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A Question of Duty by daw the minstrel | 15 Review(s) |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/12/2015 |
I find myself proud of both Legolas and Beliond. Both now have a better feel for the reality of the danger facing them here in the wider world, and Beliond realizes that Legolas will indeed be needed on this quest. Author Reply: It was a hard decision for both of them. It pulled them right out of the path they each thought they were on. | |
endorearwen | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/16/2013 |
So, it is over, Daw. I thought I'd have a novel of feedback for you when I finally got here, but everything was as perfect as anyone could ever have imagined writing it. There is nothing I could say that would do it, or you, justice. So, THANK YOU from the very pit of my broken heart for creating such a wonderful life for the Legolas I love in Tolkien's works! I will miss you and your characters always and will re-read these stories repeatedly whenever the loneliness gets too bad... sniffle... :-) Author Reply: THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all these encouraging, comforting reviews. It's wonderful to see these characters through someone else's eyes, and know that they live for a while in another reader's mind and heart. daw | |
Annariel | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/5/2007 |
Magnificent, enthralling serie, minstrel! I just read to last story in chronological order and i'm very impressed with the universe you have created where to OC's are dear to my heart. I would like to know if someday you are going to write about Beliond come back to Mirkwood with Legolas, the Thranduil and Legolas' brothers reacton about the inclusion of Legolas in the Quest; the return of Legolas from the Quest; his longing to dwell in Ithilien, and the most important: the Mirkwood reaction about the friendship betwwen Legolas and Gimli. Some things and I hope you will animate to write some day ;) Many greetings and well met Annariel Author Reply: I don't have any plans to write about the time of the Quest or afterwards. I know lots of people are interested in that but for some reason, it doesn't catch my imagination. I'm so glad you liked these stories, Annariel. | |
mer | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/18/2005 |
I love all of your stories but this one often brings me back. I was enchanted with your portrayal of Legolas in this well known situation--mature and away from home with no brothers or father around. This story is so well written and flows smoothly and the characters are richly portrayed. I have asked before and I will repeat it once again for the record. Could you please, someday, write an epilogue to this story about what happens when Beliond returns without Legolas? Author Reply: You know, I've felt no desire to write the story of Beliond's return, but an epilogue might be just the ticket. I'll think about it. | |
MaxMacGyver | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/5/2004 |
I have spent the last week reading all of your stories posted here. (yes, ALL) I followed the chronological list you have in your profile, and just finished this last one. I am so impressed with your writing, that I cannot even begin to praise you as much as you deserve. This is the first review I have posted here on Stories of Arda, and I can only think of one thing of import to say: I became so immersed in your stories and they were so well written, that I quite often forgot that I was reading fanfiction, and thought I was reading Tolkien himself. That is the highest praise I can think of to give. I will now forever await new stories from you with anticipation. I cannot bring myself to read works in progress, because I simply can't stand not knowing what happens next! But I will be diving into your current WIP, "Good Neighbors" as soon as it is complete. Thank you for contributing your works to Stories of Arda and sharing your amazing talent with those of us who hunger for stories of Middle Earth written as Tolkien envisioned it. Author Reply: I am speechless. I truly don't know what to say except thank you for telling me this. The fact that you read all those stories in a week is enough to make me want to lie down, but then you go and say such nice things! I had never written fiction at all until I started writing these stories, and you could probably tell which ones were written earlier because I've been learning the craft slowly. But the characters have gradually come alive for me, and I'm having a good time trying to fit them into Tolkien's world. Thank you. You've made my day, and possibly my week. | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/29/2004 |
Got it!! As far as I can recall without excessive rereading, didn't Eilian's novitiate take place at the end of the Watchful Peace - when Annael's grandfather died? And Lorellin was wanting another baby, and Eilian thought his parents decided against it because he was so difficult? Then, I seem to remember he told Legolas that he was twenty years younger than he should have been. Author Reply: That's all true, Bodkin, but I wrote that long after I had written "Question of Duty" and a number of other stories in which Legolas's birthdate was already in my notes. | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/29/2004 |
Well - I have been looking through this to see if I can read between any lines to find out who will be safe from the Battle of the Five Armies! H'mmmm. I fear for Todith. I've also noticed that Legolas now has a date of birth! Any reason why you picked 2480 of the Third Age? Or is it randomly decided to fit your world? So Eilian was 348 when he married Celuwen - and they've been married for the best part of 200 years. Elflings definitely due. And little nephew Sinnarn is 418 - he's old enough to marry Emmelin, no question. This elven age thing is interesting. Sorry this comment is not about QofD, which I have enjoyed several times. Author Reply: I am trying to remember why I picked 2480. I know I wanted Legolas relatively young for the Quest, so I chose to believe that he was born around the time of the Watchful Peace. But why did I say he was born 20 years after it ended? I can't remember. :-) I liked your speculations on how becoming an adult might be affected by the fact that the older generations don't die. | |
Kendall | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/21/2004 |
Dear author, Wauw, what a wonderful story! I had read several other stories of you before, but I didn't realise they were actually written by you until I saw your biography. Your style seems to be changing throughout your different stories, a thing that shows to me that you are progressing in your writing! I love the beginning of the story, as well as the end. Very well written. Actually, I love the entire story :) You have told about Legolas and his thoughts in a very capturing manner and I am very glad I came across this story on the net when I did. Thank you for sharing it with us! Author Reply: Thank you, Kendall. I hope I'm learning to write better. I had never written any fiction at all until about year and a half ago when I started writing fanfic. I still feel like I'm learning the craft. I have a very good beta reader who prods me along ("Show! Don't tell!" "That's not what Tolkien said!" etc.) This story was fun to write. I enjoyed thinking about Legolas might react if he'd never been to all these places before and was encountering so many new things. And I do think it must have been hard for him to decide to go with Frodo instead of defend his own people. I'm glad you enjoyed it. | |
ValkrieCrow92 | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/4/2004 |
I have to say this one is my favorite of your long series of stories. It's so addictive I keep coming back to it! I'd love to see what happens when Legolas returns home from the quest, and his family's reaction to his decision. Author Reply: Thank you, Valkrie Crow. If the story will stand rereading, I take that as a good sign. :-) Legolas's return from the Quest must have been a mixed experience on all sides. From what Tolkien sayd, the battle raged hot and heavy in the woods and many trees were burned. So his family would have had many other problems to deal with on top of their crushing worry for him. And then he would come home to a lot of destruction. It might indeed be interesting to write about some time. | |
Aloysius | Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/21/2004 |
It's interesting to see the Fellowship just meeting and starting to get to know each other, and you convey Legolas' thoughts and feelings about the situation really well. I like your portrayal of the other elves with him and I enjoyed seeing how his original mission developed into him joining the Fellowship. Author Reply: Thank you so much, Aloysius. This time in Rivendell seemed like an interesting gap in the story to me. Tolkien tells us so little about it. So it was fun to try to figure out one possible way things might have happened there. | |