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The Greatest Gift of All  by Rhapsody

This story was written for Sivan as a pinch hit request for the Many Path's to Tread Yule Fic exchange 2013.

Sivan's request: I would like an angst hurt/comfort story about Galadriel, Elrond and Arwen.

Beta: the fabulous Wenont.

There are of course no bishops in Middle-earth. Yet the game chess is mentioned in Tolkien’s books by Gandalf and Pippin, when they discuss pawns and pieces on the board in Return of the King.

For a while, I have been pondering how the pieces would be called and I came up with the following:
Bishop: wizard
Rook: marchwarden
Knight: ranger
The rest of the pieces would keep their names, in my view.

Indis’Gambit, is the end board of a game of chess where one pawn made it across the board and is exchanged for an extra queen. Basically, Galadriel and Glorfindel ended up playing the King’s Indian Defence Belov vs Prohorov where Glorfindel still will lose the game to Galadriel, even with three queens.

My dearest friend Wenont gave me the translation for grandmother. Thank you so much for that!

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