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The Return of Elrond's Precious!  by Calairiel Malromiel

Elrohir was watching the Hobbits going busily about their business and was gratified they seemed well-fed and happy. He was waiting for his friend Legolas and was relieved he didn’t have long to wait before his friend plopped down beside him.

“How is Gimli faring?” he asked.

“He’s doing surprisingly well. I’ve noticed that both he and our Hobbit friends seem quite fit and hale, considering their age.” Legolas said.

“Yes, this land has increased their years astonishingly. I just fear we’ll get used to having them around and then they’ll leave us.” Elrohir said.

“I think we’ll know. And it won’t be the failing of their bodies that decides that.” Legolas observed.

“What else can it be?”

“Well, Bilbo was quite elderly when he sailed and so was Sam. Both are as they were in their youth. I don’t think their bodies will cease working, but I think their fëar will. I think they’ll just become weary one day and they’ll go to sleep and not awaken.”

“Like the men of old?” Elrohir asked.

“Yes, something like that. Right now they are building and organizing their people into a new way of life. They have purpose. But one day it’ll be done and then what will they have to tie them here?” Legolas said.

“I find I would wish it otherwise.” Elrohir sighed.

“I share your wish. And it’s not like either of their people would outgrow this land.”

Snorting, Elrohir said, “Not with the Valar adding bits of debris every couple of months.”

Neither expected to see the dwarves out and about for at least another century as they were busy carving out their new dwarrow. But one thing they had now they never had in their beginnings or any other time during their great delvings, was the willing hands of both the Noldor and the maiar of Aulë. In fact, the Great Mahal himself had made many visits to their delving and had even built them a bridge and then Hallowed it so it would never fail. The dwarves called it Mahal’s Blessed Pathway.

Legolas leaned back. Closing his eyes to enjoy the sunshine dappling in through the leaves. Elrohir was having a hard time reconciling his friend's visage without his warrior's braids. He supposed there was no need for them here and he’d noted that all the Woodelves had stopped wearing them.

Eyes still closed, Legolas said, “So...are you ever going to approach me for permission to court my daughter?” and then opened an eye to peer at his friend when all that had come out of him was a strangled noise, adding, “Well, you are certainly Elladan’s brother! You both suck at wooing the ladies, I hope you know.”

“You would approve of such?” Elrohir asked incredulously, and then proceeded to babble, “She’s glorious. But I thought it so disrespectful! You’re my gwador, after all. Are you saying she might be interested in my suit? Wait! What do you mean my brother sucks at wooing?” but in looking at Legolas for an answer he found his friend doubled over in laughter and realized he’d probably not get an answer to that last one.

“She likes you and if you feel the same then I will give my blessings to your courtship.” and then snorted as his friend got a besotted look upon his face as he breathed, “She likes me….?” and knew he’d be get no sensible answer from his friend. At least for the time being. But he wasn’t letting him leave until he got a promise of good faith from him. Friend or not, he wasn’t going to let him play with his daughter’s affections. It was creepy enough that Elladan was going to be his brother-in-honor while Elrohir would be his son-in-honor! eesh!



“So what is the deal with Eluréd and Elurín?” Elrond asked Thranduil after he’d bore witness to some of their mischief, mostly benign as far as he could see, though certainly a nuisance if what he saw was any indication of what they’d been up to.

“Your uncles, you mean? I will admit that I don’t know a great deal about them. They were already here when I arrived and according to Cirdan, or rather Lord Nowë, they were already here when he and his Falathrim arrived. They were perfectly happy to share the island and only seemed adverse to going back to the mainland. Nowë seems to think they were here to be close to their sister.” Thranduil said, referring to her imprisonment in the Tower of Pearl and indeed, Elwing and Eärendil had settled in Nowë’s port city. 

Nimloth and Dior were frequent visitors to the city and had even made the trek to the forest to see their sons, as the eccentricities of the twins were already legendary! Conversely, Idril and Tuor had gone to Arcoa Maril, Fingolfin’s city, to be near Turgon and Elenwë. 

“When we arrived they already had a well established village. They are both wed and each have at least a dozen children.” and then looking at Elrond with a grin, added, “Say! That means you have lots and lots of cousins. For someone who had next to no family growing up, you appear to have one of the largest now.”

