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To Rescue a Damsel  by Lindelea

Chapter 2. Taking the Good with the Bad

On good days, Farry’s father would walk from his study to the Thain’s apartments, with the help of his sturdy Stick, and with two cousins flanking him, to steady him if necessary. The Thain’s study had once been connected to the Thain’s apartments, but some time ago, the Steward had arranged for one of the best parlours, with a panoramic view of the Green Hills, to be made over into a study for the Thain. This was inconvenient, in that the Thain or his family members had to walk from the depths of the Great Smials, where the Thain’s apartments were kept, to the face of the great cliff that overlooked the Smials courtyard, to reach the study, or vice versa.

But Pippin was fond of saying that the view was worth any amount of inconvenience, and as Diamond could deny him nothing (or practically nothing), she did not begrudge the exercise necessary to consult her husband on the smallest matter, during the hours he was to be found at his desk.

On days of dreary rain, or bone-chilling cold (the damp kind, that makes a body feel chilled and achy all over), the Thain suffered his servants or cousins to carry him from one place to another. Not for him was a wheeled conveyance, the likes of the kind that Mistress Lalia had used in her time. No, not with his own sister accused of neglect, or worse, in the matter of Lalia’s death, when her wheeled chair had somehow bumped over the threshold of the Great Door, causing the old hobbit to tumble down the steps to her death. Pearl had been her attendant at the time, and the Talk had assigned the blame to her, ever afterward. For the world, Pippin would not remind his beloved Pearl of that terrible time.

On this day, Pippin laid aside his pen, which he’d been using to scratch figures and calculations as he and Regi had talked, and stretched. ‘That’s a good day’s work,’ he said. ‘Come now, Regi, it’s time for tea. The work will still be there on the morrow, whether we work past teatime, or no.’

‘I vote no,’ Ferdibrand said from the doorway. ‘I was just coming to fetch you away, cousin. Diamond charged me most earnestly to separate you from your desk in time for tea.’

‘Well then,’ Pippin said. ‘Who am I to stop you? I would hate for you to run afoul of my dear wife!’

‘As would I,’ Ferdi said. ‘Your Diamond is not one to run afoul of. Or do I mean, “of whom to run afoul?” Or…’

Not one of whom to run afoul, rather!’ Pippin said, seeming pleased at the wordplay.

‘Be that as it may,’ Ferdi said severely, with a significant glance at the clock. ‘We are running the risk of running afoul, the longer we discuss the matter.’

Pippin threw up his hands. ‘Spare me!’ he said, and then put his hands down, to brace himself as he rose from his chair with an effort. The adults in the room – Regi and Ferdi – took care not to notice how much it cost him, but the children, of course, cheered this sign that the work day was ended and family time about to begin.

‘Hurrah!’ Farry said. ‘Teatime at last!’ The twins, for their part, chortled and clapped their fat little hands.

At last, is it?’ I suppose you’re hungry!’ Pippin grunted, and then he sighed in relief as he gained his balance on his one good leg.

‘Always!’ Farry said with a laugh, gaining his own feet and extending his hands downward, one for each twin, that he might help them toddle along, at least until some larger hobbit in the corridor succumbed to their charm and picked them up, to carry them homeward.

‘Aw-ways!’ echoed little Forget-me-not, and Merigrin gave an emphatic nod while adding his own, ‘Uh-huh!’

Regi moved quickly to Pippin’s side, without appearing to hurry, and Ferdi just as casually took his place on the other side, proffering Pippin’s heavy walking stick. Pippin took his stick in hand and leaned heavily on it, while Regi moved the Thain’s chair out of his way. Farry watched, without appearing to watch, and breathed a little easier as his father slowly began to make his way to the door, Regi and Ferdi flanking him in case he should falter.

It was one of the good days.

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