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Choices  by Lindelea 10 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/7/2016
So good -- a story I've not seen told from this POV, and which is never really considered ... but of course there would be pain and heartbreak and desperate resolve over such a situation. It's not as simple as one would like it to be, and you've shown that well. Thanks for writing!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/16/2009
A great epilogue for a lovely story; and I loved Pippin's last farewell to Beregond - very Tookish! Pippin's always been my favorite hobbit...

Nienor NinielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/22/2006
Oh, I'm glad you wrote something about Beregond, and even several fics! You really show his fear and how he copes with it so well, and I also like that we see something of poor Pippin and his troll-adventure. It was interesting that you brought Beregond together with a relative of one of those he killed - I think I saw it only once, and it was done much differently. In your version, it is very good that we see Beregond's dilemma: although he would act the same if he could go back in time, he still is worried by what he had to do.

I'd read "To See Justice Done" before your other fics and really liked it, but I think I forgot to review, lazy me. But I'll review over on MEFA once I get through to it to make up for that. In fact, "To See Justice Done" made me cry quite a bit in the last chapter. As you see, I'm prone to crying over stories when they are emotional...

I'm reading "Duty" next, as it belongs together with the others.


PervincaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/9/2004
Beautiful, this was an absolute gem! Beregond has always been one of my favourite characters, despite his rather few appearances. This story did him complete justice AND increased my love for him! I'd love to see a sequel *hint* *hint* :P

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing! I have written another story from Bergil's point of view (thus you get to see Beregond again) but am stuck in the middle chapters. Perhaps I will dust it off and try to finish it.

Beregond also appears in "Frogs" and "All's Well That Ends Well".

Bergil appears in "At the End of His Rope" and "Where the Merlin Cries", though I must admit I haven't projected Beregond into the Fourth Age... yet.

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/19/2003

Author Reply: Thanks!

ShirelingReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/19/2003
If you keep writing stories like this I will need to invest in a waterproof keyboard.

You have managed to capture the pain, honour and regret of your characters so well.

Thank you for a lovely treat.

Author Reply: You're welcome! Thanks for reading and commenting.

A waterproof keyboard, eh? Hmmmm (rubbing chin). Perhaps there's gold to be found in this fanfic business after all. Just keep writing stories, and invest in stock in companies that manufacture waterproof keyboards...

HaiReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/19/2003
Oh that was very sweet! The wait was terrible for Beregond but I guess the out come was worth it! I like how you used the things Beregonds gran would say through out the whole story! That was neat. You wrote very good on a topic that really doesn't get that much detail in the books, thanks for filling in some of those gaps!

Author Reply: Thank you. I imagine Beregond's wise old gran shaped his character back in Lossarnach. This (Beregond's "crime" and his trial) is one of the things about the original that always left me wanting more.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/18/2003
That may have been the perfect ending. I love the part with the swords at the end. I think it was a very fitting way for two warriors to say good-bye. I am already looking forward to your next story.

Author Reply: Thanks for the kind words!

Tim the EnchanterReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/18/2003
My mind is still absorbing my recent viewing of the "Two Towers" extended DVD and I cannot review in any real depth yet, but I'll forget if I don't say something now. Beregond's Gran sounds like a very wise lady and I have greatly enjoyed your story.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed the story. I would love to meet Beregond's wise old Gran, indeed, after hearing so much about her. Did you enjoy the extended DVD? I finally have a ticket to see ROTK on the 18th! (Couldn't make it earlier. Schedule conflict. Such is life.)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/18/2003
Oh, what a wonderful ending!!!

"I would rather have died than let the Captain die because I was too fearful to take action."

Wow. And this just gives me chills all over, it's so perfect:

"He drew his sword, and it caught the light of the rising sun as he held it high. On the opposite hilltop, he saw the glint of the sun from another upraised sword, and he watched until it was gone from sight as Pippin's pony descended behind the hill."

I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound, your praise always means much, considering the source (one of my favourite authors).

My dh says you write reviews well, too, and wants to use your review to show his students an example of how to provide feedback.

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