“That rather knocks off Fëanor's crown for fathering the most children of the Eldar. But that really doesn’t answer my question, you know.”

“He can still claim it on behalf of the Noldor - he has nine children, after all.” he grinned, “But you refer to the mischief, do you not. Well, they are a bit on the fey side and wild, but I find that’s what I like best about them. That and their aversion to their grandsire who keeps sending messages to me to present them to him immediately - as though I’m hiding them from him!” he sniffed.


“No idea and it’s none of my affair.”

“But if they’re in your forest…?”

“Elrond, they were here before us. Technically, it’s their forest. Truly, I think the only reason they’re happy we’re here is now their descendants have a better courting pool.”

“I’m glad to know I’m not the only one interested in seeing children and grandchildren wed.”

“Think how long Fëanor had to wait. Of seven sons, only one managed to produce a child before they all left to wage war on the world.”

“Yes, but as it was pointed out to me recently, if they didn’t I wouldn’t even exist.”

“That is true and I wouldn’t wish for a world without you. But I also have to wonder at all the people that never were because their potential parents were killed for no reason whatsoever.” pausing and added, “And they were killed for no reason whatsoever.”

“The Oath…”

“Bound only seven. It bound no one else. It makes you wonder...I know it’s made me wonder…” Thranduil said with a far-away glint in his eye.

And indeed, Elrond had wondered! For his uncles had died at the hands of those who followed the Fëanorions and were bound by no oath.



Fingolfin was currently riding towards his nephew's village, for he knew his brother and sister in honor were still there for the birth of Celegorm’s twins who had just recently arrived. He was riding upon his steed and old faithful friend, Rochallor - a gift from his Lord Námo - who was now somewhat like Huan was to Celegorm. The only difference being that instead of staying with him physically at all times as Huan did with Celegorm, Rochallor resided in the gardens and plains of Námo. That plane that only became visible to those of the ainu. 

There Rochallar pranced and played in bliss until he heard the call of his friend. Then he would appear instantly beside his master and their reunion was always joyous. Fingolfin could have mind-travelled there, himself, but he enjoyed the sensation that one could only get from riding wildly across the land, the wind whipping through his hair. It was the only time he felt so free. 

Eventually, he felt Rochallor beginning to flag, and though he’d been brought back as fey-spirit - a minor elemental, himself - and there was none faster or indefatigable, save Nahar, he still had a body of flesh which needed to rest and take nourishment. Finding a tree under which to rest and enjoy watching the flora and fauna at play, while Rochallor contentedly munched nearby. 

He must have fallen into a light doze for he felt, rather than saw, his lord arrive and rousing himself he attempted to clamber to his feet, when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see Námo’s kind face smiling down upon him.

“Hello, Ñolo. Stay - no need to arise.”

“Greetings, my lord. Did I miss your call?” Fingolfin asked worriedly. He’d never not heard Námo’s call before. Perhaps he disapproved of his play time….

Chuckling, Námo shook his head, saying, “I don’t disapprove of what you call your playtime, hína. For all your perceived rebellion, you are an incredibly sweet and joyous Eruhíni.”

Hesitating, for it was a shockingly nice thing Mandos had just said, he asked, “Perceived…?”

But Námo answered the unasked question immediately and firmly, “Perceived, as in, what some of the Aratar consider rebellion. In my own view it demands obedience while overlooking how you children were hard-wired.”

“Hard...wired. I’m sorry lord, I don’t understand.” Fingolfin was feeling out of his depth, even with his new understanding of things. It dawned on him he didn't know half as much as he thought he did and even less than he thought he should.

“Hard-wired in this case means that aspect of your people that was ingrained within you at the very spark of your creation. It is indomitable and impossible to constrain. Nor should it be.”

“I understand, lord. Thank you for explaining it to me.”

“You know, híni, while I appreciate your respect and your attempts to be humble, that’s not the aspect of you I valued when I made my offer to you.” Námo smirked, adding, “The Being I valued and liked is the one you allow yourself be when you’re around Aiwendil and Olórin. If I wanted another submissive maiar there would have been no need to change you.”

