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Half a Heart  by Lairewen 24 Review(s)
nautikaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/28/2010
I believe I read this story long ago, but someone mentioned it on a Yahoo Group recently, and I decided to look it up. It takes me from tears to smiles and back again. Thanks for sharing!

missystar101Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/24/2008
Really good chapter.As all of your writing is.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/5/2005
Very nice indeed... Loved it! Finally playing pranks,a great ending....

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/5/2005

I had a fishy feeling he wasn't Elleadan...Great work... Where has he been for the last millenum.....

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/5/2005

I love this story. Poor Elledan...The loss of Elrohir is a hurt he grieves for even after such a long time.... Estel seems to bring joy where only darkness was... Really enjoyed this...Keep up the writting...

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/16/2004
"More than a few elves fainted upon hearing the news, Erestor included, much to Glorfindel’s amusement."

ROFL!! That is hilarious.

Loved this chapter, loved the entire fic. I LOVED Elrohir's reunion with Elrond! *cheers* And of course his reunion with Elladan. Great work! =D

Author Reply: Thanks Sparkx! Glad you liked it!

Look! I finally figured out the review reply system! lol Anyone seen my brains?!

Hiro-tyreReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/16/2004
Hmmm... Well, Lairwen... I... um... (Somewhere in the corner of my brain is a remote voice crying
"Seek for the positive comments/
In the deep recesses of your mind they dwell/
From thence shall advice be given/
Fairer-worded than Morgul-spells/
Then you shall learn to speak kindly/
And no author shall spurn your hand/
As it types out reviews of profoundity/
Ai Elbereth! Don't make Lairewen mad!"

Well... If I shall attempt to be brief, honest, tactful, encouraging, and somehow maintain my good graces in your sight, I shall have to learn to bend myself into a pretzel and eat myself. Here we go.

No, Lairewen, I shall have to admit that I don't especially like this solution. It just... doesn't work for me. Probably most of all because there doesn't seem to be any clear reason for the Back-to-Gondolin thing. You imply that it is the will of the Valar, and thus the inexpicability of the action could be partially attributed to the None-Know-The-Minds-And-Counsels-of-the-Valar bit. I also gather that the point as you see it is that Elrohir was to foil all of the assasination attempts against the House of the Swan's Wing. It just seems to me that (hypothetically-realistically) there were probably other Elves in the guard of Idril that could have managed this out of loyalty, and not just foresight. Why would the Valar go to all of the trouble of pulling back one of their descendants from 5 000 years in the future to do this? I'm sorry, am I managing to sound rational and tactful?

There goes the 'brief' bit. Aiya.

The only other point that really bothered me: I applaud you for you willingness to take artistic liberties with the text. (A remote voice, faint but clear, calls "Not all AU's are badly done! Not all AU's are badly done!"). I shall therefore not go to great pains about pointing out your various liberties, since you undoubtedly know where they all are. I don't neccesarily approve of all the liberties you took; for example, how do you make "Gondolin, the Hidden city, the Impenetrable Rock, Whose GPS Coordinates NO Enemy Knew Until the Betrayal Of Maeglin, and Definately No Enemy Knew How To Get In Secretly For An Assasination Attempt, Ever, Full of Distrustful Elves Who Nearly Refused The Sister of the King Himself Entrance, Rather Than Let Anyone Into the City, Ever," fit in with your tale of Elrohir's easy acceptance into the walls?

Forgive me for not offereing any potential changes. The only ones I can think up would entirely change the whole plotline of the fic, which I gather is not what you want to do. So, your own perogative. Change whatever you want!

Sorry again. I'll stop now. Except for the good stuff.

I like the way you write. Elrond/Elrohir/Elladan's reunion was very, very poingant. It was exceedingly well done. I especially liked the way Elladan initially refused to accept his Brother's state of Life. The bit where he opens his heart to Elrohir, and the sword clatters to the ground, Oh, YES! YES! YYAAAAYYYY!! Ah, yes, that was good. There were also a few touches everywhere that brought a smile to my face, such as:

Elladan laughed as he was pulled along by Elrohir. His heart was light, his greatest wish had been granted, he was whole again. Whole and more. Yes, He thought as he ran into the gardens, towards a weeping willow that no longer cried, all was right with the world.

What a lovely ending. I applaud you.

Author Reply: Hey. Hmmm, where to start?
OK, first, I'm not upset. Not at all. Quite honestly, I knew the whole thing was a big risk. Kind of wish I'd thought of your idea actually! Your Silm knowledge is without fault and I can fully understand why you don't like it.
Perhaps if I ever think of something better, I'll edit it!

I am glad it wasn't all bad and I thank you for giving me the bad news first! It means a lot that you like the way I write, shows it wasn't a complete disaster!

I know we didn't start off on the right foot, but I'm happy you still feel you can comment. I think it's a natural reaction - we all want to be told we're wonderful, no matter how hard we try to accept critisim!
I hope we've both learned something from this, if we have, well, it was all worth it! (Jeeeze, would you listen to me!)

I mean it when I say feel free to *tactfully! ;)* comment on any of my other fics , should you feel so inclined!

Hum. Seems your habit of writing long reviews is rubbing off!

Take Care,

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/12/2004
hi there, so glad to see Elrohir back, can not have only half of a pair of twins. Lord Elrond and Elladan are going to be so happy to see him. What did the Valar sent him back to do? looking forward to more

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/12/2004
Elrohir lives!!! HE LIVES!!! And he is reunited with his father at the end! WAHOO! =D I love it. Great job, I was hoping Aragorn would find Elrohir alive.


Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/11/2004
I have to admit it, I'm confused. If Elrohir wasn't dead, where was he? What did happen to him? And where did he reappear from, only to get caught by orcs? I hope you'll explain everything in the next chapter!


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