huggs,puppies and happy thoughts, they are being more than supplied by this wonderful story :)

Pearl Took

ShirelingReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/18/2004
Poor Frodo...having to be revived again!!!What a good job Aragorn was there.
I'm intrigued to find out what they have found


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