Smiling, Fingolfin said, “So you want….”

“I want the same person who blew raspberries in my presence and told me to stuff it to my face. That’s who I want.” Námo quickly completed, causing Fingolfin to burst into merry laughter that took him several moments to subdue.

“I think I understand, lord. But you have to know that I was just being proper and I am truly appreciative of the gift you’ve bestowed upon me.”

“Proper...yes. A bit like how you were all taught to comport yourselves in your father’s court. But it hasn’t escaped my notice that none of you spend any time there even after the ban was lifted.” Námo said dryly.

Chuckling, Fingolfin nodded, “Aye. That’s true. Ara least of all. And I have to admit I pray for blessings on him everyday for his forethought when it came to us. He has the sea. I have my glass and plains. And Náro has a kingdom worthy of his talents and is surrounded by his family.”

“Speaking of family, there is one among you who is bereft and he’s still important to events that will play out in the distant future. It has come to my attention that a special boon will be granted to him. I just wanted you to know, for it will directly affect many in your family, including yourself.”

Eyes widening, Fingolfin said, “Do tell…..!”



Fëanor was sitting out on the veranda with Celegorm and each had an infant in their lap as Ealanna and Nerdanel settled the eldest boy, Caranor, down for a nap. Fëanor was holding the little ellon, Tinuher who reminded him nostalgically of Celegorm, himself, when he’d been a babe. His sister, Lossë, was being cuddled and spoiled by her besotted atar and Fëanor saw a lot of indulgence in the girl’s future. He couldn’t really blame him! She reminded him of the flower blossoms she’d been named for. And since hers was the only Quenya name, Celegorm must have insisted on naming this one child!

Caranor was Sindarin for red spark, no doubt for his flame colored hair that he’d gotten from his haruni and Tinuher was star spark as he was the image of his sire. The little blossom that was Lossë had enough red in her silver hair that it actually looked pink - thus the name!

He was currently patting Tinuher's back while he nestled on his shoulder, waiting for the burp that let him know he wouldn’t have an upset tummy after his meal, when he looked up suddenly and said, “Ñolo’s coming.” and sure enough the sound of hooves could be heard approaching in the distance.

“How do you do that?” Celegorm asked.

“He’s my brother. You know when yours are near.” Fëanor said, rolling his eyes and handing the baby off to Nerdanel who had just joined them. Celegorm did the same, reluctantly, to his wife, who pecked him on his cheek, giggling as he blushed and took the babe inside to feed her.

Ñolo and Rochallor rounded the bend and Ñolo leapt off his steed’s back and ran to pick up his brother gleefully and spun him around in joy. 

A startled Fëanor exclaimed, “Let me down, Ñolo! Why are you so happy?"

“Something wonderful is going to happen! Are Nelyo and Laurë still here?”

“Yes, of course. They are still within the guest telain in the royal quarter so they can tease their brothers when they finally come out for air.”

“Oh good! You all need to pack a few things so I can take you to their village.”

“Surely you don’t mean us!” Celegorm exclaimed, “My wife just delivered our babes!”

“Oh, I’ll take care of that.” Fingolfin said and started reaching towards Celegorm.

Nerdanel was confused, but Fëanor wasn’t and exclaimed, “Ñolo, No!”

And Fingolfin grinned wickedly as he answered, “Ñolo, Yes!” and touching Celegorm’s arm the two vanished.

Nerdanel blinked and Fëanor looked at her and said, "He's so insufferable now!" 

Nerdanel merely shrugged and said, "I would be too, if I could do that. And so would you!" and Fëanor couldn't argue with that!



Celegorm found himself inside the talan his parent’s had been assigned and found a remarkably unstartled Woodland couple who simply bowed and curtsied and asked what they needed. Fingolfin asked if there were guestrooms and the two nodded, yes.

“Very good. Could you show him where they are and then he’ll instruct you on what he’ll need brought since he has a very young little boy and a pair of newborns, yes?!!”

The two beamed and the ellith said, “Oh yes, my lord. Come along young ellon.” she said kindly and Celegorm after a brief and bemused look at his uncle, simply nodded and followed.

