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Entrapment  by phoenix23531

A Brief Introduction: This story was a response to KatharinetheGreat's story "Three Guys, Some Wine, and a Really Funny Joke," which I highly recommend. (Actually, I recommend any of her stories.) This was inspired by the challenge at the end of the short story, where she says, and I quote:

"*snicker* This absurd little tale marks the second appearance of the Joke That Does Not Exist(tm). The Joke That Does Not Exist(tm) begins as follows: "A Dwarf and a tree stump walk into a tavern..." It was first mentioned in More Than An Archer, wherein we were given that first line, but nothing more. Legolas apparently repeated that joke at the beginning of this piece, but as it is the Joke That Does Not Exist(tm), it does not exist. ^_^

If, however, I am
begged to do so (and if I am bribed with, oh, say, flowers and chocolates from Oropher, Thranduil, Legolas, Celeborn, Haldir, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel, Olwë, Elwë, Finwë, Maedhros, Maglor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Gil-Galad, Finarfin, Finrod, Brandir, Beren, Elros, Aragorn, Éomer, Faramir, Théodred, Imrahil, Saeros, Tinuv”l, Tanglinna, and/or any other yummies I'm forgetting at the moment-good luck, by the way; most of them are married!), I might be convinced to come up with a joke for the Joke That Does Not Exist(tm). Till then, though, it will remain the Joke That Does Not Exist(tm). ^_^ "

This story is heavily influenced by characters from the Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, etc. For anyone who has as much trouble as I do keeping all the names and faces straight, might I recommend the Encyclopoeadia of Arda online.

Though this is a finished story, I GREATLY!!! appreciate any and all reviews.  I am currently working on another piece, and find that the reviews are extremely helpful as a guage and a guide to my writings.  Please Please Please review!

The Usual Disclaimers apply: I do not own any of these characters. Those not created by the Master himself (Tanglinna, Tavor and Brethil) belong to TreeHugger, and her permission was granted for their use herein. (Thanks again, by the way!!)

Hope you enjoy it!


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