Fingolfin then vanished.



Reappearing back where he started, sans Celegorm, Fingolfin advised those remaining to grab those things they needed - especially the children’s things and to be ready before Anar was overhead.

“But I just got Caranor to sleep!” Ealanna exclaimed.

“Can you lift him without waking him? Because I can make sure he stays asleep if that is your wish.” Fingolfin said.

“Yes. But I need to let my parents know I’m leaving.” she said, already knowing she had no choice in the matter.

“You go pack and I’ll go and tell your parents.” Nerdanel said and off she went.

“And we already have our belongings at the talan. Those things we brought here can stay as we’ll wish to return after whatever happens, happens.” Fëanor said, wryly.

“Very good.” and Fingolfin walked over to where Rochallor was happily whinnying away to Huan, who had joined him, recognizing a kindred spirit. Fëanor watched as his brother and the steed touched foreheads with Fingolfin reached up to stroke the horse’s muzzle. Then the horse nuzzled his master, bowed to Huan and vanished, whereupon Fingolfin returned.

“You sent him away?” Fëanor asked, adding, “Where did you send him?”

“I didn’t send him anywhere - he sent himself. When he was returned he was something like Huan. It’s still him but he’s some sort of fey-spirit and can speak to me now.” smiling, Fingolfin said, “He wouldn’t go back to Námo’s plains unless I promised to ride with him later. I consented, of course. We both know how much I enjoy it.”

“Námo seems to be showing you great favor, brother.” Fëanor said.

“Yes, gifting me Rochallor was beyond generous. I’ve always felt guilty about his death. He was a valiant and loyal steed. But Lord Námo is also not adverse to telling me when I’ve screwed up.”

“Screwed up? You?” Fëanor asked incredulously. 

Snorting with laughter, Fingolfin said, “Why do you say it like that? We both know I’ve made monumental screw ups in my life. Especially in my first life, anyway. But why would you think this life would be any different?”

“Ok - spill it!” Fëanor demanded with a lifted brow.

“Nothing so dramatic, brother. He just let me know that he didn’t change me just to gain another obsequious servant.”

Gaping at him, Fëanor shook himself and said, “What in the world did you do for him to say that?” 

And when Fingolfin hesitated, Fëanor glared at him and Fingolfin relented by saying, “I addressed him as I would atar while in his court.”

Now confused, Fëanor asked, “I don’t understand.”

“He thinks atar’s court pretentious and stuffy.”

“Mandos! Mandos thinks atar’s court is stuffy? As in rigid? Lord Doomsman thinks atar’s court is….is”

Interrupting him, Fingolfin said, “Yes. He does. And he also noted that since the ban was lifted none of us spends any time there. He’s right, you know. Oh, I know you didn’t get a chance to experience Beleriand, but I’m here to tell you that at times it was exhilarating there. I have no more desire to go back to the life I had before than I do in challenging Morgoth again.”

“You hate atar’s court that much?” Fëanor asked, mystified. 

“Yes! And apparently, so do you! Ara is easy to figure out. He walked out in a huff and never returned. I don’t blame him. But for me? Atar certainly didn’t seem to enjoy his stay in my city and the only conclusion I could come to was it was the company that displeased him.” he said, shrugging, for it no longer stung.

Fëanor looked as though he wished to argue the matter, but Nerdanel returned at that moment and went inside. Then she came out and handed a babe to him and then she disappeared inside for another moment and came out with the other babe and a large travel bag, followed by Ealanna, gingerly holding a sleeping Caranor and a similar bag.

“Are we ready then?” Fingolfin asked, impressed with just the two bags.

“Of course not! There’s a trunk that needs to come along, too.” Nerdanel said, rolling her eyes.

Chuckling, Fingolfin said, “Of course there is!” and went inside, but came back out without the trunk. “Don’t worry, I have it.” and then, “Now stand together, if you please.” and when they complied they found themselves in Fëanor and Nerdanel’s talan without Fingolfin appearing to have twitched a muscle.

Fëanor looked at his brother in approval, saying, “You’re getting good at that!” and the only response he got was a grin before Fingolfin reached into his pocket and pulled out something. He set it on the ground and gestured at it and the truck appeared full sized. Fëanor pursed his lips and said, "Alright - now I'm jealous!"

Fingolfin only grinned again and disappeared.

His next stop was tracking down Maedhros and Maglor and instructing them to stay put. He had two more stops after that and the one would take care of the other. 

And he had to admit to himself that this was the most fun he’d had in decades!



Elrond awoke with a sense of urgency he couldn’t explain. He tried to fall back asleep but the persistent niggle wouldn’t leave him no matter how he tried to calm himself until he finally got carefully out of bed, so no to disturb his wife, and threw on some clothes to step outside into the fresh crisp air.

And there he stood! His brother Elros, looking very much like the last time Elrond had seen him before he’d made his choice to live among the second born. Elrond thought his eyes must be playing tricks on him, but his brother walked over to him and embraced him fiercely, saying, “I’ve missed you brother.”


“Elros? Is it really you?” Elrond whispered, brokenly. And then he felt the familiar brush of his brother’s mind and he returned his brother’s embrace with a desperation as if to reassure himself he was real and not a cruel wraith.

When he pulled back to look at his brother he saw his brother’s eyes and noted they were just like Fingolfin’s eyes and his brother nodded. “Yes. I’ve come from the Timeless Halls. I am as you will be one day. But for this time I am granted leave to reside here until the unmaking of the world.”

“We believed that you were lost to us. My daughter wed with one of your descendants and she was denied the option to join him Beyond the Circles of the World.”

“Yes. That was because the choice was only given to our parents and ourselves. We made the choice for our descendants. That was the Judgement. And I’m afraid anything else I know of that realm I cannot speak of.” he said apologetically, then smiled and said, “But I’m here with you now and I am so glad to see you, brother.” and taking his hand, added, “Come brother! There are others here who wish to say hello and we better get it over with.” 

And Elros led his brother into a section where Fëanor and Nerdanel’s talan was next to the talan of Maedhros and his family and where Maglor was also staying. And sitting around a campfire and talking lowly were Fëanor and Fingolfin sitting with Eluréd and Elurín along with Eärendil and Elwing. 

Spotting the brothers, Eärendil leapt up and went to embrace them both, with Elwing hot on his heels and soon the little family were reunited for the first time in Ages. Elros was serene, but happy and tears were streaming down Elrond's face as well as their parents’.

Elrond chanced to see Fingolfin glance at the talan and narrow his eyes while pursing his lips and in a matter of moments Maedhros and Maglor burst from the talan, looking agitated and Elrond realized what or rather whom, had awoken him. Catching his eye, Fingolfin winked and Elrond grinned back at him.

As their parents walked them over to the fire, Maedhros and Maglor just stood stunned, staring at Elros like they were seeing a vision, until Elros walked over and said, “Hello, atars. You both look marvelous. It’s good to see you thusly.” and his voice broke the spell holding them and they fell upon him joyously, hugging and kissing him with tears of joy running down their cheeks. Once he extricated himself, he went to greet his uncles, who actually seemed the most sanguine over the whole matter and Elrond realized that probably helped to tone down the jubilation of the others.

Elrond went over to his grandfather and said, “You did this, didn’t you?”

“I did not.” Fingolfin smiled, “But I will admit that I was tasked to assist those who did.”

“Assist? Pah!” Nerdanel exclaimed, and looking at Elrond, said, “He brought everybody here from the four corners of Aman!”

“Thaaat’s a bit of a stretch, sister.” Fingolfin said.

“Elrond’s daughter is here, is she not? As is Turgon, Elenwë, Idril and Tuor, no?” Fëanor challenged, adding smugly, “I do believe that qualifies as the four corners of Aman!” and Fingolfin felt he could quibble about that, but wisely decided to let it go.

“Thank you, grandfather!” Elrond said earnestly.

“Indeed yes, grandfather!” Elros echoed, adding, “And I can’t wait to get to know you better!”

“I will enjoy that, too!” Fingolfin smiled, "Welcome home, Elros!"




Haru - grandfather
Haruni - grandmother
Hína - child
Eruhíni - Children of Ilúvatar

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